We Really Had It Great With Voom!!

I miss my voom too. Iam currently using OTA antanne with my Voom receiver to the local HD channels that Cox Cable seems not able to get added to their HD service.
I agree I do miss my voOm I Hope that the new Orleans Area will start laying Fiber what A great time to do it.. BUT you know that the &^%%ing Politicians have to line their pockets.......... Before any thing get done down here.... maybe it is time for me to sell what I have and move on...
I have been a Dish customer since May 7 and am becoming quickly disillusioned with the HD. I get their basic HD Net and then the Voom channels. I had to call them about something (Tech Support) or other and asked about HD--the tech said they were not even sure they would carry the 21 VOOM channels, but there would be "other" HD channels--they mentioned ESPN2--well, I do NOT want another Sports HD channel. DISH is becoming sports, Shopping Channel crazy.

Either way--VOOM 21 (or less as they mentioned) or a "few" new Channels, still don't get those Starz HD feeds, TMC HD, Cinemax HD, Universal HD, Wealth HD and they MANY, MANY more that VOOM had.

I will probably discontinue my sub to the DIsh HD package, but keep the VOOM, if that's possible.
I followed Voom to Dish. But finally even Voom lite with the meager Dish HD offerings is no longer really cutting it. I want ALL my HD. We had it great as Voomers.

If offered a Voom DBS, all the HD currently available on the the planet including national HD feeds for the masses with my OTA locals through my Moto box and nothing else I'd not blink before saying yes.

I'm so glad I Voomed. :D
Yes, VOOM is truely missed. I too was looking for a good movie or braodcast in HDTV and didn't come up with awhole lot. VOOM was one of the main reason why I bought my HDTV. And, it's nice that we can still get it with DISH, but with just 6 channels, I will hold off untill they get somemore HD content with the VOOM package.

Also, anyone know what happened to channel 9/WGN in HD? I am in the Chicago area and when I do a search for it, nothing comes up. I have DISH Network. If I am missing anything let me know.


Also, how do you get channel 2/CBS in HD??????
optimusprime said:
True, but then there are people who live in areas where ALL buried cables belong to a Baby Bell, a massive cable company, (Time Warner for me...) or the power company.

Hey, I don't have ANY buried cables! I had to have two poles installed on my property to bring in power and phone. There is no cableTV at all.
This is a great thread, and great to read some of you guys again.

We too really miss our Voom! We still reminisce about the great commercial-free programming we enjoyed on Equator, Gallery, WorldCinema, and FilmFest. Outstanding stuff!!

We use our HDTV for SD videos (all that is available). We do not subscribe to any form of television programming since that fateful night in April. No current service deserves our monthly fees like Voom did.

I hope you guys are right when you say that HD programming will someday be at least as good as Voom was at its peak. When that day comes we will celebrate and sign up for service. I am not willing to pay meanwhile.

1080iBeVuMin said:
This is a great thread, and great to read some of you guys again.

We too really miss our Voom! We still reminisce about the great commercial-free programming we enjoyed on Equator, Gallery, WorldCinema, and FilmFest. Outstanding stuff!!

We use our HDTV for SD videos (all that is available). We do not subscribe to any form of television programming since that fateful night in April. No current service deserves our monthly fees like Voom did.

I hope you guys are right when you say that HD programming will someday be at least as good as Voom was at its peak. When that day comes we will celebrate and sign up for service. I am not willing to pay meanwhile.


Could not have said it better!!! I am just getting TV via OTA and really have not seen the reason to pay for the small hd offerrings currently available from cable or dbs providers. I will waite until someone can at least match the amount of hd that Voom provided before paying for tv again.

I really miss Voom and appreciate the high standard they set.
I'm still using a couple of my Voom receivers for OTA, and they actually do a better job of pulling in signals than my Directv Samsung HD box.

I'm also still using my Voom dish to pull the 61.5 Voom channels from Dish (I bought a used Dish HD receiver and just subscribe to the HD package). But I miss the old Voom, I remember when I first got it how excited I was. I came home from work and it was installed, what a great time that was.

What always amazed me was all the people here and at avsforum who badmouthed Voom and bragged about Directv. D* still has meager offerings for HD. Just more promises. Voom was the real deal. You didn't have to wait till 2007 or later to have a good selection of HD. Even then, I doubt Directv will have the selection that Voom had.

It's still amazing how many hated it who never even had it in the first place.
I still see that you guys hang out here even after the VOOM DBS downfall. Great testimony how great we had it. VOOM DBS with all its fault was great because they came to the forum and listened. How many times customers came here and discussed ideas that they would have liked to see and soon after we saw it on VOOM. Their technical support was incredible as they made lots of improvements to the receiver because of the feedback they got from everyone here. They monitor the forum for problems and were able to correct the techinical problems. I believe that the VOOM Originals channels will get better than it is today and will reach the same level as before. The missing part the VOOM DBS will never get there. Maybe Verizon can one day reach all of us and give us another choice. Maybe maybe...
Yup. I miss my Voom as well. I have been relegated to OTA via the Voom STB because we get our cable for free from the HOA and it is DISH fed through the cable network. I just can't rationalize paying for all the other DISH programming I get for free just to have more HD.
I miss Voom as well. :( I have the Voom package on Dish but it is not the same. I sold all my Voom receivers a few months ago. Boy did I regret that move. I missed them so much I had T York chase some down for me and I purchased them. Nothing works better for OTA than the Motorola Voom box. With dish I loose the sat signal due to weather and I also get locked out of the OTA tuner with the dreaded "Acquiring Satellite Signal" message. Please Voom, come back and be a DBS provider once again!. I know, wishful thinking. :no
Indy, I'm happy with the HD PQ on E*, but I will be even happier when they provide all VOOM21 channels, Cinemax HD, Starz HD, Universal HD, ESPN2 HD, and Wealth TV...it will be more VOOM-like when (IF?) this occurs.

As far as OTA on the E* receivers...I have two 811s and a 942 and they work just as well as the VOOM/Motorola STB. I have two deep-fringe UHF antennas (no multipath) that I keep physically separate from the Satellite (separate RG-6, no diplexors, etc.). Are you using the VOOM supplied batwing antenna? If so, you may wish to upgrade to a better antenna.
I missed my Voom. If it wasn't for turning to StarChoice and having damn good satellite to watch I wouldn't even bother watching anything at all. I have had Dish and under contract w/ DirecTV and still not too happy with either. Voom and StarChoice had something in common, no 50 channels of shopping, no 100 channels of special interest channels, just simple good tv in HD and SD. For those at Voom you are deeply missed. thanks
Its kind of amusing reading these posts...I remember all the complaining, whining, and bitching about how bad everything at Voom was while it was on the air, and now that it is gone, some folks are sad about its demise..
Funny, how you don't know what you've got till its gone!!:D
I remember all the complaining and bitching about Voom too. Some of it was fair and some of it wasn't. Does anyone know what the Dish Network is doing with the old Voom Satellite? I haven't heard anything about Rainbow One in months.
wase4711 said:
Its kind of amusing reading these posts...I remember all the complaining, whining, and bitching about how bad everything at Voom was while it was on the air, and now that it is gone, some folks are sad about its demise..
Funny, how you don't know what you've got till its gone!!:D

Boy!....Ain't that the truth! I complained and bitched and then canceled Voom. Missed it too much and re subscribed. Rode the Voom train to the end. :( A real love hate relationship that was! :confused:

Voom OTA antenna type

Satellite dish compatible with fta

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