I find it funny that people are saying its too bright.
As I type this the backround color is exactly the same as it was in the old software. (#FAFAFA or RGB of 250 250 250)
The text is now pure black (#000000) was (#333333) which was a little greyer. The strange thing is on the old software the text was the grey color (#333333)
The only difference in the color or fonts is that on the old software the font size was 13. Here on the new software I am using 14.5. The font type is still the same (Veranda) as we were using before.
People don't like change sometimes I understand that. But to keep compairing it to the old look and saying its too bright noo longer rings true when the settings are now the same (except for the font size.)
I think the big issue is it looks to clean now. Before the old look was WAY cluttered.
I don't like the way the new software does some stuff or some of the changes such as lack of Forum Jump or the fact when you click reply it takes you to the quick reply box instead of the full editor. These things are unfortunately out of my control.
I am however working on a few other styles that you will be able to select from. Rome was not built in a day. I figure just over the past 2 days I have worked over 20 hours on this. And if you look I have been quick to fix most of the issues as they were given to me.
About the only pressing issue I am having still is the games in the Arcade are not saving scores... we will get that one fixed hopefully soon.