What would you pay for the Hopper ( Dish's new Multi room DVR) ??

I still see a $10.00 dvr fee because they will charge a multi-view fee of $4.00 to go with the $6.00 dvr fee. The Joeys will be at least $7.00 each . So they will be around the same as the other additional receiver fees already established. So the more Joeys you have the more you pay.
Well I can't blame them for charging for some of the joeys but I'm hoping they don't charge for all of them. There is no way they can let people have up to four joeys for free.
$10.00 per month for first Hopper that includes one Joey (broken down to a reasonable $5 for the Hopper and $5 for the Joey, so no real value there). Than $5.00 per month for each additional Joey. $6 per month for additional Hopper.

These are competitive fees to DirecTV, and Dish has got to really make this Hopper/Joey affordable to keep and lure new customers. If it goes the high fees like the current structure, people (including me) are just gonna seek someone else, and DirecTV has reasonable fees. The problem is that Dish's lower package rates don't mean SQUAT when at the bottom line it is more expensive than the comparable DirecTV experience/equipment.

The fee structure of the Hopper/Joey is going to be the deciding factor on if I leave Dish and go to less expensive DirecTV with virtually the same experience. I am already paying MORE with Dish now, but I am waiting to see what the final numbers are on the Hopper/Joey. It's in your hands Dish.
I agree with you DISHSUBLA. The time for DISH to change their company from a provider that is continuing to lose subs every quarter to one that is gaining subs is now. IF they continue down the path they have already followed with HIGHER numerous made up , charge it because we can FEES, like the Additional Receiver fees, they are DOOMED . They have been gaining and losing the same million or so subs now for years. They have been around 13 million subs for years. The funniest thing is that they continue to grow profits each year because of the higher fee structure they have. The Hopper /Joey system could be the system that turns this around for them as a company. Sounds like a great dvr that would combine a great feature with primetime live of the big 4 networks with the biggest hard drive in the industry. IF DISH does what I suspect they will do and gouge the people for each Joey as high as $7.00 and then slap a multi-view fee on top of the dvr fee , they will continue down the path of losing subs till they are either bought up and go out of business entirely.

Look at DIRECTv. They have less cable channels or movie channels than DISH in HD , they have more sports & rsns in hd of course , but the main thing that separates them from DISH is their FEE structure. They have one set of additional receiver fees for ALL their receivers, one Dvr fee , no matter what you take unlike DISH and the failed 922dvr and it's $10.00 dvr fee. They have one multi-view fee of around $3.00 . Even though their programming is $10.00 more for each pack then DISH, they make up for that with less made up FEES . So a person who has multiple tvs and they want to watch in each room in HD , DIRECTV is cheaper . If I didn't like DISH so much and their receivers , and dislike DIRECTV so much for other reasons, I would of switched a long time ago. It is truly up to them now. The path they pick on the FEE structure for the Hopper /Joey system will decide their fate. I only hope that this time they put attracting new subs and retaining existing subs over, just adding more revenue to their bottom line and continuing to shrink their sub base like they have done now for years.
You realize that Dish is only more expensive for customers that want multiple dual tuner DVRS. The average customer only has one dual tuner DVR. The mojority of Dish customers are saving money by being with Dish. What Dish is missing out on are the people like us on here. The ones that want HD DVR on every TV. We are the minority though.
You realize that Dish is only more expensive for customers that want multiple dual tuner DVRS. The average customer only has one dual tuner DVR. The mojority of Dish customers are saving money by being with Dish. What Dish is missing out on are the people like us on here. The ones that want HD DVR on every TV. We are the minority though.

Agreed. Looking at dtv, it would cost $18/mo more for the same setup and package (before taxes).

currently have 722, 211k, 301 w/ AT250.
Because there is no hard drive or tuner or any major moving parts in the joeys, I don't see them having a high fee. And just like anything else, fees over time go away. Take HD for example. Most people don't pay for HD anymore. I would love to see and assume the DVR fee will decrease. Most installers and/or retailers know, if there is a customer fee tied to something, there is usually a tech incentive. From what I hear in the rumour mill, there is no incentive to the joeys unless u install a third one and beyond. So with the same line of thinking, maybe there won't be a fee unless a customer wants a third one etc. Who knows. I'm sure we will find out next week some more details on the internet offering and then nothing until March on the Hopper.
I agree with the Joeys being inexpensive. If they are as simple as Dish claims then why should there any high monthly fees? Makes sense to us.
If you look at Dish's cost of a 4 room install with 4 hd dvr's with the vip series in comparison to the new xip series (hopper), the cost per sub is tremendously different. 1 Hard drive and 3 tuners in hopper vs 4 hard drives and 4 tuners. I really think the cost for the customer should go down tremendously as well and in turn increase subs...hopefully.
I agree with the Joeys being inexpensive. If they are as simple as Dish claims then why should there any high monthly fees? Makes sense to us.
Cause Dish's "lower-than-DirecTv" package pricing is dependent on making up the difference (and then some) in the equipment fee structure. There are some on here (including me) who create speadsheets to calculate to the penny what total E* cost vs. total D* cost will be, but so many average customers agree to the service based on base-package price alone without considering the total cost.

I believe E* will charge as much as they think they can get away with. I doubt they're taking the opportunity to undercut D* here. I can't see them passing any savings on to their customers from a potentially (or actual) simplified installation. I'd love to be wrong, but such a departure from business-as-usual for E* would be truly shocking. E* rarely shocks me in a good way. Sometimes, but rarely.
Cause Dish's "lower-than-DirecTv" package pricing is dependent on making up the difference (and then some) in the equipment fee structure. There are some on here (including me) who create speadsheets to calculate to the penny what total E* cost vs. total D* cost will be, but so many average customers agree to the service based on base-package price alone without considering the total cost.

