Voom should enable OTA permanently!

Here is another question..
What will Voom do with the boxes if they decide to take them back???
they've already been expensed and the company is closing the books, so what good does it do them to get them back??? Store them in a warehouse for companies not in business any longer??? LOL..
jbcheshire said:
Here is another question..
What will Voom do with the boxes if they decide to take them back???
they've already been expensed and the company is closing the books, so what good does it do them to get them back??? Store them in a warehouse for companies not in business any longer??? LOL..

Sell them to China for scrap metal??? Thats the best I can think of
I called Voom again basically to check what their position was on ppl who had just signed up on the 6 month commitment deal. Was told the following

a) as of 2:45 mountain time no word beyond voom closing shop on 30th

b) Voom will not be billing anyone past the Apr 30 date, CSR recommended I remove autopay to be safe so I did

c) If they do request equip back it will only be the box, they will be leaving Antennas and dishes unless a customer specifically asks them to

d) As far as subscribing to another service and my concern about being helpd to 6 month commitment on the off chance Voom is somehow saved once more that they wont force agreement because they are telling ppl now Voom is byebye.

Now if I can just find some reviews of Comcasts Denver service think its the route Im gonna go with. Can get all major locals in hd via cable as welll as movies n a DHD DVR for $84 a month if commit to 16 month service, $94 if want 2 DVR's. Since paying Voom $60 and still had DTV DVR at around $90, pricewise its not a bad deal. I think as much as I hate the idea of losing Voom this seems my best alternative vs spending 1K on a DTV HD DVR. :(

Mods: Feel free to move this post if its OT or in wrong place
"c) If they do request equip back it will only be the box, they will be leaving Antennas and dishes unless a customer specifically asks them to"

any good lawyers here?if they DEMAND boxes back don't the customers have the right to Demand removal of dish and OTA--and PATCHING of the roofs???
Uhhh, which part of "they will be leaving Antennas and dishes unless a customer specifically asks them to" did you not understand? If you want it all gone you just say so and they will remove it. Me personally I really dont care about the dish but after all the crude thats gone on I would prefeer to keep the antenna at least in case can use for something else.

Absolutly no need of a lawyer I think, unless we all wanna take action against Cablevision for causing a breach of contract with Voom which would never fly I think.
bratboy said:
Now if I can just find some reviews of Comcasts Denver service think its the route Im gonna go with. Can get all major locals in hd via cable as welll as movies n a DHD DVR for $84 a month if commit to 16 month service, $94 if want 2 DVR's. Since paying Voom $60 and still had DTV DVR at around $90, pricewise its not a bad deal. I think as much as I hate the idea of losing Voom this seems my best alternative vs spending 1K on a DTV HD DVR. :(

Mods: Feel free to move this post if its OT or in wrong place
Not sure where to properly reply to this (move as needed), but since other Denver voomers may be interested:

I have both voom and Comcast (I traded in my old D* dish and got a pretty sweet deal: cable modem+HD DVR+HBO for 1 yr at ~86/month--of course that's well over $100 after 12 months). HD quality is great, they just added WB2 to their HD programming as well so you get all the major networks (including ABC--can't get that OTA in Denver) in HD for those shows that are broadcasted as such. SD is typical cable SD. While you need the STBs to get the digital cable and HD channels watching the traditional analog SD channels through the STB actually makes the signal look worse so you are better off avoiding the STBs where you don't need them. Sure they have a guide system, but since I use a tivo with it, I only need the STB for the HD DVR. PM if you have any other questions.
You may want to keep it in place. If anyone plans to go over to *d or *e then the wiring and mounts will be in place.
Good idea, but...

bratboy said:
Absolutly no need of a lawyer I think, unless we all wanna take action against Cablevision for causing a breach of contract with Voom which would never fly I think.

lol... This sort of breach-of-contract would be one heck of a civil suit that would have to be brought on by half the subscribers to even be considered! Ugh...
Indy said:
The boxes will be worthless to us. I think the way Voom would go is send us a pre paid shipping box with instructions on how to unhook the STB and pack it up. Comply with the request or your credit card on file gets a $700 charge for not returning the equipment. I realize some are on a monthly "pay Voom bill by check status", but not many.

I am. Plus, if they did charge me, where I had my install done on the card, I would dispute it and let VISA go after them since I would not be authorizing it. I signed up for six months and I may only get OTA, but by golly I will get something. Hell OTA is better than my Comcast option anyways.
optimusprime said:
lol... This sort of breach-of-contract would be one heck of a civil suit that would have to be brought on by half the subscribers to even be considered! Ugh...
Oh it would be sweet to punish those ignoramuses (sp) at cablevision, even if just for the pleasure of returning some of the aggravation they have put us thru, by them having to deal with the suit but, like I said, some sort of Class action would most likely never fly. Still a nice thought tho...right up there with running a raid on the next meeting, draging the board members out in the street by their hair, tar n feathering them and then maybe even a Board member Bonfire. Can you tell Im not happy and have a vengfull nature, :dev lol
T2k said:
It works. Over at AVS somebody has tested it PRIOR TO activation.

Nope, nada.

I have a new unactivated voom box.

No way to the menus so no way to enter aota channel number

SKrueger said:
Even those on a pay by check status could be sent a bill and turned over to collection if they don't pay.

Anyone got info and how to power the OTA antenna if Voom takes the boxes?
You can buy an add-on "power injector" for the antennas such as the StealthAntenna.
I think what some people have seen when they say they've seen it work?...they've been dealing with a receiver that was previously activated, as someone else pointed out.

Worst case scenario is that they deactivate all the boxes and don't even bother collecting them.

I guess it may be a good idea to disconnect the STB from the dish prior to April 30. This way if voom does send a kill signal it won't deactivate the STB.
I'm confused on activation

I watched my installer setup up my two stb's. Both of them, he went down the installer menu, step by step. When he got to the step that says "Activation", he skipped right over it, and went to the next step. When I go back to the installer menu now, there isn't a check box next to activation.

I'm under the impression that my box works correctly. I can watch all of my channels both OTA and over the satellite. *shrug*
Yeah I'm going to unplug mine the night before they go off to be safe, look at it this way for 1 buck I got a hd ota reciever and upgraded antenna :)
goodbye voom :no
My OTA antenna has no ampifier or "switch." When the installer put it in, I convinced him to use separate cables for the OTA and the dish. So, if the receiver is gone, the antenna can be used for what antennas are good for, with no other devices necessary.
smeagal said:
Yeah I'm going to unplug mine the night before they go off to be safe, look at it this way for 1 buck I got a hd ota reciever and upgraded antenna :)
goodbye voom :no

Well if activation is required for the OTA tuner to keep working you may be good for a couple of days or longer, but if the ird card doesn't get activation updates eventually the receiver will stop working (again provided that the OTA requires activation)

Some possbile scenarios:
End of Life activation is already in the works to be sent down (maybe is being sent down as we speak)

Some EoL signal will be sent on V-day to disable all ird functions

Some EoL signal will be sent to keep the OTA tuners enabled as a way of thanking us. Now must businesses don't send "thank yous" and voom is/was a business.

If any voom techs reading might know the plans that info would be nice to know or they may be in the dark as we are about the May 1 status of the boxes and their functionality.
I would think that if the reciever dosen't get any more updates it would just continue to function as it does now barring any hardware problems -we should be good to keep them as ota recievers ....that's really half of why I signed up ...I could see it coming but I will miss voom too.

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