Or you can forget the expensive Tivo fees and turn a PC with Windows Media Center built in into a whole home DVR with 14 day guide and no monthly fees. When I cut the cord all it cost me was the price of 2 $75 HDHomerun dual networked OTA tuners and the price of an outdoor antenna.
I don't have anything negative to say about Tivo equipment but getting them setup with lifetime subscriptions costs a pretty big chunk of change for someone looking to save money by cutting the cord. I priced out a 4 tuner Roamio and a Tivo Mini for the bedroom with lifetime subscriptions on both from amazon because that was my original plan. It would have cost me $909 to cut the cord and go that route.
Windows Media Center is no slouch as a DVR and it gave me a similar setup for $231 including the 2 dual tuners, outdoor antenna, and preamp. I would say the hopper is a little better as a DVR but WMC is definitely better than any cable DVR I have ever used.