VOOM Might be gone as early late this week

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There is normally alot more evidence ofa board meeting of a publicly traded comapny. But SatBizNews isa credible source. I take back what I have said.
I have been sitting back and enjoying all the speculation especially around these board meetings. At VOOM it was not uncommon to have a few board meetings each week, things haven't changed, from what I know there is another board meeting tommorow.

From a business standpoint VOOM needs to stay operating until the sale is approved because if for some reason if the sale is denied VOOM may have trouble selling the satellite an may also lose their frequency license, which in turn would make the Satellite at 61.5 useless as well.

Look at whats going on, VOOM is still signing up new customers, they are rolling out new software. For now its business as usual. Yes Cablevision may have to sink some cash into VOOM to keep things running but its far better to keep it running then shut it down completely.

Of course all of this is my opinion, I have been wrong before, so my advice is sit back and enjoy HDTV on VOOM.
elocs, I know what you mean. This emotional roller coaster is killing me. I read a good argument that Voom is shutting down and it makes since then the next reply is another good argument why Voom is not shutting down and it also makes since. I had Mediacom cable HD before moving to Voom and it was a joke. I would really hate to have to go back to them but IF Voom does close down I'll be going back to subpar HD. Like me just take Scott's and Sean's advise and sit back and enjoy the ride.
An article in the Denver Post this morning explained how E* and D* are raising their prices effective March 1. The article also mentioned that Comcast was doing the same. My online Voom statement cycled last night, and it is $79.90 for VaVaVoom. This billing period runs from 2/2 through 3/1/05.

So in my situation, there has been no price increase in over a year. So as Scott advises, I'm going to sit back and enjoy my HDTV on Voom, while it lasts.
Scott is that a VOOM Board meeting or a Cablevision board meeting?

Its a world of difference
Scott Greczkowski said:
From a business standpoint VOOM needs to stay operating until the sale is approved because if for some reason if the sale is denied VOOM may have trouble selling the satellite an may also lose their frequency license, which in turn would make the Satellite at 61.5 useless as well.

Does Voom need to be serving customers or does it just need to keep the bird lit until the FCC approves the sale?
In order to retain the frequencies I thought all V* had to do was broadcast a signal. Any signal. Kind of what Cripplestar is doing right now in its slot.
Financially speaking it would make a lot more sense to keep the bird broadcasting a demo loop until the sale goes through. In fact they could even lease capacity to Echostar until the sale goes through.
I have to agree. Its hard for me to imagine that Cablevision shareholders would want them to continue to fund significant losses in keeping Voom going until the sale is final (which would probably take several months). Unfortunately, I don't think that a lot of value would be assigned to keeping the 26,000 Voom subscribers happy.

What would seem to make the most financial sense is to shut down Voom fairly soon and try to otherwise maximize the value of its remaining assets. Perhaps they would sale them somone who could develop an HD programming package that is attractive to cable and satellite providers (e.g. a package of 10 or so HD channels including Rave, Rush, Equator, etc.).
Charles Dolan buys Voom off as his own company with the 2nd Satellite replacing Rainbow 1 (for now) and the new sats from Lockheed at a later date...

He masterfully works a deal to partner with Microsoft and thus Moom is born.

-Problem solved. Next.

I could do this all day.
rtt2 said:
You know I check satbiznews website every monday, wednesday and friday (those are the only days they give a sneak peek of the current fax headlines) and got to say that these guys have a good insight as to what is happening.

Click on their link of past fax headlines and look at all the developments of this Voom/Cablevision/Dolan. If you compare dates of their postings to the dates of the postings on this forum you will see they have the scoop very often.

If you sit down and read the headlines for example around the time of CES you will see the funding issues evolve and the scramble for bankers while everyone on satguys is concentrated on the VOOM DVR.

But, it is still only an opinion. Just like *** *oles, everybody has one.
Ronald_Jeremy said:
Microsoft???? :p

Boy talk about causing a set top box to lock up!!!!

The BSOD on your TV!!!! :smug

Yea and a new generation of HD viruses will spawn :yikes !
Board meetings of public companies are a matter of record. yes they can happen 2-3 times a week but one can usually verify that. The SatBiz News report is good enough for me that they did meet. No ide really on what was discussed or decided. But it seems to me that they weould be in danger of losing the licenses if they went dark. Having said that I am not sure what tehya re obligated to provide.

Another 8K filed today by the way some changes at the top. Not sure if that has direct bearing on this. But it may well have been part of the Monday meeeting.
they would have 25,000 or so irate people doing for Super bowl or for that matter no warning so one can switch..i hope this is not true,because they will NEVER see my latest Bill's $$ from amex..if they are fair and give service untill what is billed ,fine,if not so be it
rtt2 said:
Go to www.satbiznews.com
look at the right column the one that says Satellite Business News Fax Update

For the day of Wednesday February 1st. One byline reads:

"NEWS & NOTES: Cablevision's board of directors met Monday and could shut the Voom service down as early as late this week"
Don't you guys get it? For me it is obvious. These people (satbiznews) read the rumor that was going around this forum last week (see here). We haven't heard anymore from the originator of the rumor (davis_mcgreaw) So I think we should assume that it wasn't true.
Walter L. said:
Don't you guys get it? For me it is obvious. These people (satbiznews) read the rumor that was going around this forum last week (see here). We haven't heard anymore from the originator of the rumor (davis_mcgreaw) So I think we should assume that it wasn't true.

But the original rumor never said anything about "and could shut the Voom service down as early as late this week" -- and it seems like satbiznews isn't in the habit of making stuff up.
I swerved first...

Call me a chicken, yellow belly, whatever I can take it. I cancelled my Super Bowl party and I'm going to a friends house. He just got the D* HD Tivo so I suggested we have everyone come to his place. I didn't mention that my fear of Voom calling it quits was the real reason.
This whole not knowing was stressing me. Realistically I'd guess their is a 90% chance Voom will be operating for a few months but who really knows. I don't even think the board members at Cabelvision know, at that is frustrating :mad:
Scott Greczkowski said:
Geronimo, can you post the 8k so we can see.

Thanks. :)

I could have sworn I sawa link earlier at the Edgar site. But it is nowher to be found. maybe I am losing it completely today.
Who are these People

I just received voom about a week ago and really have enjoyed it. I just join this site and what I have read I believe about 98% of the members work for Direct TV. Do not believe what you are reading in this Forums.

The guy who installed my foam kept talking about how great Direct TV is and That I will not get any local channels because Voom is unable to get them. Only Direct TV gets them. He said most of the people that got Voom in my area dropped Voom because they could not get local channels.

After this guy left I notice he installed the dish on the back side of my house and the view is blocked to the local TV stations and I do not see anything on the dish that would pick up local channels. I notice on this forum that another guy had a similar problem and the installer talked about how great Direct TV is.

Don't you think the person who is saying that Voom will shut down at the end of the week works for Direct TV ?????? He is trying to get people to panic before Super Bowl so they will drop Voom. Think before you react to this.
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