What brought you to get DirecTV?

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was an "add on" to my FTA setup. Only reason I wanted Directv was because the Twins opened Target Field and wanted to see it. So signed up for SD and a DVR. Didnt know the DVR could record 2 things at once ;)
I installed my own dish (Directv Phase III) and had everything set for the guy to hook up the.....R15....UGH! That was Feb 2010
Went online here and read to get a R22 which I did about 3 weeks later.
Got a R15 at Unique (thrift store) and activated it. That crapped out and D* sent me a R22 (deeeee-cent)
Upgraded to HD in Dec 2010
Went Genie in Feb 2012. Turned in my 2 R22's and a H23 (only reason the H23 was there was to make the R22's get HD)
Turned off account Feb 2014 because moved and didnt feel like paying anymore (I had free service in the apartment)
was an "add on" to my FTA setup. Only reason I wanted Directv was because the Twins opened Target Field and wanted to see it. So signed up for SD and a DVR. Didnt know the DVR could record 2 things at once ;)
I installed my own dish (Directv Phase III) and had everything set for the guy to hook up the.....R15....UGH! That was Feb 2010
Went online here and read to get a R22 which I did about 3 weeks later.
Got a R15 at Unique (thrift store) and activated it. That crapped out and D* sent me a R22 (deeeee-cent)
Upgraded to HD in Dec 2010
Went Genie in Feb 2012. Turned in my 2 R22's and a H23 (only reason the H23 was there was to make the R22's get HD)
Turned off account Feb 2014 because moved and didnt feel like paying anymore (I had free service in the apartment)
Hey Ice, was it FTA info that brought you to this site then ?
Hey Ice, was it FTA info that brought you to this site then ?
not really. I came from "the other site"
When I came here there was no FTA area. I had just got into FTA to save 7.95 a month on my Bell ExpressVu bill. At the time the audio only and radio stations were in the clear (so were the Dish audio stations...Sirius wasnt on Dish yet) so I wanted to save some money and not need the radio station bundle ;)
This was late 03
We were relegated to the "general satellite" area. Then Scott created the FTA area in mid 04 and late 04 I became a mod.
not really. I came from "the other site"
When I came here there was no FTA area. I had just got into FTA to save 7.95 a month on my Bell ExpressVu bill. At the time the audio only and radio stations were in the clear (so were the Dish audio stations...Sirius wasnt on Dish yet) so I wanted to save some money and not need the radio station bundle ;)
This was late 03
We were relegated to the "general satellite" area. Then Scott created the FTA area in mid 04 and late 04 I became a mod.
Thats cool.
I knew you've been here since dirt, or close ... and you mentioned D* in around '10, just wondered at that point what had brought you here. :cool:
Had Dish when I came here in 03. Had it for about a year after moving into my house.
(have had dish 3 times....never had a contract)
Have had all 4 North American providers (Dish, Bell, Shaw and Direct) along with FTA and OTA
It was the year 1998.

My cable provider lacked the variety I saw on display, at a Sears, with DirecTV.

I was very impressed, as well, with the Sony and RCA receivers.

It's quite something...how DirecTV has evolved.

(This was posted from my smartphone, using Tapatalk.)
my only choices are direct or dish
dish pissed me off one too many times so i switched
my stepdad got directv in 99. He went that route because he had a townhouse out of town for where he worked in addition to the house here. He installed the dish and bought(not leased back then) several receivers. Back then they also came with a round dish so he took one and mounted it on a pole in a bucket for the townhouse. When he was there he would simply set the bucket outside the garage and have "cable" tv service the same as at home. I liked the channel choices and pricing compared to what I had with Cox cable at the time so I went the same route in 2001. shortly after getting setup I added a Tivo DVR.

