VOOM Installations

sat.installs said:
Welcome to this forum!!! You've come to the right place to supplement your expertise. I'm glad of everyday seeing more and more installers joining this forum. :) but unfortunatelly, I haven't seen any installer from my area (Portland, Oregon).
Hi, I have been lurking around here for quite a while and bit the bullet and ordered Voom last week to replace my lousy Charter Cable. I have a couple of questions about the install that I have seen conflicting information about.

1. Do I need to provide a multi-switch? The email from Installs Inc. says yes, I saw a post here that said they were in the box now. The Installs Inc. person I spoke with said the installer would have one. If I do need to provide one what do I need exactly?

2. Is it still considered best to let them run separate lines for the antenna and the dish? It seems to really cause trouble for some folks and others none at all.

This forum is filled with great information and I can't wait to be up and Voom'n Friday! Now I just hope that Stealth Antenna picks up all my locals :)
1. They "should" supply everything needed for the installation.

2. You would be best with the two cables.

Good Luck!
Another development in OTA antenna upgrade

Sean Mota said:
Send an email to "Joe Harkins" <jharkins@installs.com> and explain the situation. I am sure he can get you someone else to do the job. Let us know how it ends up.

I called the Voom CSR today and he did a three way call with Installs, Inc. Installs Inc had no record of me getting an upgraded antenna. They looked up my zipcode in antennaweb.org and told me that the stealth should work. I told them it is not working. They told me they will submit for an upgrade with Voom. Don't know what is going on. The local installer tells me one thing, Installs Inc tells me one and Voom CSR tells me something else. Also, he says that he can take care of the missing channel in the PG, Voom CSR had no idea what that was. Why can't they all be trained properly. Also, Installs Inc is refusing to give me a DVI cable even though Voom provides it. They told me that when I buy a TV with DVI input, I will have to schedule a service call for them to come and install a DVI cable! Hilarious!!

-Siva :eek:
JonH said:
Hi, I have been lurking around here for quite a while and bit the bullet and ordered Voom last week to replace my lousy Charter Cable. I have a couple of questions about the install that I have seen conflicting information about.

1. Do I need to provide a multi-switch? The email from Installs Inc. says yes, I saw a post here that said they were in the box now. The Installs Inc. person I spoke with said the installer would have one. If I do need to provide one what do I need exactly?

2. Is it still considered best to let them run separate lines for the antenna and the dish? It seems to really cause trouble for some folks and others none at all.

This forum is filled with great information and I can't wait to be up and Voom'n Friday! Now I just hope that Stealth Antenna picks up all my locals :)


Welcome. The Multi-Switch. You only need the multi-switch if you are going to install more than 2 receivers. In most cases, it is not part of the installation and subs have to pay for it. If you are installing more than 3 be ready to pay for it. The installer will probably sell you one but it will be overpriced. I heard that the multis-switch is the same that DirecTv uses. Maybe somebody here can give you the model number. Two lines is optimal to minimize problems. Ask for this and don't let them install that diplexer.

The stealth antenna has a range of 45 miles on UHF channels and 30 miles on VHF. go to www.antennaweb.org and find out how far you are from your locals and which directions they are located. This will provide installer some information as to where point the antenna. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
bommai said:
I called the Voom CSR today and he did a three way call with Installs, Inc. Installs Inc had no record of me getting an upgraded antenna. They looked up my zipcode in antennaweb.org and told me that the stealth should work. I told them it is not working. They told me they will submit for an upgrade with Voom. Don't know what is going on. The local installer tells me one thing, Installs Inc tells me one and Voom CSR tells me something else. Also, he says that he can take care of the missing channel in the PG, Voom CSR had no idea what that was. Why can't they all be trained properly. Also, Installs Inc is refusing to give me a DVI cable even though Voom provides it. They told me that when I buy a TV with DVI input, I will have to schedule a service call for them to come and install a DVI cable! Hilarious!!

-Siva :eek:
My advise is that you spend your efforts on getting the antena but don't worry much about the DVI cable - it is of low quality. Even if you get it you'll want to replace it for better performance.
Everything is all set up for my install on Saturday. It almost didn't happen but i contacted voom and they fixed it up for me. I also had 2 accounts so lets hope this by-passes me getting double billed. The installers seem like a nice company although i can't remember the name. They really wanted to make sure everything was okay with line of sight, apartment management and all that good stuff cause they don't get paid if the dish isn't installed. So when you all see me Monday I should have voom!
Voom installs SUCK

I can't believe it... Second apointment for an antenna upgrade, and no installer. Called voom, and they dont know what happened. This sucks. First apointment, they called and said the antenna didn't show up. Ugh...

I'm tempted to just call and cancel right now.

John hang in there. send "Joe Harkins" <jharkins@installs.com> an email and he will follow through. Explain to him that this is the second time that you were stood up. He will take care of the problem. Don't expect an answer until Monday.
Ok, I sent him an email... Lets hope I can get this thing installed next week.

