When are the Ham radio and Scanner forums going to launch?

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Wow, talk about attitude there ice!
no attitude here :)

It was my understanding that the ham radio and scanner forums were two separate forums! :cool:
I figured it would be one but if Scott feels the need for two forums then thats fine. Maybe start it as one and if two are needed (like when the C-Band area and 4DTV broke off into 2 forums) then break it off

I dont certainty ever remember there being a ham radio forum here in the past five years that I have been here!
there was a ham forum a long time ago...maybe 4-5 years ago (maybe 6 I forget). It didnt have much traffic so it was closed out

Ice, please dont let your personal convictions take place of a good topic.
what are you talking about Bob? Myself and pro 96 were having some good conversation about police scanners :)

After all If I suggest anything your jumping down my throat. And if thats the way you are acting towards me, I can only imagine why no one would want to be in our ham radio forum. Especially if you know nothing about the topic. Who are you to say what goes on in the ham radio forum, It has yet to be decided what goes on in there and not only that, I dont see anyone telling you how to run your area of this site! So why should you do the same to others. Its very hypocritical!
uh Bob try again. I do know about how ham radio works so saying I know nothing about the topic is bull. Funny how you are supposedly putting words in my mouth when all I posted originally is "Scott if you need a mod for that area I can help out" and then you start attacking me. Please post where I was saying how to run the forum.

Also, I wasn't making a jab about Free to air, its a known fact that there is much more to ham radio than free to air, but then again you dont know because you dont have your ticket (aka callsign) So please, dont take it as a jab as its not. I know that you dont know because you wouldn't of said what you said if you knew.
hmmm sounded like a jab to me.

How about this, Why not let me run with it
uh sorry Bob but you were staff here before and you screwed that up. You had many many chances and you kept blowing it.
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I've got a couple old crystal controlled ones from the Rat Shack days along with one of the newer ones :)

Pro-34....that one sounds like one I sold back when I worked for Rat Shack. Always wanted the "mac daddy" one...pro 2006 :)


I still have my Pro-2006 thats been modified to store 6400 channels. It was definatly one of the best in its time.
I still have my Pro-2006 thats been modified to store 6400 channels. It was definatly one of the best in its time.

sweet. I wish I could have got one back then. Sold a few of those to the scanner buffs :)
Thats when Radio Shack was the place for the scanner/cb/ham person. They had some cool stuff that sadly you cant get anymore from there :(
no attitude here :)

The way it was written certainty was perceived that way!

I figured it would be one but if Scott feels the need for two forums then thats fine. Maybe start it as one and if two are needed (like when the C-Band area and 4DTV broke off into 2 forums) then break it off

Cband and 4DTV are very similar topics, Ham radio and Scanners are completely diffrent topics. The only common trending is you can listen to ham radio on a scanner. But with ham radio there are multiple topics that have nothing to do with scanners.

there was a ham forum a long time ago...maybe 4-5 years ago (maybe 6 I forget)

4-6 years is a long time to not revisit a topic. Its like posting in a uverse forum 4 years ago when Uverse was non existent.

what are you talking about Bob? Myself and pro 96 were having some good conversation :)

Yes you indeed were, while I was typing my response. Took me a while though. :)

uh Bob try again. I do know about how ham radio works so saying I know nothing about the topic is bull. Funny how you are supposedly putting words in my mouth when all I posted originally is "Scott if you need a mod for that area I can help out" and then you start attacking me.

Iceberg I never attacked you, and you perceived it as such, infact with alot of my posts when ever they are directed twards your general line of area, you allways are the one to take it the wrong way. I dont know what it is, but with you (your the only one) that seems to take things wrong. Looking at my OP, I asked you if you were a ham radio op, and gave you my call sign. If you were, I was going to see about hooking up with you on Echolink. Its a very common thing to exchange call signs like that, and with you not knowing it, its not putting words into your mouth, its common knowledge that one should know as a ham radio op. I then suggested that ham radio forum should have moderators that have their tickets and gave an example of a situation where the moderator should have direct knowledge of the subject they are moderating over. Just like you have direct knowledge of FTA, Rocky has direct knowledge of dish, ect.

I cant help it if you perceive the message as such of an attack, because anyone who knows any little bit about ham radio knows that wasn't a direct attack

There is a difference between calling you a dirt bag (thats an attack - only used as an example) and posting what I posted. I cant fix stupid and if only you perceive it like an attack because you dont like me, when reality is much different there isnt nothing I can do about that. But being a Moderator here you should show great care about what is posted here and what you show to the public and our site sponsors. I know im the one to talk because of my past, Yea I screwed up but I learned my lesson. Is there anything I can do to change the past, nope, only the future. So please, do take great care before jumping on any member who is not a hacker! You have to be 100 percent positive what was said was the message intent! After this message I will be effectively walking away and going to bed! Why? Cause there's no more need to be discussing an attack that was never there.

hmmm sounded like a jab to me.

Ill leave that one alone.

uh sorry Bob but you were staff here before and you screwed that up. You had many many chances and you kept blowing it.

