hmmm.....Name calling...hmm...yep, that will further your argument....
Oh give me a break. What are your feelings hurt? You called me Sparky. I called you a Platypus. It was funny. Your too sensitive.

hmmm.....Name calling...hmm...yep, that will further your argument....
I know what I typed because I typed it....
While I believe Vick is a jerk (before the dog fighting as I couldn't care less about that) he should be reinstated. As long as it's not on the Panthers or the Eagles I don't care where he goes... hopefully a team as bad as Detroit so he has no chance of success![]()
I think once Vick has paid his debt to society, and any further debt Goodall comes up with, he should be allowed to play in the NFL. You cannot take away a person's right to make a living.
But not for my team...personally, I could never root for that piece of garbage.
If you care about animals even a little (or even if you don't) and want to be sick to your stomach, read the transcripts of what he admitted to doing to his dogs. The press only reported part of it, which may be a good thing. The cruelty goes far beyond forcing animals to fight each other, which is the perception some people have.
Vick funded and participated in the breeding of dogs who were born for the sole purpose of being sadistically tortured for the enjoyment of human beings. Vick can play in the league, but I can't root for him.
You also have to wonder what some NFL players may be thinking themselves. Of course, an offensive lineman who is getting paid will most likely do his job and protect his QB, even if he is an animal lover. But you do have to wonder if there are some defensive lineman and linebackers who will do their jobs a little better, hit a little harder, maybe do some things on the borderline of the rules, when Vick is on the other side of the ball.
Hypocrisy? Vick was directly responsible for taking the life of a an innocent creature. Yes, I'm well aware that taking a life of a human is more serious than taking the life of a dog, but it's the intended act that most people have a hard time getting around. Stallworth didn't set out that night to kill someone. It was an accident. Vick didn't "accidentally" torture and kill dogs. He meant to do it. BTW, Stallworth will be punished by the court of law as he should be.
Those two statements pretty much sum it up for me. There are accidents and isolated incidents. Vick doesn't fall into either category. Playing in the NFL is a privilege, not a right. With that privilege comes a lot of responsibility. Let him find a regular job, like the rest of us, who pay to watch his kind (athletes, not dog killers) play sports. He should have thought about the consequences when he was killing defenseless dogs for his amusement.
Those two statements pretty much sum it up for me. There are accidents and isolated incidents. Vick doesn't fall into either category. Playing in the NFL is a privilege, not a right. With that privilege comes a lot of responsibility. Let him find a regular job, like the rest of us, who pay to watch his kind (athletes, not dog killers) play sports. He should have thought about the consequences when he was killing defenseless dogs for his amusement.
Hanging, choking, torturing, electrocuting, sadistically beating defenseless dogs for amusement...dogs whose only crime was that they were not mean enough to perform well in their 'fights' set up for his people's amusement.
I agree Paul, but I wish killing defenseless dogs was the only thing Vick did. Hanging, choking, torturing, electrocuting, sadistically beating defenseless dogs for amusement...dogs whose only crime was that they were not mean enough to perform well in their 'fights' set up for his people's amusement. And this is over a period of YEARS.
This just made me want to go hug my own dog, Bailey right now.![]()
This just made me want to go hug my own dog, Bailey right now.![]()
This just made me want to go hug my own dog, Bailey right now.![]()
That's what turns people's stomachs. We can all imagine someone like Vick getting hold of our own loving dog, and torturing him or her for his and his friends' amusement. And then doing it to counless other dogs as well.
Sadistic ****
You go do just that! These babies look to us for food, shelter, and a lil' love and they give us back TOTALLY UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. There is nothing like it form a dog, cat or any other of our pets.
I love goldens.That's funny, I just hugged my dog CeeJay too. She's a beautiful golden retriever.
LMAO! I give up. I don't know how much clearer I need to clarify my posts.![]()
That is fine and dandy that he is a lawyer....BUT we are not comparing the law. I think this more of a what you can deal as acceptable...
I love goldens.![]()
There you go. Just put that picture in your mind for a couple of seconds....
Anybody here still want Vick back in the NFL?
I'm done on this subject.