Hopefully they will move the placement of the antenna. Right now it is located below a tree with branches hitting the antenna. Ugh... Also, I don't think its grounded. (I'm not sure tho, can an antenna be grounded to aluminum siding or an aluminum gutter???)

Install Date May 5th

Ok, I ordered VOOM. Let's see what happens...

Voom gave me a number for Installs, INc, the the VOOM CSR told me was a hotline for VOOM. I called today and it said "Thank you for calling the VOOM hotline at Installs, INC". I confrimed my install time with the Installs CSR. He confirmed that my equipment was shipped yesterday and that it should be in the installers hands by tomorrow. He freely offered the name and number of the local install, Pro Star Digital, in Columbus, Ohio. I called them and they had me scheduled for the same agreed time as I set up with VOOM. (8-12). He then asked if he could move it to 12-5 and I had no problem with that. I asked him how much experience they have had with VOOM and he said they average around 7 VOOM installs a day and have not had many problems. He said the diplexers are junk but they try it, if I am not happy with it they will run the second cable. no charge. He said the Stealth antenna has been hit or miss as to picking up ABC-HD since they broadcast on VHF and not UHF like all the others. He said that if they hook it up and it doesn't work they will order the upgraded OTA antenna. He seemd very knowlegdable.

We'll see.
This site rocks. If it wasn't for thi site, I would not have attempted VOOM. I would have stuck with DTV.

My install is scheduled for 5/14. I called Installs today with a technical question about the install and they had no record of my appointment. I called Voom and they didn't either. We redid everything and the CSR at Voom the 2nd time was far more thorough and helpful than the first guy. Hopefully all will go well.Luckily I scheduled far enough in advance and learned through this forum to follow up.

While I'm here, maybe someone can verify my technical question. I'm currently getting Dish and my wife totally freaked out when I told her Voom didn't carry Food Network and HGTV. To keep her happy, can I keep the basic Dish package when I add Voom? The guys at Installs said no problem. Anything special that I need to know or will the installer be able to handle it? Will having both services going into the same TV degrade the signal?
I live outside Fredericksburg, VA (51 miles from Richmond/55 miles from DC broadcast towers) and My VooM was installed on 4/16/2004. Here is my (early) overview of the installation process:

VooM Satellite - installation was fast, friendly, and professional; installer was well qualified, knowledgeable, and even had VooM experience. He did an excellent job. Grade: A+ :D

VooM Programming – lots of HD…love it! Of course, I have not been watching VooM Exclusive HD channels long enough to form an objective opinion regarding their "content" at this time. Grade: A- (tentative) :)

VooM PQ – had some minor, sporadic quality issues that have been noted in other posts. When the PQ was off (softness, artifacts, etc.) they were quite noticeable. However, most of the time I experienced excellent PQ on all the channels. I am willing to cut VooM some slack over the next month or two. Grade: B :up

VooM Sound - did not experience any sound/stutter problems; Dolby Digital was rock solid and sounded excellent through my Yamaha A/V receiver. I noticed the STB would sometimes lock-in on a channels sound track while I was channel surfing. I found this to be annoying and, perhaps, why I locked up the STB. Grade: B+ (need to resolve some mysterious STB/software issues)

VooM STB - old software was very annoying with its 5-6 second channel changes. However, new software was downloaded overnight and it was a huge improvement. Having said that, I experienced one lockup over the weekend and my channel surfing is in slow motion due to my fear of freezing and having to reboot the box. Overall, I am content with the hardware/software at this point. My Mitsubishi doesn't have DVI so hookups were done via component cables and optical audio. Bring on the firewire! Grade: C- :confused:

VooM Remote Control – nothing especially good or bad about it, but I'm glad I have an MX-700. Grade: C

VooM Programming Guide – this is my first experience with satellite and, since I refused to subscribe to Adelphia's digital cable garbage, I have nothing to compare it to - it works. Grade: C

VooM Customer Service – except for one individual, the CSRs were always very friendly and appeared to be genuinely concerned with my OTA problems. Most of the CSRs seemed to know what they were doing and/or could point me in the right direction. Grade: A-


VooM OTA – big, big, big nightmare! :mad: Installer did not bring my preauthorized Winegard PR-8800 on 4/16/2004. I was given preapproval for the upgraded PR-8800 on 4/5/2004 by VooM, Installs Inc. and the local installer Datalink. I was very proactive in this matter – arrgghh! I once again called VooM, Installs Inc. and Datalink on 4/16/2004 and was reapproved for the PR-8800. Ok, although the installer was indeed an outstanding Sat Guy, by his own admission he knew next to nothing about antenna installation outside the Stealth. Plus, even if he did have my antenna (according to Installs Inc. the installer is supposed to carry an upgrade antenna and mounting hardware to every installation), he didn't possess a signal level meter. I would expect all VooM installers to possess an all-channel analog and digital signal level meter and be able to walk the roof, if necessary, in order to find the best place to install an antenna - heck, I purchased my own digital signal meter last year!

