Voom should enable OTA permanently!

Maybe if voOmers as a community ask that OTA be permanently enabled someone at Cablevision (C.Dolan) will take mercy on us. It would seem that the cost of collecting STBs would outweigh the benefits. Even if its just sending an empty shipping box, they still have to pay for shipping and warehouse storage before selling them or whatever else they might do with them.
Well, either the receivers will work allowing ota, or they won't. With all of the knowledgeable people out there, the tech types, and employees, somebody must know. I refuse to believe that this is one of the top 10 dark and unreveilable secrets of the universe. Enquiring minds want to know as well as those of us who are looking to buy an ota receiver.
jbcheshire said:
Here is another question..
What will Voom do with the boxes if they decide to take them back???
they've already been expensed and the company is closing the books, so what good does it do them to get them back??? Store them in a warehouse for companies not in business any longer??? LOL..

Good point. Now if they had spun Voom off, they would definitely need to recover the hardware. The trustee in bankruptcy would require it.
One question about Voom Receivers and OTA: Does the receiver get the OTA EPG information from the Voom satellite signal or from the local stations? From previous threads it APPEARS that the data comes from the satellite. The answer to this question will answer the question of usefulness after April 30th.

bratboy said:
Uhhh, which part of "they will be leaving Antennas and dishes unless a customer specifically asks them to" did you not understand? If you want it all gone you just say so and they will remove it. Me personally I really dont care about the dish but after all the crude thats gone on I would prefeer to keep the antenna at least in case can use for something else.

Absolutly no need of a lawyer I think, unless we all wanna take action against Cablevision for causing a breach of contract with Voom which would never fly I think.

I just called voom and spoke to a CSR if they could schedule removal of dishes and antenna's if I no longer want them attached to my roof, and the answer was NO its not possible at this time. I was told that I would have to wait for a letter or e-mail instructions for a future method of removal. They currently do not have a procedure set up for removal. The only other thing she did was confirm that I rented the receiver rather than bought it.
I explained to her that by the time this supposed notification gets back to vooms subs then there may not be a 800 number to call.....she didn't have much else to say, and frankly I didn't want to give the poor girl a hard time considering she may have just found out today that her job is about to expire.
That's a good point but if there's no guide it still wont be so bad as I'll only use it for local hd feeds in which case I would be watching dtv then switch to ota if it's in hd.
but if the unit was deactivated and then sent to a different coast of the country and was just plugged in with ota antenna it would work still right? no dish.
Uplink said:
but if the unit was deactivated and then sent to a different coast of the country and was just plugged in with ota antenna it would work still right? no dish.

No if they deactivate the STB is dead. STB has to be activated to use OTA.
rang1995 said:
"c) If they do request equip back it will only be the box, they will be leaving Antennas and dishes unless a customer specifically asks them to"

any good lawyers here?if they DEMAND boxes back don't the customers have the right to Demand removal of dish and OTA--and PATCHING of the roofs???

The way the contract reads, IMO is that you own the dish and OTA antennae anyway. It's part of your installation price. In regards to the stbs, well... Some people *do* own them, so they can do as they damn well please with their own property. For those of us who rent the boxes, voom will have to come get them. We were not allowed to install them, and as such should not be allowed to remove them, if only for the simple reason of preventing legal action.
bratboy said:
Absolutly no need of a lawyer I think, unless we all wanna take action against Cablevision for causing a breach of contract with Voom which would never fly I think.

Good point... Even if a class-action lawsuit *were* possible, the ONLY solution for most voom subscribers would be a cash payoff, as cablevision has nothing else to offer such a geographically diverse crowd. If one were to study recent class-action suits, one would find that settlement usually involves an exchange or discount of products or services rendered, not straight cash... Food for though...
optimusprime said:
Good point... Even if a class-action lawsuit *were* possible, the ONLY solution for most voom subscribers would be a cash payoff, as cablevision has nothing else to offer such a geographically diverse crowd. If one were to study recent class-action suits, one would find that settlement usually involves an exchange or discount of products or services rendered, not straight cash... Food for though...
class action suits usually involve a settlement of about 5 dollars.:rolleyes:
Oh, moneywise it wouldnt be worth it for us but god can you imagine the headaches we could cause CV. I still say Tar n Feathering is too good for CV
vurbano said:
class action suits usually involve a settlement of about 5 dollars.:rolleyes:

Actions brought by state attorneys general on behalf their citizens distribute much more than $5. But then, did anyone complain to their state AGs about the loss of service caused by the satellite sales agreement?
vurbano said:
class action suits usually involve a settlement of about 5 dollars.:rolleyes:

Five bucks, wow! I once got a class action suit settlement with a credit card company for a dime.
Five dollars is 50 times that much!
bratboy said:
Oh, moneywise it wouldnt be worth it for us but god can you imagine the headaches we could cause CV. I still say Tar n Feathering is too good for CV

As much as we make not like their actions, the board at CV is under no obligation to provide us with hd services at the loss of millions of dollars to their company. They are, however, under an obligation to their shareholders who want their stock to make money and not pour money down what they see as a hole in the ground. Since Charles Dolan could not find the financing to keep Voom afloat, and did not want to blow his own fortune to do it alone, apparently even if others think hd is good they do not want to invest in what they see as a losing proposition. They may lack vision, but they are looking after their own economic self interest, which most of us do.
justalurker said:
One question about Voom Receivers and OTA: Does the receiver get the OTA EPG information from the Voom satellite signal or from the local stations? From previous threads it APPEARS that the data comes from the satellite. The answer to this question will answer the question of usefulness after April 30th.


elocs said:
As much as we make not like their actions, the board at CV is under no obligation to provide us with hd services at the loss of millions of dollars to their company. They are, however, under an obligation to their shareholders who want their stock to make money and not pour money down what they see as a hole in the ground. Since Charles Dolan could not find the financing to keep Voom afloat, and did not want to blow his own fortune to do it alone, apparently even if others think hd is good they do not want to invest in what they see as a losing proposition. They may lack vision, but they are looking after their own economic self interest, which most of us do.

I have to agree with what you're saying. The only fly in the ointment is that it doesn't look like cablevision had a clue that they would have to carry the losses for several years until they could build the customer base. How could they realistically believe that it was going to be profitable in such a short time is absurd. If they weren't any more committed to Voom than to kill it after 18 months, they shouldn't have gotten into it to start with.
"How could they realistically believe that it was going to be profitable in such a short time "

We have no idea that was their expectation. They may have based the decision on other factors, on market research that we're not privvy to, any number of things.
But whatever their reason, they had a LOT more information than any of us have, so I continue to get a kick out of people that know more than they do :)


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