Washington D.C. Metro area Voomers

Our Maryland Problem

Is there anyone in PG or Mont. county with a directional antenna that can pick up both the DC stations as well as MD Public Television? The towers are in two different directions.
New Software Need Help

I'm a fairly new voom customer 5/25 and I love it. :D I have just received the new software with a box swap The new OTA scanning works,it allows you to build a local channel list to get rid you channels you cannot receive. It scans the RF not the actual channel numbers, it also allows you to receive X.2 channels I live in the Washington DC Metro area, I receive all the channels that are available in my area except UPN. Channel 4.1 (NBC) and 5.1 (FOX) are mixed up. If I'm on channel 4.1 and channel up to 5.1 I am still getting 4.1. If I'm on 7.1 and channel down to 5.1 I receive 7.2. All of the PG info is correct

Any suggestions???
jwoods158 said:
I'm a fairly new voom customer 5/25 and I love it. :D I have just received the new software with a box swap The new OTA scanning works,it allows you to build a local channel list to get rid you channels you cannot receive. It scans the RF not the actual channel numbers, it also allows you to receive X.2 channels I live in the Washington DC Metro area, I receive all the channels that are available in my area except UPN. Channel 4.1 (NBC) and 5.1 (FOX) are mixed up. If I'm on channel 4.1 and channel up to 5.1 I am still getting 4.1. If I'm on 7.1 and channel down to 5.1 I receive 7.2. All of the PG info is correct

Any suggestions???

I got the following: If it's not urgent I would way for the new code and do not do the factory reset.

"Sean - this one seems specific to the DC DMA. Issue was a bug with handling RF37 scanning. 37 is an invalid frequency for TV, you can find a bunch of info on the net about this. We have fixed the bug in new code, but
production deadlines forced us to put the 600 code into the factory; hence this has squeeked out. We are testing the "fixed" code now.

(Channel 5 is tuned at 36.1, the RF37 issue seems to impact this in a
strange way)

For this viewer to get this channel 5 back, he should do a factory
reset to get back the standard DC map, then he should avoid scanning
until we push the new code."
Hi everyone!

I am a new member here and am moving to Leesburg, VA. I'll be installing Voom in a few weeks so I'll let everyone know about my experience. In the meantime, I recently wrote a comment in another forum in which we were debating DirecTV vs. Voom. As an economist, I tend to focus a bit more on the whole business viability angle. Anyway, I thought some people might be interested in reading this summary regarding why I ended up going with Voom. So here it is:

So, now that the Voomers have chimed in I wanted to update everyone on what I have found after doing a lot more research on Voom:

1. It appears that Rainbow or Voom part of Cablevision will be spun off some time this fall. The company will be led by the former head of Cablevision whose name escapes me but who is known for being a real media entrepreneur. And one of his sons will lead the day to day operations. The sale appears to be contingent on roughly $1 billion in additional financing. Whether Voom will succeed largely depends on its ability to secure this additional financing. This is a real open question as there are many skeptics on Wall Street re: voom's financial viability. The company says it needs to get up to 2 million subscribers in order to break even. They currently have about 10,000 so they really need people to start jumping on the bandwagon.

2. However, there is also good news. Voom just received a very favorable review and an editor's award from CNET. Also, around October, Voom is expecting to gain increased satellite capacity which should substantially increase is HD and SD programming options. This will coincide with a new dish which will be made available to Voom users to take advantage of the expanded satellite capacity. So, if all this works as plans, we should see significantly more programming from Voom in the fall. This may enable the company to start attracting a lot more users.

3. Because it is in its infancy stages, Voom has experienced numerous technical and service problems. Installations are often delayed and problematic. There is a great deal of rain fade distorting broadcasts. There are OTA problems with the current receiver (it only reads in certain OTA channels which may not be ideal). However, it does appear that Voom is working to correct these problems. New installers are sent out to correct for bad installations. Larger dishes are being made available to try to correct for rain fade. Software updates are soon to be released to correct for the OTA problems.

4. Putting the differences in programming between DirecTV and Voom aside, I think the bottom line question is this: Do you have the desire and patience to go with a fledgling upstart satellite company with a vision to eventually provide a lot of high quality HD programming? No doubt many will experience problems and frustrations but this is part of the adventure. In a sense, you are beta-testing a new HDTV product.

