Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

new here.

hi everyone. i have not really dug down into the realms of this forum yet, but what i wanted to know is do you guys have a spot here for people with internet "radio" shows to post their links and maybe meet up with new people who might give it a listen?
will need your help

Hi i am Garnose
I live in province of Quebec in Canada,so my native language is french ,and I speak English a little bit :)

I bought on e-bay last week a fta receiver Captive Works CE-600S,and i am unable to get something out of it.

I tried to install it,but fail, my image is now jumping up and down,and can't see the screen (image) anymore.

The only information I got from my seller is :
You have to study about how to program the receiver & we are just reselling & cant provide you more help, all i can say is just search that website dsscentral.com and get some information.:mad:

I did but really don't know wath to do.

Can someone help Me ?:up
Thanks for having me

Scott Greczkowski said:
I wanted to take a moment to welcome all our new members to SatelliteGuys.US! Yesterday was the busiest new member signups day ever in the history of SatelliteGuys.US with 175 new members joining us!

We want all of our members to feel at home here at SatelliteGuys, if you are a new member why not take a moment to say hello and tell us about yourself.

Welcome home to SatelliteGuys, we are hapy to have you here!
Hi All,

I'm living in Alberta,Canada and enjoy Fta since 2004, but just recently I got some real receiver (like Pansat 3500) and now looking for another receiver, to replace one of my Pantec.

See you around

Hello everyone. I'm new here but have been here several times to read what's about the happenings in the Satellite world. I have been DirecTV subscriber for 12 years now. Can't live without my Sunday Ticket! Thanks for all the info you folks provide. It's much appreciated!

Hello Everyone:

I'm a rookie in the FTA, I own a couple of receivers a viewsat 2000 and a pansat
2700 A, these are presently attached to a motorized dish 39" with a dual LNB
and so far I'm very happy with this format, but then again I've a lot to learn and I'm hopping by becomihg a member here I should and will pick-up, a few hints I'm sure.

Today is election day here in Canada and if you are still voting Liberal you must be stuck on stupid.

Thanks everyone.

Hi to everyone,
I live in Florida and am a survivor of the worst 2 years of hurricanes that we've had since moving here 12 years ago. I originally started with Directv, switched to Dishnetwork, and now have decided to switch to FTA. The FTA is completely new to me but after reading many of the forums here I see I have much to learn. I have been to other sites but you guys definately have it all together.
It is said that if a day goes by and you learn nothing new then it has been a wasted day. Checking in on this site everyday will alleviate that problem for me.
Thumbs up everyone!!!
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Hello all!
Brand new here and doing my homework on FTA. Recently aquired 2 10' BUDs systems at good prices FREE. Hope to be posting more about the equipment
in detail. Hopefully upgrading to a good C-band Ku band receiver and will appreciate any pointers along the way.
Thanks in advance to satellitguys and you all.

Scott Greczkowski said:
I wanted to take a moment to welcome all our new members to SatelliteGuys.US! Yesterday was the busiest new member signups day ever in the history of SatelliteGuys.US with 175 new members joining us!

We want all of our members to feel at home here at SatelliteGuys, if you are a new member why not take a moment to say hello and tell us about yourself.

Welcome home to SatelliteGuys, we are hapy to have you here!
Hi To all Houli still have not bought anything will soon. trying to decide!
Hi all, I've been checking out the forum for almost a year and thought it might be time to start posting. I'm a seasoned telecommunications veteran and find this site is great for sharing tech know how's and info.
New and possibly short lived

Hey to everyone,
I don't know what to do... I am just getting into this stuff and I may get shut down before I get started... i got my DP500 from ebay and while waiting for it i ran SatFinder and realized that 110 and 119 are not to my southeast (wide open) but are in fact to my southwest (right into the trees)... I don't think I will be able to get a clear enough shot... the people seem to shoot into the trees but i am not sure if they get any kind of picture or not... Anyway, I hope to be able to play with all of this... i need a little challenge... I hope to get my DP500 working with a motor and Pansat 3500... I only have the dish so far..
Hi -

I'm brand new here, albeit at 66 not new in general ;-)

A lot of years experience with electronics, and tv antennas and systems specifically (would you believe 50+!). And just installed a Off-The-Air HDTV, antenna, etc at my place 3 years ago. Works great.

But I have no experience with satellite TV. This spring I will be putting in a Ku FTA system at my inlaws (they have a good shot at the satellite belt; I don't). They have only traditional analog tv with no current plans to update to HDTV.

I will be posting somewhere on here to run my tentative design picks on equipment, etc past you pros. My technical background is very good, but not specifically in satellite tv - so the nomenclature, etc has me a little confused. But, I promise, I will be a quick learner.

Talked with a nice lady at Skyvision yesterday and she cleared up some of my confusion. The digital MPEG thing bothered me, in that we'll be feeding into an analog NTSC receiver. Now I understand that the digital is between the LNB and the MPEG receiver, and that the receiver's output to the NTSC tv set is indeed analog.

I will be checking with you all about many things. As a starter, I'm trying to figure out whether to get the RG6 from Skyvision or just get the lowest loss stuff locally. What I need to know is what is the frequency spectrum of the digital bit stream between the LNB and the MPEG receiver? That way I can make an Engineering judgement whether the 100 feet of RG6 I'll have has acceptable loss.

I think this will be a very interesting forum for me, and be a great learning experience.


David Bodner
Manlius, NY -
Atop Limestone Gorge,
on the edge of forever.

New to FTA. I believe my start in FTA is not a good one. I believe I was involved with some bad information about FTA which has me wondering if I can afford this hobby right now.

I'm a bit nervous after reading some posts and fta being legal and such. My purchase of a sat3500 which will arrive tomorrow was driven by a review I saw here and buy a different website I won't mention who told me my regular 18inch dish and directv dishes would pick up most of the fta channels...when in fact the entire website was based on piracy...ACK!

I'm to old and have to many children to get involved with anything leading to a fine or jail time...so I am here to research legal issues and what other equipment I REALLY need...not some illegal "stuff". I must admit I am a bit nervous because the place I ordered it from warned me that viewing channels that you don't pay for is illegal.

Ack. everyone say a prayer for me and hopefully I can find the information I need to getting "LEGAL" PBS KIDS and other stations :-).

Intrests include - family, computers, and computers...and....fta if I can afford it.
I'm new to the FTA world, I hope it's as exciting as the other "testing" I have done in the past, Just ordered a Coolsat 5000 plat,
Let the fun begin !
Hello to all...I just joined the group a couple weeks back...lots on learning material ..I am ordering a new FTA 3500s....I will need help getting it up and running..I sure dont want to scrap it , by doing somthing stupid, Thanks for all the help...in advance....Roger
Hi all,

I've been a lurker for almost a year and a half, but just now to join. I really love this site and decided I hopefully can add insight besides the normal me too posts.
I live 90 miles from Reno, NV so satellite is my only option, and have found Satelliteguys to be the best at what they do. Eventhough I live in Nevada now it is good to see all the people from my old stomping ground of Michigan here.

