Voom- please fix the PQ issues on CNN, TWC, MTV, VH1, and others


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 31, 2004
Indianapolis, IN
I'm nearing my breaking point on accepting the picture quality of these channels. A lot of the SD channels look great, but the channels listed in the title of this message are very bad, especially CNN, CNN Headlines, and The Weather Channel. They are filled with shimmering white lines ("sparkles" as they were referrred to elsewhere) and they make watching these stations very unpleasant.

I hope someone at Voom is reading. It will be a very important criteria in my decision to stay with Voom or not in 2005.
Also Sci-Fi and The Tennis Channel. Sci-Fi is so much better on my lousy cable!
It has only been a year since VOOM was notified of the sparklies problem. You guys are too impatient.
jnardone said:
It has only been a year since VOOM was notified of the sparklies problem. You guys are too impatient.

And for a few weeks it was actually fixed. Now it is getting worse again. :no
Technut said:
please upgrade the PQ on SD Comedy Central
is it wrong to pray for the HD version of Cartman & the rest of those lil BAS***DS

Comedy Central official network of norml

Comedy Central has been looking good for me for about 2 or 3 weeks now. It was terrible before, especially on shows like South Park with lots of solid blocks of color. I'm wondering if they switched to a digital feed?
it sound like that cover alott of voom cjanels with picture quality i hope they are reading and maybe they can fix for evrybody and it wont cause any moore peole to leave :no

Distorted screen image

No! Voom Reception in the Rain !!!