been thru a few changes and 1 actual move since then, and now have 1 HR-34, 2 Genie minis and 1 HR24. I'm turning off one of the minis, maybe even both of them soon. My youngest daughter's TV only has 1 HDMI input(she is 6 so el cheapo LCD tv) and we recently put a Roku Stick in her room so her mini is disconnected. I no longer watch DTV in the bedroom, pure streaming for me as well, so I'm thinking of moving the HR24 to the older daughter's room and cancelling both minis. if I do that, along with my recent package downgrade to get rid of sports charges, it will get my bill down into the low to mid 80.00 range, still too much but better than the near 130.00 it was a couple months ago.
You're probably all going to think I'm crazy, but I was getting free cable (most of the digital channels including HBO) through my landlord's FiOS. Had a box and everything (I live in a studio apartment behind his house). I wanted more than HBO (like Showtime, Starz, etc.). I offered to add to my rent if we upgrade and he politely declined, but he was OK with me putting up a dish, so I got DirecTV. I'd had it before and enjoyed it. I like it for the Sunday Ticket, the Extra Innings package, and "moving" to NY state to get the NYC locals. I thought about moving again, as it looks like Secretary, MD gets the Salisbury locals *AND* the Baltimore locals, but I'd want to somehow verify that before I "moved" again.
I have had DirecTV since about Day 2. I started saving to get it the day I heard about it. The buy in was quite a bit back then and you had to install it yourself or pay a jackleg to do it. And I wasn't doing so good money wise back then. Wife and I finally bought it one Christmas in lieu of presents to one another.

Cable in my area is, was, and always will be awful. When they were monopolists, they simply did not care. Ghosting, minimal channel offerings, long outages, mono sound, snow, overbleed. Just did not care. You had to have cable to get TV in 90% of their "service" area and provided the minimum they could to get by. And a leopard cannot change its spots. Founded on the minimum, it remains the minimum. Cable is the devil.

Greatest day when I told them to come rip their ancient cable out.
I have had DirecTV since about Day 2. I started saving to get it the day I heard about it. The buy in was quite a bit back then and you had to install it yourself or pay a jackleg to do it. And I wasn't doing so good money wise back then. Wife and I finally bought it one Christmas in lieu of presents to one another.

Cable in my area is, was, and always will be awful. When they were monopolists, they simply did not care. Ghosting, minimal channel offerings, long outages, mono sound, snow, overbleed. Just did not care. You had to have cable to get TV in 90% of their "service" area and provided the minimum they could to get by. And a leopard cannot change its spots. Founded on the minimum, it remains the minimum. Cable is the devil.

Greatest day when I told them to come rip their ancient cable out.
I have had DirecTV since about Day 2. I started saving to get it the day I heard about it. The buy in was quite a bit back then and you had to install it yourself or pay a jackleg to do it..

That's awesome that you've had it so long! I was barely 20 when I saw it for the first time and was instantly in awe. A college student, living at home, and pleas to my parents to get it were to no avail. IIRC, a one-receiver setup was $799.99, with a two-receiver setup being $999.99.
That's awesome that you've had it so long! I was barely 20 when I saw it for the first time and was instantly in awe. A college student, living at home, and pleas to my parents to get it were to no avail. IIRC, a one-receiver setup was $799.99, with a two-receiver setup being $999.99.
For awhile, towards the end of the D* Tivo, the TIVOs were selling for $1000.
Sony had an HD100 I think it was that was going for about $800.
We got a 2 room Sony directv system for a wedding gift in June of '95. I remember buying a $100 self install kit at Radio Shack, it took me and my friend almost all day to get it hooked up.
1996 for EI 1st year it was available and the Sunday Ticket . 3rd year it was available. Moved into my 1st apartment and had to leave my cband dish at my parents house. Got a Ku dish for the apartment balcony and moved it by hand. Got Dish Network in March of 97 for KTLA Dodgers and game show network which I missed from cband and was not on DirecTV. One of the systems got fox sports west 2 for dodgers first but I forget which one.

Dropped Dish several years ago. Parents have it. Still have DirecTV. In a house now with cband again (fight was free BTW the international feed) and 7 Ku dishes. 2 in the garage.
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