Washington D.C. Metro area Voomers

I live in Olney, MD. I have recently started having problems getting a signal for the local HD DC-FOX channel. It used to come in fine, then it started to go in and out during the day (during football games!). Now it doesn't come in at all.

I have an antenna (not sure which type) that picks up the other DC local networks in HD (NBC, CBS, ABC, and PBS) very well, just have the problem with the DC-FOX channel. I went to antennaweb.org, and found out that the compass orientation and distance, based on my home address, is about the same for DC-FOX and DC-CBS. CBS comes in fine, but FOX does not. Has anyone else been having a problem with their DC-FOX broadcast signal?

Thanks for any help you may provide, and sorry if this issue has been previously covered.
Andy, we did have some strong wind storms last week. Your antenna might have mooved a tad? I haven't had any problems with Fox5 (from Columbia, MD). Had to watch Fox5 for the 'Skins since Fox45 didn't...

Thanks for the reply, John.

The problem has been occurring for more than a week, unfortunately. Plus, I get all the other local DC networks in just fine OTA. Watched LOST last night on ABC-7 in HD, and it came in perfect. From what I can tell from antennaweb.org, both the CBS and FOX HD feeds from DC are at the same compass orientation (189 degrees) and are both within 15 miles of my home. I get CBS just fine, but FOX not at all.

My co-worker also lives in Columbia, and he tells me he also has problems getting the Baltimore FOX HD channel OTA. Makes me wonder if something is up with the FOX HD broadcast signal?????
I'm having problems with the FOX in DC and Richmond. Hmmm. I'm 55+ miles away from the DC tower and my FOX DC problem is seasonal due to their DTV antenna being 200ft lower than WUSA-DT, WJLA-DT and WRC-DT...and side-mounted. The WTTG-DT antenna is supposed to be raised in late 2004 or early 2005, which should correct my sporatic seasonal problems.

I'm not sure if this is related, but I will monitor both FOX stations over the next few days.
jgantert said:
Seasonal? With the leaves off of the trees, shouldn't it be better in winter?

There is not a single tree in my line of sight. At 55+ miles, my problem is distance and antenna height. I don't know what happens in the troposhere during the winter, but from Nov-Feb my Baltimore stations (90+ miles) pretty much disappear and I have various issues, at times, with WTTG-DT, WETA-DT, and WBDC-DT due to their less than full-power and tower height issues.
That's hilarous. I'd never heard the nicknames for these antennas. I just had my 'square shooter' replaced with an 8-bay bowtie last week. I live in DC (NW). You'd think that being right in the district, I'd get every station under the sun. I was getting good signal strength (good, but not great - in the low 80's on a clear day for NBC), but I was getting miserable signal-to-noise ratio (usually between 50 and 60). I did not even receive UPN.

After switching to the 8-bay bowtie, I get 99's nearly across the board for signal strength for nearly every OTA station, and my S/N is anywhere from 70-85. Now I get UPN and a few other stations that did not come in. The amazing thing is that this antenna is no longer than the square shooter.

I'll keep on the lookout for UPN in HD, even if it's not reported as HD in the program guide...
jgantert said:
Just a guess, but you will probably have good results with an 8 bay bow-tie antenna. I'm thinking you might be a bit far out for the Square Shooter. I've used both in Columbia, MD and the bow-tie design works significantly better.


That's hilarous. I'd never heard the nicknames for these antennas. I just had my 'square shooter' replaced with an 8-bay bowtie last week. I live in DC (NW). You'd think that being right in the district, I'd get every station under the sun. I was getting good signal strength (good, but not great - in the low 80's on a clear day for NBC), but I was getting miserable signal-to-noise ratio (usually between 50 and 60). I did not even receive UPN.

After switching to the 8-bay bowtie, I get 99's nearly across the board for signal strength for nearly every OTA station, and my S/N is anywhere from 70-85. Now I get UPN and a few other stations that did not come in. The amazing thing is that this antenna is no longer than the square shooter.

I'll keep on the lookout for UPN in HD, even if it's not reported as HD in the program guide...
bowie md

hello this is my first post. i have been with voom now for 2 weeks like everyone else i have had install problems like ota and non working box. But since i have gotten all that fixed i couldnt imagine going back to dishnetwork. with voom i get all my locals without having to hire someone to put an ota antenna on my roof. voom has the same channels as dish and direct except for comcast sportsnet but i can live without it for a while. i think voom subscription will go up after the holiday numbers come back.

also is anyone else having problems receiving upn 20 in d.c. the installer tried everything but nothing seems to work he is suppose to come back with an amp and he says that will get it. and also he will comeback with a new antenna so i can get bmore channels. :D
WDCA-DT (RF35, 20-1) is authorized to run at extremely low-power (1.172kW) - also, their DTA antenna, located in the District, is 146 meters. In comparison, WUSA-DT (RF34, 9-1) is operating at 1000kW/254 meters. Typically, only those living in the District or in the nearby vicinity of the broadcast antenna will receive their programming. Eventually, UPN20's DTV antenna will be raised and they will be operating at full-power (500kW/254 meters).

Two weeks ago I inquired about the status of the FOX5/UPN20 DTV antennas. Here is the e-mail reply from thier VP of Engineering and Operations. "It doesn't look like we'll get to replace our antennas until this summer. Probably in late July or early August [2005]. I'm glad you're enjoying the Fox HD programming."

Anyway, the e-mail was direct and to the point. Let's keep our fingers crossed and see what happens.
ok thxs upn is the only channel i dont receive. i did a scan today and i got a channel called mhz. so i hope this amp works because the ACC tournament comes on UPN and also some Maryland Terps games.
FrankJo said:
Did anyone else but me notice pixelation in the ch. 5 broadcast of the NFL game yesterday?

I was watching 45, but I noticed a few sound drop outs and some pixelation. Mostly in the first half, tho. I'm guessing they might have been having some problems. I had a nice strong signal, so I don't think it was my antenna, but who knows...

Hey, anyone getting 24-1? I have a strong signal, but no picture. Even on my Zenith HD tuner, strong signal, no picture.

They just upgrading their equipment or something?

wtf - fox is not broadcasting now! i called voom and they said fox was making last minute adjustments in time for the super bowl, but now it's 1.5 hours til gametime and no signal. not good.
rebooted and it's back - that was a bit too close for comfort! if anyone otehr voomers can't get fox, try the hard reboot.
d.c. voomers tip

tonight the duke and n.c game was blackout because it was being shown on upn 20 but upn 20 is low power so no one get it. if you call voom and tell them this they should be able to send a hit to your box to get rid of the blackout. ( they should be able to ) so during ACC tournament call voom to get them to unlock espn.
cfkillers said:
tonight the duke and n.c game was blackout because it was being shown on upn 20 but upn 20 is low power so no one get it. if you call voom and tell them this they should be able to send a hit to your box to get rid of the blackout. ( they should be able to ) so during ACC tournament call voom to get them to unlock espn.

54 was also carrying it. Came in great for me... DD 5.1 and all.

BTW, anyone having troubles with 24-1? It works fine on my Voom box, but my older Zenith HD tuner just gets a black picture. (normal strength signal)...

i cant get wb 54 voom i tried to bmore stations but everytime i call about it the install companys tels me all this b.s. about a rotor and all this other junk. i still have the orginal stealth up there but is not hooked up and everytime i call to get it hooked up knowone will come they will say it will cost to run an extra line. i have the bowtie one now. was the game in hd on wb54?

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