VOOM Installations

You can get a wireless transmitter for the rotor from RS and when you change channels the rotor turns to the presets.
geeting a upgrade on my antena

i got ahold of wilt and he got installs inc. to upgrade my antena and i get a new company to install it.now get this the installer this time is local.the first one was 2 hours away.i called the local installer and was chatting and he said he goes about everyday 2 hours away.he said he could not understand why installs inc. is doing the scheduling that way.well he is awseome!he has done alot of antena installs and knows what it takes to get the job done to get the locals.he said with http://www.starkelectronic.com/wca4053.htm this antena installed and a real good amplifier it would run about $250.he said that is about tops that they will go with spending.so that is good news.he did say i will need a rotor systemm, and that would cost about an extra $75.i agreed to that since voom is covering $250 of it.my only question is will i own this antena rig then?something tells me probably not.one ? i have about tuning to the locals though.currently with the antena i get one channel on my on scrren guide.it is in our town, but we can only get it late at night and thats not all the time.my ? is when he hooks up the new antena will i get new channels in my on screen guide.i tried the factory reset 3 times now with no sucsess, so figured you have to have a signal of a channel before you can get it on the guide.im probably wrong.the install is june 7th.i am at zip 52501.the channels in desmoines iowa are at zip 50301.the local here in town is ktvodt 3.1.the channels in desmoines are whodt 13.1,kdsmdt 17.1,kccidt 8.1,kdindt 50.1.that covers abc,nbc,fox,cbs,and pbs.if i can get all of those i will be more than a happy camper.
giveuspurehd said:
thanks sean .do u have any idea about the channels in the guide?

No, the local channels should be in the guide whether you get a signal or not. It looks like you have a mapping problem with those stations that are not appearing in your PG.

Send me your full address with the stations that are not appearing in your guide. Sean_Mota@satelliteguys.us
Hi Sean,
Quick question... Do we know if the zap2it channel line-up shown for a zip code necessarily matches the channel mapping with VOOM?

I am asking because I get VOOM installed tomorrow and I already know that zap2it is missing one of my local digital channels, which would be missing in the VOOM channel mapping if both are the same.

1080iWannabe said:
Hi Sean,
Quick question... Do we know if the zap2it channel line-up shown for a zip code necessarily matches the channel mapping with VOOM?

I am asking because I get VOOM installed tomorrow and I already know that zap2it is missing one of my local digital channels, which would be missing in the VOOM channel mapping if both are the same.


Yes, that is the case from this link:


Send me your full address including zipcode to Sean_Mota@satelliteguys.us and the channel missing. Make sure is alive and not a dead channel by looking at www.antennaweb.org
1st time purchase transmitted programming.

I will defiantly call tomorrow.
Cheap equipment, no commitment desire for HD
Switched to a bundle plan from ATT Telephone gonna save enough every month to go VAVAVOOM!!!!
Hd here we come :)
PS I have never purchased programming in the 27 years I've been "on my own."
Install Question?
1) I am kinda rural. approx 70 air miles to New Orleans (cluster of antennas) my current Attn pointed there with a booster and Most the time get very good reception.
Approx 50 miles from the coast and another cluster of antennas.
2) Is it possible to combine the two antennas on the same Pole, run through the same booster and feed to VOOM? This would remove the need for a turner and the maintenance it will inevitably have. How much should I pay the installer for this?
3) If 2 is a no then how much should I expect to pay for a antenna turner with the remote installed?
4) Should I buy my own turner and have installed, or let the installer sell me one?
5) I was given one of those old prime-star dishes. It is large should I have the installer install that instead of the VOOM dish?

Sure wish VOOM had a DVR included. If they do not get one as part of the lease (no increase) I will be forced to move to Dish. No contract is good for the consumer. Maybe to good and they will all stop offering it.

All help and comments appreciated. Let the Good times Roll.

I talked to a CSR at VOOM after the installer called to cancel me due to huge backorders on equipment. He said that VOOM's new instructions to installers is not to reschedule installs until they have the equipment in house. Currently there is no more left that is not slated for a specific install customer. My install was scheduled for next week and has been cancelled by the installer with no rescheduled date.
Can you verify any of this with your contacts?
Don Landis said:

I talked to a CSR at VOOM after the installer called to cancel me due to huge backorders on equipment. He said that VOOM's new instructions to installers is not to reschedule installs until they have the equipment in house. Currently there is no more left that is not slated for a specific install customer. My install was scheduled for next week and has been cancelled by the installer with no rescheduled date.
Can you verify any of this with your contacts?