I believe E* will charge as much as they think they can get away with. I doubt they're taking the opportunity to undercut D* here. I can't see them passing any savings on to their customers from a potentially (or actual) simplified installation. I'd love to be wrong, but such a departure from business-as-usual for E* would be truly shocking. E* rarely shocks me in a good way. Sometimes, but rarely.

Would you like some Tabasco with those words?
I suppose a reasonable amount would be no more $3-4 total over what it currently cost for 722k as primary, and 211k's as secondary receivers.

But, personally, as their receiver/DVR fees are already too high, I feel it should cost no more than what the above cost now.
Cause Dish's "lower-than-DirecTv" package pricing is dependent on making up the difference (and then some) in the equipment fee structure. There are some on here (including me) who create speadsheets to calculate to the penny what total E* cost vs. total D* cost will be, but so many average customers agree to the service based on base-package price alone without considering the total cost.

I believe E* will charge as much as they think they can get away with. I doubt they're taking the opportunity to undercut D* here. I can't see them passing any savings on to their customers from a potentially (or actual) simplified installation. I'd love to be wrong, but such a departure from business-as-usual for E* would be truly shocking. E* rarely shocks me in a good way. Sometimes, but rarely.
You are correct sir.
First, the Hoppers:
Since Hoppers do NOT have built-in Sling, they SHOULDN'T cost more to lease than a 622/722/722k. Dish will argue that they do more (true) and have more tuners (also true). Therefore, I will predict that the first Hopper on the account, like any current first receiver, will be free to lease. Additional Hoppers on the account are likely to be more than a 622/722/722k, so I will say $20/mo. I hope I'm wrong on that. The upgrade fee for an existing customer will probably be the usual $200 per receiver. The buy-outright price is likely to be $600, at least at first, with the $20/mo "extra receiver fee."

The DVR fee should be the existing $6, since, again, there is no built-in Sling.

Now, the Joeys:
I can't see these costing as much to lease as a receiver such as a 211 with its own tuner. I think they will try to justify the $20/month cost of the Hopper by throwing in the first Joey for free. Additional Joeys, if things are fair, should be no more than $5/mo. To me, the big question with the Joeys is "Will they charge you a monthly fee for 'owned' Joeys?" What would be great would be if you could buy the Joeys outright and add them to your system at will. I have a feeling that there would be an activation fee, at least, for each new Joey, but wouldn't it be nice to be free of "lease" fees on addtional TV's that you only occasionally use (such as in a guest bedroom)? I'm guessing the Joeys will sell for around $100.

In our case, we would need two Hoppers and at least six Joeys (assuming you can still run two HDTVs off the Hopper, as you can with a VIP receiver). So I would have in fees:

1st Hopper: Free
2nd Hopper: $20
1st 2 Joeys: Free
Joeys, 3,4,5,6 $20
DVR Fee $6

Total if Leased $46/mo

I'm currently paying $23/mo (for addtional 622 + DVR fee), so this scenario would DOUBLE my equipment fees for similar service (using TV2's from 722 and 622 to feed 6 additional tv's). You can see why I'm hoping Joeys will be free monthly if you buy them!


I think with this set up example (one hopper and for example, two joeys) dish would gain new customers and they would see the fees in line with other companies? Three hd tv's and they have access to a dvr
I have a 722 now that runs 3 T.V.'s. (the SD signal is split between a college kid who isn't home that often, and an office/exercise room). Then I have two 211's in master and kids room. This works really well as I have a DVR on all T.V.'s right now.
If I were to get the Hopper system, I think I would need 2 Hoppers, and 3 Joey's to get the setup I have now. My only benefit would be HD on the college and office t.v's, but I would imagine my receiver fee's would be a lot more than the $14 I am paying now. I'm not sure what D*'s whole home DVR solution would cost me, but I think it would be 4 extra receivers at $6 each = $24 per month in equipment fee's.
Hopper - DISH Network

Current Dish customers pay $6 DVR service on one HD and one SD feed dual dvr. $6 2 TV's (2-4 recordings at once 2 sat and 2 OTA)

Direct TV DVR service with Multi room is $7+3= $10 Plus $6 for another HDDVR / HD non DVR needed for the MVR $16 extra for 2 TV's (4-7 recordings two hr24 or hr34 and hr24)

Can dish hop above the rest with the best gear & price to go down under the competitors ?

What would you be willing to pay ontop of your Dish programing ?

I would be willing to pay $6-10 for the hopper and $15 for an extra hopper if needed for mass recordings of kids shows.
For the Joye Box i would love to see a $3 Lease fee or the option to buy the Joye with moca box for $150-200 with no extra fees.
If you are going to compare DirecTV to the Hopper it would be better to compare it to the HR34. You are comparing it to DirecTV's MRV which can be adapted to any HD DVR + HD DVR/Reciever, which does cost more than using the HR34.


Note were it states saves money by eliminating the need for additional receivers.


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If you are going to compare DirecTV to the Hopper it would be better to compare it to the HR34. You are comparing it to DirecTV's MRV which can be adapted to any HD DVR + HD DVR/Reciever, which does cost more than using the HR34.


Note were it states saves money by eliminating the need for additional receivers.

Even with the HR34 you have to pay the $3 for MRV and additional receiver fees.

DP LNBF for 119/118

Velocity gone from Dish again??

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