Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

hello, I'm new here

hello everybody,
I'm new here. My avatar is a wolf. Does it cute? its name is Huitailang, is a wolf have no sheep to eat. houhou~:D:D:D
Howdy. My name is Stan. I live in a kinda remote area of Arizona and depend on satellite for TV and Internet. I am getting ready to upgrade to HDTV and look forward to all the info in this forum.


I just registered because one of my dish network receivers died and I'm looking for info to avoid some amature "professional" installer coming to my home and doing the "free" installation.

I'm an aircraft mechanic and ultimate DIYer. I don't like someone else messing with my stuff.

PC or Mac? Android or iPhone?

Do you wear glasses or contacts or don't you?
