Perhaps not fair since I am a new subscriber coming from Direct a little over 3 months ago:
1) Easy to use electronic coupons for pay for view for doing things that save everyone money (direct billing, etc). Old provider you had to buy and then remember to send in the coupon (assuming I hadn't lost it, which 90% of the time I had).
2) Provided me more channels and movies than before for less money.
3) Provided me easier to use and new equipment (naturally, since I am a new subscriber)- love the DVR! (and HD for life)
4) Very polite folks to fix a minor issue on my billing statement.
5) Seemingly more immune to rain fade than prior provider which is appreciated.
6) Boxes compatible with my home "cable" network for my non HD tv's.
7) Epix networks.
8) Relative quick fix of a Houston local station HD feed problem that was pixilating and dropping audio sporadically. Apparently this was a system problem, not my end problem.
9) No hard sell on things I didn't want (at least not yet).
10) Easier to use web site, including good video and other self help, if necessary.
11) And while many think it silly, I love DishEarth. Very beautiful when the sun is in the correct angle. I can't imagine why others don't do this.
12) And while Charlie Chat has been bashed, you don't see this stuff on the other provider! In honesty, they ought to make it free style call in instead of the over 1/2 hour of repeating the same stuff about the football option. You get the point quickly, or should, it seems to me, it doesn't have to be rehashed over and over.
Nothing in this old life is perfect. Everything has its issues, but I am pleased with my change to Dish.