Pretty good actually... good PQ, I have the first gen Dvd (had full screen on 1 side and OAR on other) and it beats the heck out of it and all broadcast versions I've seen...
Thanks for the info! I'll have to put it in my queue...

Pretty good actually... good PQ, I have the first gen Dvd (had full screen on 1 side and OAR on other) and it beats the heck out of it and all broadcast versions I've seen...
Austin Powers again...(I think it's the Spy who Shagged Me but the incomplete Dish Guide doesn't show & I don't want to fire up the Directv receiver to see...)
I'm archiving all the John Wayne westerns that pop up and have most if not all of the Dirty Harrys... I need The Good, The Bad & the Ugly to show up again and a Fistful of Dollars... HDNMV has one of the Clint westerns premiering next weekend...
Unforgiven... followed by HDNMV premiere of Once Upon a Time in the West (which will replace my other version)
What movies when they come on do you end up watching over and over?
Police Squad just came on...
"Sequels that should have never been made".
Caddyshack II is probably the weakest one of all. That movie pretty much stunk.
Blazing Saddles. Loved it for 35 years and still going strong. "Well raise my rent."