Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

Hi, I am a DirecTv satellite installer and was just looking to read info on satellites and answer questions that anyone has. So I thought I would register and read, read, read....
Hello to all.
I used to think I was a technogeek and then started reading forums such as this one and realized how much of an underinformed newbie I am. My plan is to read and learn from your posts. Thanks
Hopefully will be setting up my FTA system in the next couple of days, Stab HH100, Fortec Star 90 cm, and Pansat 2700a.
I've got my fingers crossed that my Pansat 2700a is the real thing, I saw somewhere on web pictures showing differences between original model and fake, if anyone remembers the site send me a link, my only mistake might have been not buying the receiver from a dealer.
Wish me luck.............
Chicago Area w/ nice line of sight H to H.
HI Group!!!I'M Loading my first Viewsat Xtreme sofware

i am a hacker and realize i am no longer welcomed here.
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...a newbie but have learned quite a bit from this form in the past couple of weeks and just officially joined yesterday...in the market for my first receiver and dish and have (with this forum's help) narrowed my choices down to three units... am anxious to get up and running...thanks for the warm reception...
Hello, I finally got around to getting in here and posting, Thanks to all the excellent folks who have answered my questions so far. Hopefully soon I will have grasped enough to be able to contribute back into this great forum. Mark

Greetings. Looks like a very entertaining (and educational site). Awaiting Globecast receiver /dish. Thinking about purchasing additional receiver so I can watch in two seperate rooms. What is the best way to set up dual feed ? Thanks
hi y'all i'm fairly new to sat testing but have developed a hankerin' to learn more and test more. i'm looking forward to learning from y'all and sharing that miniscule amount of stuff i've learned in the last 10 months
Hi Everyone! I am sort of new. I found this place while searching for info when Dish dumped Lifetime, or Lifetime dumped Dish, whichever came first. So now I am reading the different threads and learning about you and what this place is all about!
Hi all:
I hope every body has a great ( NEW YEAR ) I'M just new to FTA and I don't now alot about the Viewsat 2000 but I hope someone can help me thanks