Wave Frontier Toroidal T-90 Satellite Dish

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Sadoun said:
No need to skew the LNBFs on the T90. The dish skew takes care of that.

the exception is AMC1 because its off by 25 degrees. Thats the only one I skewed (oh and the DBS ones to get the cables right next to each other) :)
Sadoun said:
No need to skew the LNBFs on the T90. The dish skew takes care of that.

Thanks Sadoun and Iceburg.

Yes, that has been my experience, no lnb skew needed with the T90. Makes things much simplier to setup.

Awesome having all the satellites in one dish, but the switching of 8 satellites into 8 receivers, is the part that takes work (and $).
jerryt said:
Awesome having all the satellites in one dish, but the switching of 8 satellites into 8 receivers, is the part that takes work (and $).
not going to try that :)

I'll end up having one box do 8 LNB's and one doing 4 or 5 (whatever LNB's have duals on them) :)
Well I did some work on it. After proving I can get more than 40 degrees I decided to go to work.

Switched from 83-123 and decided that 123 signal wasnt good enough so I'll use a separate dish for that :)

Picked 93 since that is my true south the skew was like +.38 :)

Aimed LNB and raised dish about a degree and boom....90 on CBS News, 80 on Doc Scott, 90 on Azteca

Took all other LNB's off and tried at SBS6....15 on ONN :(
Did a little working and got it at 30...got a few feeds at 60 :)

So we started adding LNB's
89..got ABCNewsOne at 90 and the scrambeld TP at 75
tried for 85 but with no feeds active, put it at 83 for now
added one for 79...NYN at 80, UEN at 60
added the one for 74

then the fun...lets try 2 degrees again....got the GBN at 99 :)
even got a feed too

on the other side did 97 (most TP's between 80-90) and added one for 103
Put the SC LNB up for 107 and got that peaked and added the DBS for 110

Now right now I am maybe an inch off the arm for 119 (need an extra inch) so we'll rig that soon. But didnt have a holder for it :( (already have some coming) :)

Still havent added one for 101 yet because I ran out of KU LNB's :(

(I should have ordered a couple more duals the other day)

So when completed I'll have
72, 74, 79, 85 (or 83), 89, 93, 97, 101, 103, 107, 110, 119

47 degree spread and 12 LNB's...pretty nifty :)

Oh did I mention I love this dish :D:D
Iceberg said:
Oh did I mention I love this dish :D:D

Finally someone with some credibility to confirm what I have been preaching for 2 years :D

And if you are able to do the 2 degree spacing as it seems, why not go for 83 and 85? Nothing in your way on either side.
HDTVFanAtic said:
Finally someone with some credibility to confirm what I have been preaching for 2 years :D

And if you are able to do the 2 degree spacing as it seems, why not go for 83 and 85? Nothing in your way on either side.

I could get a linear next to a circular with a 2 degree spacing on the T90, but not two linear's side by side. I believe one of the LNB's needs to be a little from it's center, like a 2.5 degree spacing. Shaved the LNB holder down and everything.

Iceburg is going to create a run on T90's.
HDTVFanAtic said:
And if you are able to do the 2 degree spacing as it seems, why not go for 83 and 85? Nothing in your way on either side.
I can do 2 dgree spacing on KU only if the signal is really strong. 72/74 worked but 87/89 didn't

AMC2 (85) signal isnt the best here in MN (footprint doesn't cover all of it) so 85 I have to wait until I get a decent signal before aiming :)
Also I learned once you aim this dish the first time, the second time on is easier. I guess when all I had to do was skew to 90 and raise elevation a degree or so might make it easier :)
Iceberg said:
The most LNB's one receiver could run is 8 and that is a 4x1 diseqc switch and 22k switches off each one of those.

I have 6 LNB's being used for one recever. There is a way to run more but it involves a 12v switch which my box doesn't have :)

Would something like this not work?


I would think that if you used the SUR420F which has four ports, you could get up to 16 LNBs on one receiver, but I do not know if anyone has.
ronjohn said:
Would something like this not work?


I would think that if you used the SUR420F which has four ports, you could get up to 16 LNBs on one receiver, but I do not know if anyone has.

Spaun Sur420F (uncommited diseqc 1.0) to four cheap 1.1 diseqc switches to Multiswitches (tone controlled) will work for 32 lnb's to one receiver.

I don't have 32 LNB's but I'm running a version of this (six Multiswitches for 12 LNB's). The switches quickly became a very expensive part of your system.
Iceberg said:
I can do 2 dgree spacing on KU only if the signal is really strong. 72/74 worked but 87/89 didn't

AMC2 (85) signal isnt the best here in MN (footprint doesn't cover all of it) so 85 I have to wait until I get a decent signal before aiming :)

Which linear lnbs are you using? Toroidal's, Sadoun's or Extreme as I would think Extremes would give you a better chance at 2 degrees.

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for 72/74 is a DMSI single (72) and a Sadoun dual (74)

I had an extreme I/Sadoun dual for 101/103 and have an Extreme II too but that one you have the coax sticking out from the right or left (the LNB skew starts on its side)
If my old brain remembers, I have the following lNB's set up

119, 110-reverse polarity DBS
107-Sadoun single
103-Sadoun dual
97-DMSI Single (the little LNB's)
93-Sadoun dual
89-DMSI dual
85-Techsat single
79-ExpressVu dual (the old KU version)
74-Sadoun dual
72-Xtreme I

I ran out of holders to put one up for 101 (and technically 119)
Iceberg said:
If my old brain remembers, I have the following lNB's set up

119, 110-reverse polarity DBS
107-Sadoun single
103-Sadoun dual
97-DMSI Single (the little LNB's)
93-Sadoun dual
89-DMSI dual
85-Techsat single
79-ExpressVu dual (the old KU version)
74-Sadoun dual
72-Xtreme I

I ran out of holders to put one up for 101 (and technically 119)

Buy a few extra holders for spares. I have had several break.
well I cant get 72-119 :(

119 I can get with a 75 quality on the Pansat but once I hooked the DIsh box up, most TP's are between 60-65...way too low to keep a constant signal
Iceberg said:
well I cant get 72-119 :(

119 I can get with a 75 quality on the Pansat but once I hooked the DIsh box up, most TP's are between 60-65...way too low to keep a constant signal

While I agree 60-65 is low and probably not best for a well used DBS bird like that, most Dish receivers will lock at about 45.
understandable...but before I had 100+ on most TP's on 119. I'm putting the 75e StarChocie dish back up for Galaxy 10 so I'll just put a DBS LNB next to it for 119
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Glorystar Dual LNB Upgrade Kit

GeoSat Dual C-Band LNB
