Welcome Back!

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OK looks like we have it working! :D

Now have you tried your avatar? You should be able to go to 125 x 125.
Well, I could PM you, but it looks like it's working now! Thanks, Scott!

Edit: I can even edit now.
Ok folks it seems I got most of the major fires put out. The big problem remaining is the messages were reindexed in the conversion so messages with links to other messages might not work.

Unfortunately I dont think there is anything I can do about that. :(

I do have another fire to put out, I just got a call from my wife and her new printer at her resturant died and she needs me to bring an inkjet printer over so she can print out her reports.

I will be back later. :)

Enjoy SatelliteGuys everyone!
For those with login issues, erase your "satelliteguys.us" and "www.satelliteguys.us" cookies, and login again..

That will fix your problem. Just make sure you delete both sets, the ones with AND without the www.

Scott: Any word on the new vbGarage?
Scott Greczkowski said:
OK looks like we have it working! :D

Now have you tried your avatar? You should be able to go to 125 x 125.
I took this opportunity to update to a more festive avatar. It looks like everyone needs to reload their avatars (unless your avatar is 80 x 80 pixels.)

It's going to take a while to get used to the new look. I'm sure there is some way to modify the color scheme in the User CP. I was finally able to update my Profile photo; I wasn't able to do that with the old version.:hatsoff:
The box for me to change my user title is still missing on the upgrade, was missing on old too. Anyone else?
BFG said:
The box for me to change my user title is still missing on the upgrade, was missing on old too. Anyone else?
I see it under the "Edit Profile" option on the User Control Panel. Maybe it's because you are such a "Super Moderator" that nothing can change that?
am i missing the front page or do we all just go to the forum page now? i liked the front page that had all the announcements.
Todays upgrade was no normal upgrade, we actually installed everything from scratch, the entire site was rebuilt by hand.

It needed to be done. I am glad that it is out of the way now. :)

Lots more to be done, we need to get the homepages back, pda mode set back up and a bunch of new things which we think you will enjoy.

Time for me to get to bed. :)
I like the new look but it will take some time to get used to. I think a way to improve the threads is to figure out a way to compress the text in a smaller space (keeping text size the same or make it adjustable) like in a box or bubble like what you see when people talk in a cartoon type of setting (if you know what I am trying to say lol). You could have them go from left to right in rows. It would take up less space and not as much scrolling to read all of the messages. Maybe some sort of software would allow different options of how to read them. That would take some getting used to as well though and some many not like it.
Are you referring to the AVS/DBStalk Thread styles? Where all the user info is kept on the left and the post contents come one after another? I think I like that way better myself as well...
I just updated a feature which was used on the old software. The good old spoiler tag. :)

This one is a lot better then the old one.

Thanks for being a SatelliteGuys Member! We hope you enjoy the new software and remember, you ain't seen nothing yet!

Cool huh? :D
BFG said:
Are you referring to the AVS/DBStalk Thread styles? Where all the user info is kept on the left and the post contents come one after another? I think I like that way better myself as well...

Thats actually the "Legacy" postbit style. from vBulletin 2.x

We could do legacy here by changing one setting. Hmm I wonder if there is a way to let the user choose the layout they like. If not someone should write one. :D
Yeah it should be one of the options in the display mode drop down box! :)
'Show Thumbnails' under attachments in the UserCP doesn't work.

Good job getting this beast re-built in a day!

Shawn95GT said:
'Show Thumbnails' under attachments in the UserCP doesn't work.
I am rebuilding the thumbnails now. It may take a few hours before it's done.

ok 18 hours of working on this today. I will pick up where I left off tommorow. :D
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