Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)


Have been visiting this site for some time now because of all the good info available. Almost always find what is needed infact my whole setup is based on info from here. Probably won't post much because it is obvious that everyone here knows way more. Have 2 fixed 33" pointed at 83W & 97W & 36" with SG2100 for looking around. Used a Fortec Ultra till got 2 Coolsat 5K now like BlindScan on them better & more important wife finds them easier to use. Sometimes go into city to swap meets FTA stuff is real cheap CS5Ks were $10 each!! Also use OTA for more programs. Home outside of LA CA no Cable or DSL here so stuck with Dialup but that is OK using your PDA mode. Thanks for such a super FTA site look forward to being here!

Have been reading some postings for awhile, lots of good info, not that I understand much of it. My wife and I are full time RV'ers, going on 5 years now.
We have Directv in our 5th wheel. We have 2 receivers and I use a portable dish on a tripod to connect.

Dave Johnson
Hello all-
Been lurking here for at least 2 years - finally getting around to posting. Helped install first sat dish in 1974 or so as a broadcast engineer working with one of the Intelsat satellites that ended up over India- tested for PBS in the US. 10 Meter (33 Ft) dish and $10,000 LNB. Now using .75 meter dish and $15 LNB with better performance. Times they do change.

Chip in Ohio here. I had DirectTV for about ten years & loved it. I had a customer service issue which hacked me off, so I jumped to AT&T U-Verse. I hate it. The DVR is so... freakin... slow... at moving through menus, erasing, etc. Anyway, I've got Dish Network coming out on Saturday to hook me up. I'm getting a VIP 722k DVR receiver, which I guess controls 2 TVs? Seems like their DVR receiver has pretty positive reviews, so hopefully my wife will quit swearing at me everytime she watches tv. I'll be getting a 1000 dish which receives 3 satellites.

Anyway, good to be here. Cheers.