Installer asked if I wanted to use my antenna – I said NO! :eek: I use my antenna to pull in DC/Balt. stations and the VooM antenna will be used to pull in the Richmond stations. After all, the VooM programming guide displays both DC and Richmond locals for my zipcode and Adelphia provides both locals as part of its basic broadcast service. Why should I expect anything less? Anyway, I temporarily hooked MY existing antenna (CM-4228 w/CM-7775 preamp) to the VooM STB and pulled-in the same stations as my Mits w/internal tuner (does not have a signal meter). I like the fact the VooM STB has a built in signal meter, however I thought the picture looked better with my Mits. Anyway, no OTA antenna work was performed and the installer did not leave me the Stealth since he would be back out with my PR-8800 at a later date.

2nd Install 4/21/2004: morning install (0800-1200) – installer called me at 0900 to tell me he has a "hot" job up north (near the DC area) and that he couldn't make it out to the house in the pm. He told me I could go to work and that he would meet me back at the house at 1700. Of course, since I start work at 0600…I would still miss another ½ day of work. :mad: In other words, I was blown off for a "good paying" job!

3rd Install 4/21/2004: installer shows up at 7:40pm (right at sunset). Although he had the PR-8800 antenna, he doesn't have the mounting hardware nor does he have a clue how to mount the antenna…doesn't even know where to point it! :mad:

4th Install 4/29/2004: Install Inc./VooM arranged for an install with another company after my numerous calls, complaints, etc. Installer was 2 hours late, did not bring my PR-8800 antenna (had a Stealth and something called a Sensar???), wants to hook up the antenna with a diplexer, wants to charge me to run a second coax, generally doesn't have a clue how to install an antenna – spent an hour and fifteen minutes on the phone with Installs Inc./VooM, installer leaves while I am on the phone – miss another half-day of work. Needless to say, I called 21st Century Communications (local install company) dispatcher on 4/26, and again discussed this matter with the install tech when he called to confirm my appointment on 4/28/2004 - I clearly atriculated my OTA experiences and concerns. I was assured the tech would have the PR-8800 antenna and all necessary equipment. I am not a happy camper! :mad:

Installs Inc. is now telling me the installer must first use the Winegard Sensar (no model number on box) which is the new standard upgrade antenna. At this point I am forwarding my 12 pages of notes to senior leadership at Installs Inc. and VooM - this OTA madness cannot continue. For the record, I installed my own antenna last year and I know how difficult, time-consuming, and expensive it can be to properly install a deep-fringe antenna - I was perfectly willing to spend a reasonable sum to compensate the installer, however at this point I will not spend a dime.

Ok, besides the obvious "communication failures" I have noted with VooM/Installs Inc/Etc., IMHO the biggest problem are:

1. Installers are not properly trained for OTA
2. Installers are not properly equipped for OTA outside of Stealth/Diplexer
3. Installers don't know how to price a job based on items 1-2
5. IMHO Installers are not adequately compensated (see below)

Grade: F- (horrible, terrible, wretched! I can't get an antenna and I can't get it installed. I don't feel my antenna will ever be professionally installed. However, I will give VooM, Installs Inc., and their multiple levels of subcontractors an opportunity to redeem themselves...or I will make their lives just as miserable in the process :river

VooM Installation Process – Ok, by in large VooM and Installs Inc. are doing a pretty good job with the dish install…however, multiple levels of subcontractors, and a overall general overall lack of OTA experience, is killing Quality Control and, thus, the Installation Process. Again, IMHO VooM just isn't paying enough money to attract experienced OTA professionals! It's just this simple: $25 increase for Stealth installs and double the install fees for those requiring a PR-8800 and you'll see a dramatic increase in quality installation. Grade: F+

Welcome. Maybe you should try and send your installation problem for OTA antenna to "Joe Harkins" <jharkins@installs.com> . He works at Intalls Inc and has resolved a lot of these issues. Explain everything with a lot of details.
Just got my Voom Installed 10 minutes ago ...Couple of questions... The signal is not stable the installer said give it 1 hour and the s/w updates should correct this, but the picture keeps freezing and I'm not getting all the channels...maybe he is correct. He also stated that my receiver might be bad..If it wasn't corrected then call Voom..Also there wasnt an owners manual with it . Does anyone have a link to the owners manual so I could get my Voom Remote Programmed to control my volume..

tim said:
Just got my Voom Installed 10 minutes ago ...Couple of questions... The signal is not stable the installer said give it 1 hour and the s/w updates should correct this, but the picture keeps freezing and I'm not getting all the channels...maybe he is correct. He also stated that my receiver might be bad..If it wasn't corrected then call Voom..Also there wasnt an owners manual with it . Does anyone have a link to the owners manual so I could get my Voom Remote Programmed to control my volume..



The satellite signal should be stable regardless of software. Go to VOOM button ---Green Button - system settings ---- option #7 and then scroll down to see the satellite signal quality. Make sure you are tuned to a satellite channel.

The PG information takes about 40 minutes to download. If it freezes again, unplug/plug the receiver and leave it alone for about 40 minutes until it downloads the entire program guide. Within 3-4 days the software will be updated (at 4am in the morning). If you see light blinkings on the stb, do not interrupt the download during this time. Let us know what happens.

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