5. So, despite all the negative discussion we have had about Voom, much of which I agree with, I think I will go with Voom. Its actually an easy choice for me given the low risk. As I am switching to satellite from cable, I do not have any upfront fees or commitment and Voom will actually upgrade you to a good OTA antenna for free. I figure I don't have a lot to lose and I also am supporting an HDTV focused company. I certainly expect to encounter some problems and issues but I figure its kind of an adventure of sorts...

Anyway, I will report back on my experience...
Welcome Hoop,
If HD is your main concern youv'e made a good choice. The installer should be able to use any existing OTA setup you have now, if in fact you are already receiving OTA. Again welcome aboard.
Between DC and Baltimore OTA signals

Does anyone out the there live between DC and Baltimore and receive OTA from both cities? More importantly, what antenna are you using?
FrankJo said:
Does anyone out the there live between DC and Baltimore and receive OTA from both cities? More importantly, what antenna are you using?
I live in Charles Co. Md and receive 2,4,5,7,9,11,13,26,22,45 and 50 OTA. I have a 4228 on a rotor but the currect setting of about 15% gets both DC and Balt without movement. Yes, I receive the DTV channels with a Dish 6000.
sgtjim, thanks, that helps. you're way out, but you've got a good angle to work with down there.

I live in upper PG, and i'm wondering if i'm close enough to DC that if I turn the antenna toward Baltimore, that the signal will still be strong enough to pick up the DC stations, even if my antenna is facing the other way. I live just inside the beltway.
sgtjim said:
I live in Charles Co. Md and receive 2,4,5,7,9,11,13,26,22,45 and 50 OTA. I have a 4228 on a rotor but the currect setting of about 15% gets both DC and Balt without movement. Yes, I receive the DTV channels with a Dish 6000.

I'm in Columbia, MD with a simular setup, and can recieve both DC and Baltimore stations (not on my Voom box, tho).

FrankJo said:
which way is your antenna pointing?
I have a rotor, but in general, 62 degrees for Baltimore, and 240-ish for DC.

Just check antennaweb.org, it will give you the direction to point your antenna. Was very accurate for me.

Antenna question

Hi all!

I live in Leesburg and am soon to add Voom. I am new to satellite and OTA antenna reception so I have a few questions. I did read a lot on this site and understand that you can often get an upgraded antenna. I also understand the OTA mapping problems with the current software.

Anyway, here is my question. Ultimately, I want to have a very good antenna set-up with the ability to get the Baltimore stations (when the OTA software is updated). I understand that this requires a rotor. Would I be able to get a rotor with the upgraded Voom antenna (assuming I can qualify for one)? If not, can you manually rotate the upgraded antenna? Or, could I have someone come out and add a rotor later on?

Any other suggestions on ensuring I get a good antenna installation from Voom would also be appreciated.

Thanks much!
riffjim4069 said:
Offhand, I would say do your homework and install it yourself or call Fairfax Antenna. It may cost $300+ but they will do an excellent job and save you a significant amount of stress.

I would say this is the prefered method. I've heard good things about Fairfax Antenna. I had a local contractor set me up, but it was expensive ($440) for antenna, rotor, amp, etc...

I wouldn't give any Voom installers a cent to install a rotor. They can't even get a basic antenna working, what do they know about rotors???

I'd go with Fairfax Antenna...

If you live relatively close to the city and have few obstructions to the DTV towers then you have roughly a 50/50 chance your OTA install will go well according to my OTA Poll: http://www.satelliteguys.us/showthread.php?t=22531&highlight=OTA+Poll

However, if you are in a deep-fringe, weak signal or obstructed view area then your odds of a successful OTA install are dismal - trust me on this one! I live 55 miles from the DC towers and 51 miles from the Richmond VA towers. Because I live in an Adelphia Cable area, I had to install my very first antenna two years ago in order to receive HD on my new Mits Diamond Select. I knew almost nothing about antennas, but I researched the subject for well over a month before I felt comfortable enough to attempt installation. It took me the better part of the weekend and was quite an eye opener. I don't have too much problem walking the roof, but when you add toting around an antenna, signal meter, cable & connectors, and tools, it is quite another experience. Plus, when you don't quite know what you're doing it can be a little scary at times. I would have gladly paid Fairfax Antenna to perform the install, but they are located up in Springfield and will not do installs in my neck of the woods (too far). The local installers were few & far between and most did not have a very good reputation.

