Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

How Yall Doin!?

Im NEW! boiled crawfish anyone? heh . come on ova!

Please leave some feed back in the broadband thread i started!! i need a new meter and wondering what others are using...
new to this .retired last year,been getting ready for the dtv,installing converter boxes,have three,2 magnavox tb100mw9,1 insignia ns-dxai have been trying to get these local stations in with my antennas,wife is tired of it.i have been build them for years will move them in the spring there to close together .too much snow up her in maine.iam tring to send pics,will try later.hi again too every one
Thanks for the help

Hello to the group.
Have and collected three Pansat models so far.
Always on the lookout for technical Q&As about C, Ku & DBS reception.

Also like terrestrial DTV stuff too.
Hi, Just joined tonigt. I am totally in the dark about all this satellite business.So I figured what better place to learn!!found your site while trying to find out about FTA receivers. I really need all the info I can get. I have been told the Pansat is the best,I want a good receiver that is easy to work.
Slowly going mad over vip622

Hello, all. I am currently searching this site for a solution for my perpetually rebooting 622. This is my...oh, hell I lost count of how many replacements I have had. I am at wits end and there will be no Superbowl party at my house if I can't fix this.
intro to membership

Hi all.

I just wanted to thank everyone involved in maintaing this forum. I have found this site useful for answering questions that my colleagues cannot. And since I've been reading here as a non member I've wanted to issue a few messages:

Customers, unless you are receiving error messages on your tv please do not call dish network for a trouble call and a technician to re-point your dish.

Customers, please don't disconnect, cut, or modify any of the wires that run from your dish. And if you do, and your system stops working, please don't call dish network and blame the last technician on-site for your problem.

Customers, if I tell you there is no line of site, that means there is no line of site. No matter how many times you call dish network again, calling and calling is not going to cut down the trees surrounding your house.

Customers, please let your technicians work in peace. Do not follow them around and watch everything they do as they work, and do not plop down on an arm chair in front of your patio window and watch me put up your dish in -15 weather.

Customers, if your technician pulls up in a personal vehicle this means he is a sub contractor. A sub is paid by the job, not by the hour. I am not going to hook up your surround sound system or re-wire an entire house. If your tech pulls up in a dish net van he probably will re-wire a pre-wired home, and he can set up your home theater system.