Were Back... Hows the Speed?

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Well folks we put in our emergency security patch and everything seems to have gone good. :)

While the server was down I optimized our PHP, so please let me know if you see any speed difference, it should be faster now. :)

Sorry for having to take the site down without much notice, but when I found out about this mornings Cpanel update problem I wanted to make sure I patched it immediately so I could keep all your private information private.

Thanks for your support, and I look forward to your feedback on the speed. :)
So far my tests show that our speed is about 70% faster then it was before.

While we were down I upgraded to a new version of Apache, I upgraded our version of PHP, and installed a new PHP caching program. :)

I am very happy with the results I am seeing so far. :D
Scott Greczkowski said:
While we were down I upgraded to a new version of Apache, I upgraded our version of PHP, and installed a new PHP caching program. :)
What? You didn't upgrade the OS as well? :) You have a lot more faith in software upgrading then what many sysadmins do.
cdru said:
What? You didn't upgrade the OS as well? :) You have a lot more faith in software upgrading then what many sysadmins do.

Especially on Linux. I've learned already that a simple upgrade of something on Linux can equal reinstallation of Linux. :D
I have studied these before installing them. The Apache was needed as part of the security upgrade. The PHP didnt really need to be done, but some people have reported some better performance with this version, so I went for it.

I am getting good at this compiling stuff now. :) When we first moved to our own dedicated server I didn't know what the hell I was doing.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I have studied these before installing them. The Apache was needed as part of the security upgrade. The PHP didnt really need to be done, but some people have reported some better performance with this version, so I went for it.

I am getting good at this compiling stuff now. :) When we first moved to our own dedicated server I didn't know what the hell I was doing.

Do we ever know what we're doing when we started out?

That's pretty good the knowledge you've gained in a year's time with this! You know a heck of a lot more than I do about Linux. I've now gotten the directory structure down and the basics of compiling the kernel. Had to for my wireless NIC.
Yup when we first moved to our own dedicated server I looked and said HUH?!?!

Nothing was setup for us, while at the other sites the ISP set it all up for us. I needed to learn everything by the skin of my teeth, I had Ler to fall back on when I had a really hard problem, but for the most part he made me do it on my own to learn it, and it was great that he did.

Now I am always doing stuff with it behind the scenes, always monitoring it and making changes when need be. And I am always reading webmaster sites and support forums for all the software that make this work. I try staying on the edge of all this stuff so I can give you guys the best experiance possible. :)
Same here! I'm looking forward to the day that v3arcade pro gets released.
It is zooming pretty good. I also noticed that it's been detecting the threads I read automatically, without me having to click on the mark forums read. Very Nice!
Way better than the last few days. Tough to tell at the office, I share 1.54Mbps with 200 people. At Home I have 3.5Mbps all to myself :) There is something thanks to Comcast!
Well it did, but it wasn't instantly, some times they weren't viewed as read until like 10 minutes later
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