Well, on the initial topic, I've watched with interest the growth of the "sub channels" from my location. Unlike many areas, my "non market" is well located to pick up Grand Rapids, Lansing, Flint, Kalamazoo, Jackson, and sometimes others that "float in." Almost all of them have the sub-channels. The future of them? As in many things, it will depend on MARKETING, which transitions to eyes on the screens, which transitions to advertising support, which tells a station how they're doing! You can easily pick out the "sub channels" with less support in our area as you see PSA content, not "real" advertisers on them. I'd have to say Flint has the least-supported sub channels if I rated them by amount of ads aired.
In my area, most people on cable and satellite have no "Me-TV" or similar channels. I get ME from (3) markets OTA, Antenna from (2) markets as I recall, and others, but with no requirement to carry, the potential for new eyes is squelched by the cable or satellite carrier! A friend of mine installs antennas in the area, and EVERY one of the people doing cord-cutting are overjoyed to find Me-TV and other retro networks. Average age? Probably 50-65. When we speak of "retro TV" on WION radio, some people call and say, "I've never heard of THAT network" because they're tied to cable or a satellite contract There's just very little marketing BY the channels, or their "Major" channel to make people WANT to either cut the cord, or push their supplier of programming to ADD the channel.
I enjoy the availability of the shows I grew up with, because TV to me, in MOST cases is background while I'm computing, writing, whatever my job needs me to do. I think we're all drawn to the shows we know "word by word" because it's like comfort food, and doesn't require our attention level to be 100%. Furthermore, with an OTA DVR, (
my choice is TabloTV) I find myself going to the OTA recordings ALMOST as much as I used to rely on streaming. Much of the public's opinion of ANY media is based on how MUCH we use it. In my case, as an early "cord cutter" I find the proliferation of classic and older TV to be a welcome addition to my choices.
Side note, however: If I were a high-up Program Director at these networks, I'd keep the FACES of many of the old stars of the shows OFF the screen, but use their voices creatively with clips of the shows, stills, or some combination. The LAST thing we all want to see is our favorite stars of yesteryear looking like they're already one foot in the grave! Some have survived time well. Others...well, they need to stay OFF camera. Me-TV is guilty of this problem.
The future of sub channels? Bright! That is, if creative programming is available to buy/barter at the local and (retro/sub channel) network level AND given that creative PEOPLE have the job of programming those channels for a particular audience! Programmers for TV, just like programmers in radio have to stay focused, and include pertinent advertisers in the mix at the local level. I, for one, and not ready for the pushbutton "emergency" pendant, or other things I see advertised on some of the retro networks......YET.
(hopefully not for a long time.)