Nice of you to keep kicking a guy down. In fact I'm calling for your immediate resignation! Why? because you obvious have something against me and have to continuously bring up the past.. Is very obvious you cant let the past go! Ice, Im sorry that you cant forgive and forget. Im sorry that your so selfish to even bring that up. I lost all respect for you. But the truth is no matter how much good I do, you are the one who would still find a way to kick a guy down. Its very sad!

You know I understand that you have done alot for the Free to Air area, and I respect that, but its very sad when moderators get there kicks on kicking down members of this site no matter who the member is. For that you should resign.. Its no better than DBSTALK, and if you cant understand that, Im sorry for you.
Cband and 4DTV are very similar topics, Ham radio and Scanners are completely diffrent topics. The only common trending is you can listen to ham radio on a scanner. But with ham radio there are multiple topics that have nothing to do with scanners.
I guess if Scott decides to have the forum he'll have to decide if he wants one, two or none

Iceberg I never attacked you, and you perceived it as such, infact with alot of my posts when ever they are directed twards your general line of area, you allways are the one to take it the wrong way. I dont know what it is, but with you (your the only one) that seems to take things wrong.
I'm not taking it the wrong way. Please read what I wrote the first post. I offered to help with the area. That is the good natured person in me. Always wanting to help out. You started adding things about how I supposedly wanted to run that area. Interesting as I said nothing on the subject.

Looking at my OP, I asked you if you were a ham radio op, and gave you my call sign.
and I answered you as no I am not.

Its a very common thing to exchange call signs like that, and with you not knowing it, its not putting words into your mouth, its common knowledge that one should know as a ham radio op. I then suggested that ham radio forum should have moderators that have their tickets and gave an example of a situation where the moderator should have direct knowledge of the subject they are moderating over. Just like you have direct knowledge of FTA, Rocky has direct knowledge of dish, ect.
actually Bob the staff here is not regulated to a specific area. That was kinda dropped a while ago. Mods have access to the whole site and we help each other out :) We're not like other sites where a mod is "sheltered" to a specific area. That is how we learn.

I cant fix stupid and if only you perceive it like an attack because you dont like me, when reality is much different there isnt nothing I can do about that.
Thats news to me that I dont like you. There are very few people on the board here that I don't "like" and you are not on that list. We may disagree but that doesn't mean I dont like you. :)

Nice of you to keep kicking a guy down. In fact I'm calling for your immediate resignation! Why? because you obvious have something against me and have to continuously bring up the past..
Again Bob I have nothing against you. But you think otherwise and that's fine. I'm not going to lose sleep over it. And I hate to tell you this but I'm not resigning ;)

Ice, Im sorry that you cant forgive and forget. Im sorry that your so selfish to even bring that up. I lost all respect for you. But the truth is no matter how much good I do, you are the one who would still find a way to kick a guy down. Its very sad!
Bob I'm not going to sit here and get into a pissing match with you because that seems to be what you want. I'm going to leave it at that.

Hopefully the next few posts are either about updates on the forum or folks talking about scanners or ham radio :)
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Regarding If anyone is interested, the Pro 2006 was selling on e-Bay for around the $100 range. Regarding Ham radio, I'm extra class, been a ham since 1992 ... I'll give my call sign to Scott or any mod if they need it...I prefer to be semi anonymous .
Can we have a rollcall of hams that are here... Maybe your favorite Ham radio page??
My favorite is As the World Turn's run by K1TP Amateur Radio's only R rated newsletter updated daily.


Bob N1WBD Grafton NH

UR 59 59 73 and GL in the contest!! :D
I found a pic of that scanner from an old Radio Shack catalog. That's an old school model :)

Yea that's cool and look at that price. Only thing I did not like about the Pro-34 was the scanning speed (6ch/sec) so by upgrading the proper crystal you would scan just as fast as the Pro-37. Also by removing a Diode you would open up the 800Mhz band with no gaps which was fun at the time .. shhhhhh lol
Regarding If anyone is interested, the Pro 2006 was selling on e-Bay for around the $100 range. Regarding Ham radio, I'm extra class, been a ham since 1992 ... I'll give my call sign to Scott or any mod if they need it...I prefer to be semi anonymous .

Bill what type of setup do you have for ham radio?
Yea that's cool and look at that price.
yeah I know. Crazy price. But then again they wanted over a 100 bucks for a 10 channel back then

Only thing I did not like about the Pro-34 was the scanning speed (6ch/sec) so by upgrading the proper crystal you would scan just as fast as the Pro-37. Also by removing a Diode you would open up the 800Mhz band with no gaps which was fun at the time .. shhhhhh lol
hee hee :)
Ham Radio Operator 52 years, operate 2 meter repeater mostly, Treasurer of the local Ham Radio Club. I am a scanner and shortwave listener. Have a bearcat BCD396T for local scanning, a Radio Shack DX440 for shortwave.

I use the scanner to receive APRS packets from the ISS.

If there is a scanner and ham radio forum I will check in and post.

I'm glad that Ice volunteer to help with the forum as I post in the FTA area and find Ice to be a good moderator.

See all you Ham guys at Dayton and hope to work you all on Field Day, keep an ear out for N2OB, the Old Barney Amateur Radio Club.
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