when are we getting more premium channels / HD premium channels?

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While D* is the leader in HD sports, they have one significant hole IMO. They need to get ESPNU HD. During college basketball and football seasons, there are a lot of games I watch on ESPNU. ESPNU HD is number one on my list of wants from D*. After that is more HBO/Max channels.
While D* is the leader in HD sports, they have one significant hole IMO. They need to get ESPNU HD. During college basketball and football seasons, there are a lot of games I watch on ESPNU. ESPNU HD is number one on my list of wants from D*. After that is more HBO/Max channels.

ESPNU would be nice...but would they keep it in the sports tier?, with the majority of black out channels on the sports pack I wonder why they would not add it to the total choice package, other then the obvious, preimum fee
ESPNU would be nice...but would they keep it in the sports tier?, with the majority of black out channels on the sports pack I wonder why they would not add it to the total choice package, other then the obvious, preimum fee

If you listen to what some say, supposedly ESPN wants D* to put ESPNU into a lower tier package and that's the hold up. I'm not sure if I necessarily believe that because the people who say this are D* employee/fan boys who will always take D*'s side no matter what and spin everything into somebody else's fault for why D* doesn't have certain channels. However it doesn't matter to me as I have the Premier package and HD Extra package and get everything anyway.
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Dump most of the shopping channels and there will be plenty of room for both sports and premiums.

I know what you are going to say. They make money off from the shopping channels. Well, as far as I'm concerned, reduce their CEO's salary by a few million and then maybe they won't need income from as many shopping channels.

I hope that the new Obama Administration investigates this ripoff. I'm paying a lot of money for this service and when I scroll through the channels it seems that more than half of them are either a shopping channel or they are playing a stupid infomercial.

You obviously have a different satellite service than I have. I'm sure the Obama administration will have more important issues to deal with than satellite programming.
Strong opinions expressed bluntly tend to polarize forum members and detract from productive discussion.

I was going to post "Comedy Central? Travel Channel? Locals? If I wanted crap like that, I'd have stayed with cable. Bring on the Premiums, we pay enough for them!"

but I realized I was falling into the trap mentioned above so I thought better of it.
Love the Premiums, always have, but.....I would probably get more use out of the regular cable channels in HD, Comedy Central (which I hear we are getting this month?), Headline News, E!, G4, etc...
Comedy and travel....then add a HD only package or add new packages to spice things up bit (Hey I can dream cant I)
"DirecTV has enough sports" really? As long as there is some sports channels or packages un-aired then they will try to get it.

This is why I will be seriously looking at Dish when my obligation is up.

Been a high level D* subscriber since 10-94.
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