Fiber to the home...and fiber are 2 different things....most cable companies have a fiber backbone with coax to customers....all 5g cell sites are connected by fiber as well as 4glast i read it was @ 25% for fiber
Fiber to the home...and fiber are 2 different things....most cable companies have a fiber backbone with coax to customers....all 5g cell sites are connected by fiber as well as 4glast i read it was @ 25% for fiber
Not all 4G Sites are connected via Fiber. I know of several in my area that are not yetFiber to the home...and fiber are 2 different things....most cable companies have a fiber backbone with coax to customers....all 5g cell sites are connected by fiber as well as 4g
The populated parts
Not really ...The populated parts
What speeds do they offer?....anything above a t3 connection is fiber...t3 is only 28 t1s...not a whole lot of streaming video at those sitesNot all 4G Sites are connected via Fiber. I know of several in my area that are not yet
The ones here are on my cable companies coax network... So about 20-30 down and 10 up usuallyWhat speeds do they offer?....anything above a t3 connection is fiber...t3 is only 28 t1s...not a whole lot of streaming video at those sites
you just hink its dark, thats were they do all the data transfer to the nsaDoesn't Google have a lot of dark fiber all across the country.
yea i do have the newest version of verizons 5G home soultion. yes you are forced into using there modem and router!!! but there's no charge for it and you don't own it so if you cancel the service then you must send it back to them or you'll be charged for it!! with the way things are changing i don't think that i would want to own any hardware in todays world... the antenna thing is not a big deal to me and you can configure your network to how you want it set up.. i seen the linus video of verizons 5G i thought it was funny to. but it's true you have to near a micro cell to get the full speeds since millimeter waves can't travel far let alone though walls or windows!!! my fav vid is. i forgot who posted it. but t mobles 5G only hit 69 MBPSI'm guessing you have the newer version of Verizon's '5G' home solution, not the one they launched in October 2018 and discontinued in December 2018. Seems kinda hokey to have something stuck to a window that's facing the same direction of the macrocell and run a cord under said window. Plus it looks like you are forced into using their hardware which is a no go for me, along with CG-NAT. The speed is irrelevant if I can't configure my network the way I want it.
My favorite video so far on this joke of a technology is from Linus Tech Tips, where Linus is in NYC near VZW macrocell does a speed test and it's 800 Mbps, then he puts the phone to his chest, uses himself as a shield and gets 600 Mbps.
what ever happen to google fiber??? maybe they realized how much it costs to lay fiber and maintain it???Doesn't Google have a lot of dark fiber all across the country.
yea i do have the newest version of verizons 5G home soultion. yes you are forced into using there modem and router!!! but there's no charge for it and you don't own it so if you cancel the service then you must send it back to them or you'll be charged for it!! with the way things are changing i don't think that i would want to own any hardware in todays world... the antenna thing is not a big deal to me and you can configure your network to how you want it set up.. i seen the linus video of verizons 5G i thought it was funny to. but it's true you have to near a micro cell to get the full speeds since millimeter waves can't travel far let alone though walls or windows!!! my fav vid is. i forgot who posted it. but t mobles 5G only hit 69 MBPSbecause it's low band spectrum. why don't they just say it's not real 5G service and were just reselling you the sh*t that you allready have
think of it this way
how much competition is there in streaming?
how much in satellite?
Yes...but they connect to fiber somewhereThe ones here are on my cable companies coax network... So about 20-30 down and 10 up usually
I'm wondering if AT&T shouldn't just focus on the streaming box, try to compete with Roku.
I wouldn't. I think streaming boxes are a transitional technology like the digital tuner boxes sold during the digital changeover. They exist today because TVs didn't have the compute capability built in that they do today.
Right now, things have converged to five basic platforms... Roku, LG, Samsung, Android, and Apple. This is essentially four different Linux Distros and Apple. Aside from Apple, the external box is going away. Apple may not because, well, Apple.
I would disagree with this... although that doesn't mean that I'm right.I wouldn't. I think streaming boxes are a transitional technology like the digital tuner boxes sold during the digital changeover. They exist today because TVs didn't have the compute capability built in that they do today.