Are you in PTAT when this occurs?No sports recording.
still playing when I try to delete it, goes to a second show cant delete.
I will watch another show more carefully and report back
Are you in PTAT when this occurs?No sports recording.
still playing when I try to delete it, goes to a second show cant delete.
I will watch another show more carefully and report back
Thanks for the PTAT, I will not forget it.Prime Time Any Time - records ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC off one satellite tuner from 7 to 10 pm every day. My assessment is that if you turn it on it records and deletes itself after 8 days. It is a whole different animal from recordings made with timers. I don't think you can delete these recordings even though they may disappear from the listing, if you play the previous recording and let it play it will play through the entire 7pm to 10pm string, it is all one recording that the tuner is able to pick individual shows out of, but it is all still there.
You found a manual?I guess that they "forgot" to put this in one of their many manuals.
Yup, not only but 103 a videoYou found a manual?I don't remember getting a manual since early in my VIP days.
Last Night: Using Remote ButtonsLooking forward to my next experience, right now working thru a Apple TV issue.
Charles spot on with the emoji. Cannot believe (mouth hanging open) all the issues.Last Night: Using Remote Buttons
DVR, Bottom Right Corner Oldest Show, It was the Resident and went to delete it, deleted it the screen went black, waited a few minutes powered off and hit reset button, turned back on and after reset the Resident had been deleted.
Watched FBI International and after the show ended it continued showing FBI Most Wanted, when that was over it gave the option to delete FBI International.
Watched the Conners same results except it went to Home Economics (No Recording) and than it went to a Million Little Lives, at the end of that show gave option to delete the Conners.
jerryez CBS is our favorite network. Sometimes if running late the PTAT will not run straight thru for the last program. It happened for Seal Team last Sunday nite. That is why I still have a permanent 2 hour timer set everyday to start at the PTAT ending time for CBS.CBS is infamous for running its' Sunday night programming late due to sports. I have a TiVo for locals, but if CBS is running late, I switch to PTAT just so I can watch a late running program in its entirety, straight thru.
Maybe I didn't forgot to record that one......many, many things going on in my world. Life was so much simpler when we had rabbit ears and Dumont would sign off from New Jersey every night with the Star Spangle Banner.jerryez CBS is our favorite network. Sometimes if running late the PTAT will not run straight thru for the last program. It happened for Seal Team last Sunday nite. That is why I still have a permanent 2 hour timer set everyday to start at the PTAT ending time for CBS.
A request: If anyone here could recommend a knowledge Dish person in Phoenix/Tucson area it would be greatly appreciated. It was another night of shows playing that I had not recorded after we watched one that we had recorded.Maybe I didn't forgot to record that one......many, many things going on in my world. Life was so much simpler when we had rabbit ears and Dumont would sign off from New Jersey every night with the Star Spangle Banner.
Let me ask this, were those programs on local channels? Do you have Prime Time Any Time enabled? If so, you will see exactly what you are seeing. PTAT records every show, in prime time (8-11PM), on the big 4 networks (ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC). This is normal behavior. You can control that behavior in Home, Home, Settings, Prime Time Anytime.A request: If anyone here could recommend a knowledge Dish person in Phoenix/Tucson area it would be greatly appreciated. It was another night of shows playing that I had not recorded after we watched one that we had recorded.
Yes they are local channels. Is PTAT enabled, when I click on the guide there is a yellow box with PT letters. When i selected which program to record I was in the guide and I clicked on the program and it asked if I wanted new series and I said yes. When I click on the remote DVR, I assume all those recordings are in my DVR bucket. I will see what settings I have tonight.Let me ask this, were those programs on local channels? Do you have Prime Time Any Time enabled? If so, you will see exactly what you are seeing. PTAT records every show, in prime time (8-11PM), on the big 4 networks (ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC). This is normal behavior. You can control that behavior in Home, Home, Settings, Prime Time Anytime.
OK, granted I am not the sharpest pencil in the box. I checked the system timers for the DVR. Start 1 minute and stop 2 minutes (i had changed that from 3). I changed the stop to 1 minute. Then I looked at individual time start at 1 and stop at 3. So it appears I will have to change each timer individually. Yes or No? Sure this was mentioned in a previous postLet me ask this, were those programs on local channels? Do you have Prime Time Any Time enabled? If so, you will see exactly what you are seeing. PTAT records every show, in prime time (8-11PM), on the big 4 networks (ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC). This is normal behavior. You can control that behavior in Home, Home, Settings, Prime Time Anytime.
Gee, nothing like doing things in binary.....Individually...