Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

Well I found a site I can relate to! I have been into scanners, ham radio, sattelite both c band and ku, and pc's for a long time. I still have a TI 994a compter and a 8 ft Channel Master big dish!
Motorized dish

Hi. I'm new member . I've been trying to install a motorized dish, but with 0 result. I followed all instructions ( I think ) but nothing. I live in CA, Zip 91706, True south azimuth 180. Latitude 34.09 N , Longitude 117 W, I'm using a 33" Sky dish, Moteck SG 2100 motor, SV 4000 receiver, Motor elevetion 34, Dish elevation 24 (no sure, because there is no mark on it). And when I try to find any satellite, using the remote control I have some strength signal but 0 quality, and I don't know if I'm pointing any satellite. Can somebody help me, please? Thanks. Edmundol
Hello from The Great White North

Well Hi all from The Great White North, I am Bouncy64
I have been into electronics kinda since I was a young ankle biter and wanted to tear my new police car apart to find out what made it go WHIIIRRRRR. lol :)
Aside from that I got introduced into satellite when I was still attending highschool. For a summer job I was putting up "BUDS", I was the little grunt that had to dig the 1square yrd. hole to pour the concrete that held the mounting pole. Making sure the mounting pole was straight and true, once this was completed, I got too run the wires, which also in most cases had to be buried. I also done complete installs for O.T.A. assembling the towers, antenna's, amplifiers, running the wires and testing to make sure all was working properly. I done quite a bit of learning over that summer. However the boss was the one who done the programming of the receivers, so that part, I was in the dark about. In the time since, I have dabbled in ham radio, chatting to individuals from all over the world, using scanners to listen to friends or otherwise getting checked out or what the local cab or fire company was up to. Now as of late I have had the time on my hands to get back into the satallite hobby. While friends were jabbering about losing their TV when nag3 was brought in, I was still watching TV using my O.T.A. as well as my "true" free to air sat.
If I am able to help out any fellow members, be it with FTA, O.T.A., computers, or anything else for that matter. I don't mind helping out, however, if I don't know my butt from a hole in the ground, I will tell you and ask that you get help from a more knowledgable member. Take care and I hope to see you's in the forums. :)
Greetings. I am new here. I have been with Dish since the fall of 1996. Back then I moved to a house on the edge of town and cable tv wasn't available there (still isn't).

I plan to upgrade my system soon.
Hey, all! I finally had enough of my cable bill and (lack of) channel options and took the plunge into Directv in July. It's been great except for those times when we have a heavy downpour and the screen freezes. But I just go to the kitchen and grab a bite:-) I've got one HD receiver (h23) and two SD receivers. I'm debating whether to move the HD to the bedroom and trade up for a HD DVR. Lots to think about!
Hello from Florida

Hey Everyone,

New here. Greetings. I'm the operating coordinator for a small, 2-person city cableTV station in northeast Florida. We have a 9' Patriot Dish with an RC1500 controller, PowerVu D9850 & Videocipher RSII. We mainly program NASA Educational, selected Pentagon Channel programs, Dept. of Education and Classic Arts Showcase overnight.

Seeking to put our programming on DishNetwork.

Currently we're looking at the feasability of connecting a fiber link to a point of presence somewhere locally. Further, we'd uplink to a transponder with leased capacity and establish a designated area network for our residents with DishNetwork. I'm not sure this has ever been done before by any local government access channels. I've never heard of it being done anyways, so we're on an information mission by joining these forums....

T. Hanson
New Member

Hey! just a quick note here to introduce myself. I'm 50 something years young, Happily married to my childhood sweetheart and gorgeous lady! Have spent the last 15+ years working in Wireless in many roles, currently RF Engineer.

My interest in wireless started when introduced to Ham Radio at the age of 14 (I think) memory is the first to go! I currently hold an Advanced Class License and I also hold a GROL (general Radio-telephone operators Liicense) WHOOPEE!!

College? yes Computer engineering hmm I think state of the art in PC's was a IBM with two 5.25 inch floppy drives and 64K mem. things have progressed since then!

Along the way I spent some time in the Military, Foward Air Control Jeep with a Mark 88 pallet? big 40 ft whip with a bunch of collins gear HF USB radio with kilowatt and a auto tuner called a coffin.

OK enough I look foward to conversing with like minded individuals here or such as my case mindless individuals! Hello to all!

H10 confusion


Just got an H10 Receiver for Directv HD. It works fine execpt my satillite choices don't get any HD signal.

I was told it was a problem with Integ2 vs Integ4 satillites.

Any ideas on how to get this pointed to the right satillites?

Ihave the 3 prong dish and a working HD reciever downstairs so I know the dish is fine.