I look at the same article by Swanni and now he is saying no providers as of yet have annouced for Travel Channel hd. Earlier he said it was Launched on Direct. Come on Swanni. Which one is it???
I look at the same article by Swanni and now he is saying no providers as of yet have annouced for Travel Channel hd. Earlier he said it was Launched on Direct. Come on Swanni. Which one is it???
I look at the same article by Swanni and now he is saying no providers as of yet have annouced for Travel Channel hd. Earlier he said it was Launched on Direct. Come on Swanni. Which one is it???
Just figure out which forum reported it and you'll find Swanni's source. Why does anyone that reads information here even read his articles?
When did he say it was on D*? The only article he had listed said there were no providers yet.
I heard that additional HD nationals will be lit April 2nd. Further info to follow.
I heard that additional HD nationals will be lit April 2nd. Further info to follow.
Before I go to the bank ,What are we getting?considering, satelliteracer at dbstalk, is reporting april 2, you can pretty much take it to the bank and deposit it.
considering, satelliteracer at dbstalk, is reporting april 2, you can pretty much take it to the bank and deposit it.