I am trying to find out. As soon as I hear confirmation I will post.
Well I did it!
5/21/04 Ordered VAVAVOOM
Install set for 6/1/04 crs would not give any details said they would just show up.
That sucks. I have issues.
Will please help with questions as time is coming fast.
Got V* installed on Monday and I have to admit, the installation was a mixed bag. Installs, Inc set up my install through Pro Star Digital, and I want to warn anyone getting installs through this place to watch out. First my installer wanted to charge me $50 for the second coax line from the OTA antenna to the STB. Then, when they're hooking up my STB I take a look at the Remote. It's dirty and looks like I gave it to my 3yr old to play with out in the driveway. When I ask him why I'm getting a used remote, he says that he must have grabbed the wrong one and 'miraculously' has a new one out in his truck. Same story with the DVI cable. He said that Voom wasn't shipping them, but he had a new one out in the truck I could have. Thought it was odd that he would be willing to give away a $100 cable...Since then my Satellite channels have been great, but I don't get any OTA channels. They map, but signal quality is 15-20 and signal power is 0. I have the Winegard antenna, and it has a sticker that says 'Amplified' on it, but I couldn't find anything that would be supplying it power. The really odd thing is that if I unplug the OTA antenna from the box I get the same signal quality and strength. Thought this was odd since I'm less than 20mi away from the farthest transmitter and they're all pretty much due north of me. Anyways, someone is supposed to come out on Monday to check on it.
Growing pains?

Well, the installation process seems to be broken, at least from my experience so far (Bay Area, CA). I ordered online on 5/13 and chose an install date of 5/21. Later that day I received 2 e-mails from Installs Inc., both addressed to other people (got one for Daryl Lee as mentioned by a previous poster) and referencing incorrect equpment & dates. I called up Voom the next day and was put on hold for about 15 minutes while they contacted the local installer (the Voom person was very nice and checked back frequntly with hold status). She finally came back with a new install date of 5/22. I asked for the installer's phone # (and had to wait another 15 mins to get it). On 5/17 I called the installer and they told me they had transferred my job. Called the new installer and they had no record of an install date, and wouldn't give me a date until they received the equipment. Called them back today and they said they hadn't received any Voom equipment for 3 weeks wth no ETA. Called Voom and she was not able to give any estimate on when equipment would be available :( . On the plus side, the installer they said they were switching everyone to the new larger antenna.

- Erik
If its not broken, it certainly is the most inefficient way to do installations. I ordered on 5/19 for a 5/26 install date. First installer rejected (never heard that one before), second installer says ok. Call to ask about the OTA antenna, they say they have nothing to do with that, its Voom. Oh yeah, and by the way, install date has to be moved back due to lack of equipment. No prob. Call Voom, they say the installer has to go to my site to determine if the stealth antenna will do the job. Look at a map! I'm 50 miles from the towers. It doesn't take a mathmetician to figure out a 30 mile antenna will not do the job! Well, they will come out with the stealth, and if it doesn't work, they will upgrade it at a later date. So now you are introducing increased fuel costs, more inefficiencies to the installers. I bet that makes their day (since they are 50 miles away as well, probably right under the transmission towers.)

Just blows my mind. I mean why let soooo much money fly out the window?
sean i was wondering about the status of my ota mapping?when i had my install troubles i emailed evryone and their brother.i was hot.one email was sent to cablevision stock holders rep.i stated they need to figure out how to get better service with voom.well just now i check the mail and i get this huge package from cablevision.they spent $5.05 on shipping.there is a folder with all kinds of packets for stock holders.securities and exchange commsion reports,panphlets on their services,newsletters,etc.im skimming through it to just see if they gave me some stock in there company.i doubt it lol.why in the heck would they send me this?it's a definite waste of money.lots of info here.i did see wilt listed in with the big wigs on one of the pamphlets.says wilt hildenbrand executive vice president, engineering and technology.who knows file 13 time.
I got VOOM!

Voom is a screwed up company still but I managed to get it installed. My advice to anyone waiting for installation is keep in touch with the installer. You have to be on top of the scheduling.

The install guy was ok and I do get signal strength close to 60. This is before the firmware update so I am expecting it to go up in the 90's. I got the Stealth OTA and 2 separate coax cables to the basement, then to a diplexer. The installation was running late so I let him do whatever was easier. If signal strength is a problem, I can always get rid of the diplexers and run another coax.

The OTA antenna is not pointing to the right direction so I have to get up on the ladder tomorrow and turn it. Overall, I am ecstatic with the beautiful HD pictures on my 65" set. Just awesome!!!

Is it true that I have to turn off the box in order to get the firmware updated? I left the box on for 30 hours now and it hasn't updated yet.
No Install sniff sniff

Install came yesterday; but my LOS 61.5 is covered with trees well over 20 feet.(I live on the lower part of a hill) Im still Teed off about it, but the installs said i could get dish because that angle wasnt covered. So I guess I opted to go Dish. Too bad though; I really wanted to go Voom though.

My question is I've been looking around I've seen some dishes pointed towards trees. How much of a singal could i get if I went through trees? Is it possible or a bad idea? :confused:

Connecting 2 DVI-1 components to TV

Weird OTA Problem

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