no attitude hereWow, talk about attitude there ice!

I figured it would be one but if Scott feels the need for two forums then thats fine. Maybe start it as one and if two are needed (like when the C-Band area and 4DTV broke off into 2 forums) then break it offIt was my understanding that the ham radio and scanner forums were two separate forums!![]()
there was a ham forum a long time ago...maybe 4-5 years ago (maybe 6 I forget). It didnt have much traffic so it was closed outI dont certainty ever remember there being a ham radio forum here in the past five years that I have been here!
what are you talking about Bob? Myself and pro 96 were having some good conversation about police scannersIce, please dont let your personal convictions take place of a good topic.

uh Bob try again. I do know about how ham radio works so saying I know nothing about the topic is bull. Funny how you are supposedly putting words in my mouth when all I posted originally is "Scott if you need a mod for that area I can help out" and then you start attacking me. Please post where I was saying how to run the forum.After all If I suggest anything your jumping down my throat. And if thats the way you are acting towards me, I can only imagine why no one would want to be in our ham radio forum. Especially if you know nothing about the topic. Who are you to say what goes on in the ham radio forum, It has yet to be decided what goes on in there and not only that, I dont see anyone telling you how to run your area of this site! So why should you do the same to others. Its very hypocritical!
hmmm sounded like a jab to me.Also, I wasn't making a jab about Free to air, its a known fact that there is much more to ham radio than free to air, but then again you dont know because you dont have your ticket (aka callsign) So please, dont take it as a jab as its not. I know that you dont know because you wouldn't of said what you said if you knew.
uh sorry Bob but you were staff here before and you screwed that up. You had many many chances and you kept blowing it.How about this, Why not let me run with it
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