Just my two cents on the 3 hour vs. 1.5 hour guide info.
I had Dish for 5 years, and when we switched to Direct a year ago, one of my only complaints about the "new" experience was the absurdly large text used in the guide, and the lack of "time" it showed.
I get that some people want to see bigger fonts and all of that, but I want the opposite. I have a large TV, and we sit pretty close to it, and I think I could comfortably view at least 6 hours of programming in the horizontal resolution I've got at my disposal on the guide. It should be an option. Have "large text: 1.5 hours" "medium text: 3 hours" and "small text: 6 hours" as options.
If you like the big fat, screen-wasting font sizes, then great, you can keep it at 1.5 hours.
It really bugs me when a long movie is on, and I can't even see the entire duration of the movie on the guide.
In short, after a year of "getting used to it" on the 1.5 hour guide, I'm still not used to it, and I want the option to change it.
Don't get me wrong, other than the size of things as displayed, I really prefer the DirecTV guide. It has much better information, and it is smarter about delivering that information, with this one big fat exception.