when are we getting more premium channels / HD premium channels?

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 15, 2008
Mt. Morris, Michigan
hey everybody i was wondering:

1.when are we getting the rest of the HBO's, Cinemax's, Starz's, Showtimes and TMC's?

2. when will we get the rest of the HBO's, Cinemax's, Showtimes and TMC's in HD?

3. when are we getting the Encore's in HD?

4. when are we getting HBO and Cinemax On Demand?

5. when are we getting Movie Plex, Retro Plex and Indie Plex?

D* has plenty of sports already, they can mark that mission as accomplished. now work on the premium movie channels!!!
You could check any of the many other threads regarding same as opposed to yet another duplicate topic thread......


"DirecTV has enough sports" really? As long as there is some sports channels or packages un-aired then they will try to get it.

To me LIVE and 1st run events trump re-hashed reruns or things I can pick up via PPV or rental. Now I am NOT saying I too do not wish the new additions, BUT I think they do know what the majority of their user desire first.
hey everybody i was wondering:

D* has plenty of sports already, they can mark that mission as accomplished. now work on the premium movie channels!!!
I would like to see WGN-HD mainly for the sports.

The only current HD channels on Dish that are not on Direct that I would like to have are WGN and the Travel channel.
"DirecTV has enough sports" really? As long as there is some sports channels or packages un-aired then they will try to get it..
Really , What sport is left that D* doesn't cover, with either RSN's or a Sports package? Indy Car pack, T Ball :rolleyes:
I agree with Poster D* has the sports thing covered. Move on!
Really , What sport is left that D* doesn't cover, with either RSN's or a Sports package? Indy Car pack, T Ball :rolleyes:
I agree with Poster D* has the sports thing covered. Move on!

I dont know if there is or not, just saying that LIVE and 1st run, because the are NEW & FRESH, trumps reruns and rehashes of rentable or downloadable items to many, many users. I too say bring it all on, but I mean give it a break already. On all sides. Every day and new thread about the same things, the same crying like little kids, over and over again.
I too say bring it all on, but I mean give it a break already. On all sides. Every day and new thread about the same things, the same crying like little kids, over and over again.
When you excel in one area and Fail in another your bound to get complaints. D* Fails in Premiums. The carry the least and charge the most.
Obviously Premiums are demanded since you said it yourself, their are so many complaints about the same topics. Well its not going to stop untill D* does something other then add sports channels.
how do they "know" their customers want sports more than movies? PPV is a ripoff thats why i got the premium movie channels. theres no way id ever buy an out of market sports package and there are way too many blackouts and too little HD on Sports Pack, thats why I got rid of it.
Kids in the back seat:

"Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? "

See my point!

We get there, when we get there, save and sound and when possible based on the needs. Instead of overly-protesting here, actually CONTACT DirecTV; I have.
I'd like to commend "D" for not wasting bandwidth on any more premium Movie channels.

While I understand others feel differently and would not try to change any of those opinions, Just wanted to comment that the Premiums would be last on the list of anything I would want added.

Not trying to disparage anyone that feels differently.
the sports pack and out of market sports packages are the ones hogging bandwidth. 7 channels of the Australian Open? WTF?! tennis isnt even a sport!

Nor is watching a movie on HBO 8 after it has been released in a theater, made available on DVD, been offered on PPV and run repeatedly on HBO's 1-7.:)

Not a Tennis fan either, but give me a single camera feed on every player in the Aussie Open with their own bandwidth wasting channels long before adding any more Premiums in HD.

Now AMC or Travel in HD would be a different thing.
why should i pay 300 bucks for a Blue Ray player and 30 bucks per movie when i can record any HD movie off of HBO 9, Showtime 10, or Starz 11, and keep it forever, all for only 7 bucks a month?!

Nor is watching a movie on HBO 8 after it has been released in a theater, made available on DVD, been offered on PPV and run repeatedly on HBO's 1-7.:)

Not a Tennis fan either, but give me a single camera feed on every player in the Aussie Open with their own bandwidth wasting channels long before adding any more Premiums in HD.

Now AMC or Travel in HD would be a different thing.

I agree, left from Dish for this reason. Well one of the reasons, 50 HD PPV's are a complete waste of bandwidth. This is also a pathetic way to pad your national HD count. There is no need to have the same movie showing every other hour on a premium. Give me Travel, AMC, E! and G4 in HD; and you've got yourself one very satisfied customer.
Kids in the back seat:

"Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? Are there yet daddy? "

See my point!

We get there, when we get there, save and sound and when possible based on the needs. Instead of overly-protesting here, actually CONTACT DirecTV; I have.
Yes You have what you want Sports I'm guessing.

So no complaints people! Not in the D* threads anyway.
Your complainning way too much and obviously directv isn't going to add any New Premiums. So Pipe down. :rolleyes: YEA RIGHT!
Really , What sport is left that D* doesn't cover, with either RSN's or a Sports package? Indy Car pack, T Ball :rolleyes:
I agree with Poster D* has the sports thing covered. Move on!
All right the T Ball Thursday Ticket; Sign me up now. Will Little Timmy continue his hitting streak? For only 500 bucks a season you can find out! :D
Dump most of the shopping channels and there will be plenty of room for both sports and premiums.

I know what you are going to say. They make money off from the shopping channels. Well, as far as I'm concerned, reduce their CEO's salary by a few million and then maybe they won't need income from as many shopping channels.

I hope that the new Obama Administration investigates this ripoff. I'm paying a lot of money for this service and when I scroll through the channels it seems that more than half of them are either a shopping channel or they are playing a stupid infomercial.
Dump most of the shopping channels and there will be plenty of room for both sports and premiums.

I know what you are going to say. They make money off from the shopping channels. Well, as far as I'm concerned, reduce their CEO's salary by a few million and then maybe they won't need income from as many shopping channels.

I hope that the new Obama Administration investigates this ripoff. I'm paying a lot of money for this service and when I scroll through the channels it seems that more than half of them are either a shopping channel or they are playing a stupid infomercial.

its called capitalism and it aint goin away
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