What about us who have pending installs....


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jan 7, 2004
Bondurant, IA
Well this Dish Network stuff really is a bummer. I am suppose to have Voom installed on Saturday but was wondering how long will the broadcasting from Rainbow will continue. I mean will this setup stop functioning the first of the month or what? Please provide some guidenance as to what to do....btw I had Dish Network already and dropped it 4 months ago so will I get screwed on any deal offers?
I'm set to have it installed on the 28th... wondering the same thing. Sean basically said cancel. Which leads to the next question... I'm dropping cable so should what satellite provider is recommended... I'm not familiar with the pros and cons of either.
I had mine installed yesterday , and I love it . Even though they been sold I'm still watching HD, the signal is strong and all of it for a $1.00 .
Go for it and enjoy why others are so pissed about . I've watched it for a day now and I fully understand why there so ANGRY , the PQ itself is worth a buck . I truly don't have a prob. paying my bill as long as I recieve signal . For how long is the question ????

I think I might keep my installation date. I'll enjoy Voom for a few weeks, get a free antenna, plus then when I do switch to dish network I'll already have the cabling and everything done so it will only be a matter of switching the equipment out.
Why not go through with the install. You get a free antenna installation and HD OTA tuner(Assuming they don't come get the equipment).
My install is on the 25th. I guess I'm just gonna let it go and see if someone
shows up on tuesday morning. *shrug* I probably wont even get any OTA chanels with the antenna they bring, but I guess its worth a shot. I think
I am about dead center between Baltimore and Philly.... maybe 45 miles from
both. *shrug again*
Yep so far I am going to let mine happen unless otherwise....from what I read when voom is unplugged the OTA part will go with it, but the free OTA antenna is worth it...
Sarcoptic said:
....from what I read when voom is unplugged the OTA part will go with it, but the free OTA antenna is worth it...
D* HD receivers can function as OTA HD receivers without "seeing" a satellite. Maybe VOOM's can too.
Nope it can not once I cancelled Voom my reciever only shows call to activate. So no OTA tuner. O well. Everyone Enjoy Voom while it lasts. It was a fun ride while I had it. The wife overroad me eventually tho. They may still have something up there sleeve's but who really know but the $$$ men in the situation.
nuclearmeltdown2046 said:
I had mine installed yesterday , and I love it . Even though they been sold I'm still watching HD, the signal is strong and all of it for a $1.00 .
Go for it and enjoy why others are so pissed about . I've watched it for a day now and I fully understand why there so ANGRY , the PQ itself is worth a buck . I truly don't have a prob. paying my bill as long as I recieve signal . For how long is the question ????

I agree....I called Voom and asked how this would change would effact my furture sign up and install and the;y told me that even they were unsure of what (might) change. But for now it is business as usual. I have until March 1 to take advantage of the promo....will see what shakes out up to that time.
I posted this in another thread, but here goes again:

Why on earth would you cancel your install? Your risking a whopping dollar, fer chrissake!

No one on this board, no matter how loudly they proclaim that they "know someone" or have "inside information" has even the first clue as to if or when Voom will go dark. Period. Full stop.

If Voom dies, you will not be held to your 6-month commitment. If anything, it is likely that both D* and E* wold offer some sort of attractive deal to existing Voomers. So what are you risking?

As long as they are still doing installs, what do you have to lose?

My Voom was installed yesterday, and I plan to keep using it until it goes dark. Why wouldn't I?

People cancelling installs... I don't get it. What is the downside to going through with the install?

Enjoy the HD for as long as it lasts!

It boggles the mind.
VOOM is here to stay as far as I am concerned. So what if some hardware changed hands? The basic business is functioning and hardware can be leased or acquired again at a latter date. Please keep the faith guys! :)

Voom - Staying or Leaving

So what should I do with my Sat provider?

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