I wanting to do things right so I purchased an RF signal meter and walked the roof to find the best possible signal. Whadda ya know...I have an equally weak signal from both DC and Richmond - neg 13db. I decided to place the CM-4228 antenna on the north side of the house and point it toward DC since they had more stations at the time. Of course, I had to use a CM-7775 UHF preamp in order to hold the signal along 90 ft. of RG-6. Not only do I get the big 4 out of DC, but I also get the lower power stations as well as Baltimore stations during most evenings.

Now on to my VOOM Install:

The local cable companies provide both DC and Richmond locals. Since Richmond is the state capital and DC is the nations capital, we have lots of folks working in the both cities. The wife works down in Richmond and would not let me get Voom unless she gets their locals. Not a problem since I already have an integrated tuner in my Mits, plus we can point the Voom antenna toward Richmond and I can use one or both tuners. I am still paying $19.95 for basic cable, which has added up to $60 in the past three months.

To make a long story short, my initial install was 16 April and I am still waiting for my Voom upgraded antenna to be professionally installed. I am up to my 7th installation appointment and now dealing with my 4th install company. The Voom CSRs have been very nice and Joe Harkins has been working with me to resolve this issue. But it has been a real pain in the arse if you know what I mean! I love my VOOM service, but sometimes I just want to scream! :shh

My dish and Voom STB were installed and operation in less than and hour. The installer knew his stuff and did an excellent job. However, he had almost zero experience with OTA and/or installing anything other than the Stealth antenna. Plus, he was a 3rd party Independent Subcontractor and didn't bring along my preauthorized antenna upgrade even though I had previously cleared it with Voom, Installs Inc., and Datalink (local install company). The installer was great and didn't complain one bit, but when I asked him about compensation I was surprised how little they were being paid by Voom/Installs Inc. The pay would be fine for just a dish install - it would be marginal for a dish and Stealth install - it would be terrible for a dish and professional OTA antenna upgrade. Basically, Voom/Installs Inc. are requiring these guys to risk life and limb for mere peanuts...and not properly training them to boot! To top it off, they are often not fully compensated for the upgraded antennas and/or compensated well after the fact.

I would have contracted Fairfax Antenna to do the install months ago if only they would work in my neck of the woods. I probably would have done the install myself if only they would drop ship the antenna, cable and connectors. Plus, until last week I was still curious to see if Voom/Installs Inc. would ever get the antenna installed. :confused:

Anyway, here are a few pics of my setup. Personally, if you can afford it then I would highly recommend calling Fairfax Antenna and the professionals take care of OTA needs. These guys know what they are doing and will provide you with years of fantastic service from what I hear.

Pic1 - My VOOM dish mounted on the south side of my home.
Pic2 - My DC antenna mounted on the north side of my home. I installed in Nov 02 and it's in the sweet spot because I place it there - Fairfax Antenna will - Voom???
Pic3 - My DC antenna (no unsightly wires and it survived a hurricane).
Pic4 - My antenna grounded to code.
Pic5 - The VOOM Richmond antenna on the south side of the house. Can you see it? Like Stevie Wonder, neither can I. :cool:

I hope this help y'all make up your collective minds! If you need professional installation go with a professional company like Fairfax Antenna, Davis Antenna (I hear good things about them as well) or Do-It-Yourself.


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Almost same situation here. I'm close to DC and Baltimore (25 and 15 miles away), but I have lots of trees. Voom tried 6 or 7 times to get an antenna to work with no luck. So my installer went with the 4228, amp and rotor. Looks exactly like your install. I get all DC and Baltimore stations most of the time. Occasionally 13 in Baltimore gives me trouble, but that's it.

Everyone calls me nuts when I recommend hiring someone to do the antenna, but in my mind it is worth it to have the job done right, and not to have to waste so much time with the Voom installers. I guess if you are close enough, and have no trees, maybe Voom might be able to get the OTA correct.


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