VOOM PVR/DVR Release Soon... Echostar/Rainbow information coming soon as well (???)

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DarrellP said:
OK, before I pee myself, where did you find this info? Their website still says $999.

Here at this(satelliteguys) site:

Scott Greczkowski said:
While we are down some MAJOR news came out, Dish is lowering the MSRP on the 921 to $549. (That is NOT a misprint)

I am in shock at this as you might be. More details of this as we now them.

Remember you heard it here first SatelliteGuys.US.

Scott Greczkowski said:
I am really taken back by the 921 announcement, and am not sure what to make of it yet. I am sure DishStore.NET will offer it at that price, this was a big surprise to us.

Anyways the chat is over, so besides news on the 921 pricing change and the addition of Dish Karaoke there is not much to report.

bruce said:
You do not get what I am saying,from the typical consumer's point of view that would go to Voom,that is the answer, not info that we get here from you or anyone else here,it says on Voom's website"you will be able to watch and record both standard definition and high definition programming sent through the VOOM satellite."

"you will be able to watch and record both standard definition and high definition programming sent through the VOOM satellite."

and this means that there is no OTA recording? :confused: As I said that statement does not say where it would or not.
Sean Mota said:
"you will be able to watch and record both standard definition and high definition programming sent through the VOOM satellite."

and this means that there is no OTA recording? :confused: As I said that statement does not say where it would or not.

when it says "high definition programming sent through the VOOM satellite",where does it say OTA locals,it does not,it says"through the VOOM satellite."

Here what E* says about the 921:
DISH Player-DVR 921 is a dual-tuner satellite receiver that combines the power of digital video recorder (DVR) technology with the ability to receive and record high definition television programming directly from DISH Network and off-air digital broadcasts.

Now this is my point,do I give V* another try and take a chance with the DVR which still is vaporware and might or might not record OTA even through their own website just says"through the VOOM satellite." or try Comcast or open the pocketbook for the 921,I am missing too many shows now in HD.
VOOM has been way too ambiguous for far too long concerning anything about their DVR.

With the Comcast HD DVR (although somewhat w/ limited 30 gigs & single tuner) I'm getting more than enough HD these days for my viewing pleasure.
txcruiser said:
VOOM has been way too ambiguous for far too long concerning anything about their DVR.

With the Comcast HD DVR (although somewhat w/ limited 30 gigs & single tuner) I'm getting more than enough HD these days for my viewing pleasure.
To be fair, we have to clarify the Comcast HD DVR is not available in all areas. I was a Comcast sub before VOOM and back in January I was already getting a "Coming soon.." answer from Comcast CSR's. As of today (almost 1 year later), no Comcast DVR in my area.
DarrellP said:
That's really weird, Walter, what does your area have to do with it?
I agree, it must be some kind of BS. Perhaps, simply they don't have enough DVR's or they haven't trainied the installers in the area.
The thing that I hated most about Comcast is that everything depends on your area, and unfornutately it seems that "my area" is always the last on everything. HDTV was available in other "areas" months before it finally made it to Portland, then the firmware upgrade that enabled firewire on the STB was exactly the same story. The worst part is that even PQ varies from neightborhood to neightborhood (and even from channel to channel). In my neighborhood it sucks. I always got a lot of pixelation on inHD :mad:
bruce said:
where does it say OTA locals...
bruce, Wilt has answered this question yesterday:

No distinction that I'm aware of.

Yes, the DVR will record OTA programs. And that's why it has two OTA tuners!
Walter L. said:
The worst part is that even PQ varies from neightborhood to neightborhood (and even from channel to channel).
That's what's cool about satellite, we all get the same good and the same crap no matter where we live. :p
Walter L. said:
To be fair, we have to clarify the Comcast HD DVR is not available in all areas. I was a Comcast sub before VOOM and back in January I was already getting a "Coming soon.." answer from Comcast CSR's. As of today (almost 1 year later), no Comcast DVR in my area.

