What should Vick do to get back in the NFL...?

Yes. Still. He'll be forever tainted by this in the public eye. I don't think there's anything he could do to change this.

That is very unfortunate too.....that I agree. I mean he could go into a burning building and save an entire maternity ward....some would still hold it against...
I tell you what, if an opposing team (ie. Baltimore or Pittsburgh) sign him, coming to Cleveland and playing near the "Dawg Pound" will be an absolute nightmare for Vick! Fans here would want heads to roll!

That's what I'm saying! What fool is gonna sign him and face this nonstop attack week after week in each city?
That is very unfortunate too.....that I agree. I mean he could go into a burning building and save an entire maternity ward....some would still hold it against...
Unfortunate? I don't know. He's a grown man and he made his own bed.
Have the 100+ posts convinced you it is about dogfighting?

I think that you are right there. It seems that most of us are horrified at the dogfighting and the other circumstances (throwing pets into the ring). We would be more horrified if this was done to human beings but it is bad enough as it is. But some see dogfighting somewaht differently.

I have no idea whether he will be reinstated. in fact much of what goodell has asked is subjective as it deals with obtaining some measure of public acceptance.

but trust em if he went into a burning building and saved every occupant in the maternity ward the public probably would forgive him. But the notion is about as absurd as ---well as ridiculous as some of the comparisons made in this thread.
That is very unfortunate too.....that I agree. I mean he could go into a burning building and save an entire maternity ward....some would still hold it against...
Not necessarily. People can rehabilitate themselves, just not overnight. Vick has done nothing to show remorse. All he has done is read scripted apologies written by lawyers and PR people. Serving time does not count as rehabilition either. Playing in the NFL is not an entitlement. If Vick wants people to change their minds about him then why not go back to the inner cities and try to help young kids and be a role model. If he did that for a while, and not just long enough to shoot a United Way commercial, then yeah I could change my mind about him. But it won't happen before training camp begins.
I think what Vick did is disgusting. I love dogs and I hate to even watch those commercials where it it even implied dogs or animals are abused or neglected. I have no idea if Vick is sorry or just sorry he got caught. I don't think anyone here knows that or his heart. Frankly I don't care if he is allowed back into the NFL or if he is not. My guess if a team thinks he can help them win and Vick has made a positive impact to improve his reputation, somebody will take a chance on him. Then it is up to the fans of that team and how they react to that signing. He has paid his debt to society (at least what the court mandated) and in this nation we have always been willing to give most people a second chance. What bothers me is kind of what Salsa implies. (I can't believe I agree with him in a sense) People seem much more willing to forgive a host of other crimes that to me are worse because they are against people than they are to forgive Vick.I know that is just my perception but it does seem that way. Mike Tyson for rape, Jamal Lewis with drug distribution, Bob Probert smuggling drugs, many with beating women, and I am sure many more, especially in boxing. I know it is just argumentive and some might say comparing apples to oranges, and I can accept that. However, where do we draw the line? Playing pro sports is not a right. He has made his own bed and whatever happens happens. He really has no one else to blame but himself.
Not necessarily. People can rehabilitate themselves, just not overnight. Vick has done nothing to show remorse. All he has done is read scripted apologies written by lawyers and PR people. Serving time does not count as rehabilition either. Playing in the NFL is not an entitlement. If Vick wants people to change their minds about him then why not go back to the inner cities and try to help young kids and be a role model. If he did that for a while, and not just long enough to shoot a United Way commercial, then yeah I could change my mind about him. But it won't happen before training camp begins.

Oh yeah...and I totally agree. That is why I stated he will not play this year. There is no way you can rehabilitate your reputation in a few months. I think he will need time with his family...and slow WITH ACTION, NOT WORDS work with whomever he has to work with show he has learned his lesson.
I think what Vick did is disgusting. I love dogs and I hate to even watch those commercials where it it even implied dogs or animals are abused or neglected. I have no idea if Vick is sorry or just sorry he got caught. I don't think anyone here knows that or his heart. Frankly I don't care if he is allowed back into the NFL or if he is not. My guess if a team thinks he can help them win and Vick has made a positive impact to improve his reputation, somebody will take a chance on him. Then it is up to the fans of that team and how they react to that signing. He has paid his debt to society (at least what the court mandated) and in this nation we have always been willing to give most people a second chance. What bothers me is kind of what Salsa implies. (I can't believe I agree with him in a sense) People seem much more willing to forgive a host of other crimes that to me are worse because they are against people than they are to forgive Vick.I know that is just my perception but it does seem that way. Mike Tyson for rape, Jamal Lewis with drug distribution, Bob Probert smuggling drugs, many with beating women, and I am sure many more, especially in boxing. I know it is just argumentive and some might say comparing apples to oranges, and I can accept that. However, where do we draw the line? Playing pro sports is not a right. He has made his own bed and whatever happens happens. He really has no one else to blame but himself.

THIS is what I have been trying to say.

People, whether we like it or not....will more than likely, accept everything I highlighted above before they accept cruelty to an animal....ESPECIALLY cute little pet like animals. I guess of ALL the professional leagues, the NFL worst of all the so-called offenders.
Oh yeah...and I totally agree. That is why I stated he will not play this year. There is no way you can rehabilitate your reputation in a few months. I think he will need time with his family...and slow WITH ACTION, NOT WORDS work with whomever he has to work with show he has learned his lesson.
There are many reasons Vick will not play this season. The earliest date he would be available is July 21, right about the time that training camps open. Even if everything fell right for Vick and Goodell rescinded his suspension on that date (which is not going to happen after Vick lied to him face-to-face about his involvement), he wouldn't be physically ready to play at that late date anyway. 2010 at the earliest which will give teams who might be interested in Vick a chance to gauge his behavior and remorse.
There are many reasons Vick will not play this season. The earliest date he would be available is July 21, right about the time that training camps open. Even if everything fell right for Vick and Goodell rescinded his suspension on that date (which is not going to happen after Vick lied to him face-to-face about his involvement), he wouldn't be physically ready to play at that late date anyway. 2010 at the earliest which will give teams who might be interested in Vick a chance to gauge his behavior and remorse.

Yeah...duhhhh...I totally forgot about that on my end!! :o More reason to think this year is a wash.
So Vick is going to miss 2 full seasons and spent time in jail. And people still want blood. Have some perspective. They were dogs.

Now, someone like Leonard Little or Donate Stallworth actually killed humans and no one cares. No one wants blood.

New Orleans to host 2013 SuperBowl

Jake Peavy to White Sox done deal..waiting for Peavy OK!
