What do I need for 4:2:2 or HD programs?

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jan 22, 2005
Indianapolis, IN
Do you have to have HD television in order to get any video from this game? Is there certain type of receivers that don't pick this up?
Most mpeg2/dvb receivers can't display HD. But Unity Motion, Integra, and QualiTV receivers and PC satellite cards can.
Standard definition can be 4:2:0 or 4:2:2. High definition can be 4:2:0 or 4:2:2.
Most mpeg2/dvb receivers can only display standard definition 4:2:0. For the rest, you need the QualiTV receiver or a satellite card and a fast computer.
what is this satellite card called so I can research this? Is DSL fast enough? What has to be done to have the computer talk to the satellite receiver?
DSL has nothing to do with sat cards. The sat cards plug into your computer's pci card bus. Just like a video card. Or, if you get a USB version, it plugs into an available USB port ( 2.0 best for speed). The card is a satellite receiver in itself.
It uses your computer to decode the Video & audio. For HD, you need a fast computer and video card. Depending on your setup, you can either watch the tv signal on your computer or, if your video card supports it, output the video to your TV. Read some of the info in the threads in this forum and you should find more info explaining what using a PCI Satellite card is and how to set one up.
They are a lot of fun. ( in my opinion)
Please reply by conversation.

no joy with g10

Fortec Ultra

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