Comcast Chicago told me they were bypassing the HD DVR entirely so that they could provide On Demand programming. This was back in April, right around the time I dumped them (see any coincidence there?), so they might have changed their plans since then, but I never bothered to check.
hwyengr said:
Comcast Chicago told me they were bypassing the HD DVR entirely so that they could provide On Demand programming. This was back in April, right around the time I dumped them (see any coincidence there?), so they might have changed their plans since then, but I never bothered to check.
That's the other problem I had with Comcast: the "On Demand" crap is sucking every possible bit of bandwidth they have on the wire and few or nothing will be left for HD channel additions :mad:
Ilya said:
bruce, Wilt has answered this question yesterday:

No distinction that I'm aware of.

Yes, the DVR will record OTA programs. And that's why it has two OTA tuners!

OK,if it does great,the only thing I posted came direct from Voom's website,I did make it up,look at it from the point of view of a typical consumer,do you believe Voom's own website or do you believe posters here.

And I found that Wilt post at Yahoo Voom Forum,if you notice it said Wilt's name then guest right under it,anyone could be Wilt then.

Wilt Hildenbrand
bruce said:
And I found that Wilt post at Yahoo Voom Forum,if you notice it said Wilt's name then guest right under it,anyone could be Wilt then.

Wilt Hildenbrand
The "guest" indication is because Wilt in not a member of SatGuys, but only of the Yahoo group. Based on all his posting history, Wilt has established enough credibility to believe that he really is the Wilt Hildenbrand, VP of CVC/VOOM.
And as anyone subscribing to Yahoo directly can tell you, the posting did come from wilth@optonline.net. But perhaps the address was spoofed by some hacker to mislead us all! :D
Then why can no one answer the question,why does the Voom Website say record from Satellite only,while E*'s site says Satellite ond OTA and the HD-Tivo product page says the same thing.
bruce said:
Then why can no one answer the question,why does the Voom Website say record from Satellite only,while E*'s site says Satellite ond OTA and the HD-Tivo product page says the same thing.
Actually, the web site says:

you will be able to watch and record both standard definition and high definition programming sent through the VOOM satellite.

That doesn't exclude (or include) OTA.
I read on AVS the excerpts from the Echostar board meeting that Dish is going to Mpeg 4 next year for all new HD programming. This can mean a couple of things. One, Mpeg 4 is superior so change directions and obsolete all the current Dish hardware or. Two, change to Mpeg 4 because Voom is being bought by Dish in 2005. Read into it what you want but I think this is more evidence of a Voom, Dish merger.
Well, I waited long enough for a DVR and it hasn't appeared yet. I am not paying for D* and Voom so I cancelled Voom yesterday. I find myself watching SD TiVoed shows more then what's on Voom due to my schedule (working 3rd shift). Now I have to decide on the $1000 D* HD 10-250 or the decidely inferior Comcast product. Both, however, beat Voom's current lack of any DVR.
Indy said:
I read on AVS the excerpts from the Echostar board meeting that Dish is going to Mpeg 4 next year for all new HD programming. This can mean a couple of things. One, Mpeg 4 is superior so change directions and obsolete all the current Dish hardware or. Two, change to Mpeg 4 because Voom is being bought by Dish in 2005. Read into it what you want but I think this is more evidence of a Voom, Dish merger.
You should have read it here first since it was reported here first. :) http://www.satelliteguys.us/showthread.php?t=34689 Big discussion about this going on. :)
Well, I waited long enough for a DVR and it hasn't appeared yet. I am not paying for D* and Voom so I cancelled Voom yesterday. I find myself watching SD TiVoed shows more then what's on Voom due to my schedule (working 3rd shift). Now I have to decide on the $1000 D* HD 10-250 or the decidely inferior Comcast product. Both, however, beat Voom's current lack of any DVR.

I liked voom. Would of been great to have a voom dvr with dual tuners. But I now have cable mediacom, and their HD dvr. All I can say, any HD dvr IS the only way to go. I get soooo much enjoyment having a HD dvr now, even with less HD channels than on voom, still a big plus in having a DVR. I just cant understand why all HD companies don't put the HD dvr goal first before all other. Voom itself should of held off in its launch until they had a HD dvr to offer upfront and right away. No hddvr is like having all kinds of bread, but no one has butter/jam.
If you can, check your local cable to see if they offer HD programming and a hddvr, before paying $1000 for one. I'm so glad I didn't buy a $1000 when I had D*. I would have really kicked myself for doing that, since cable and hopefully voom will give you one for a few dollars a month.
D* programming certainly doesn't justify $1000 for a hddvr, regardless of their future programming "promises".
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