Yea, by all means use that sat calculator above!
Then, any bird that's maybe 10º above the horizon for you, is worth a try.
In truth, you'd better have a good clear horizon to get below 20º.
Lyngsat has some maps showing signal coverage, or signal strength for some satellites.
If you find such a map for a particular bird, it's often very informative.
A little off topic, but BEV had birds at 82º and at 91º.
While officially, they are for Canadian coverage, they used to light up the US, too.
Now, I think they have two at each location (last time I looked).
While both at each position illuminate Canada just fine, both at each position do not light up the south west nor south east US so well.
So, this is an example of where some of the transponders will be seen in one city, and not in another.