VOOM Installations

Good Install

I've been with Voom since 11/4. The install went well. One problem, the download software screen did not show on my TV with component video just SVHS.

Picture Quality is outstanding..... not much programming. I'm glad they extended the "money back" until 3/31 (confirmed with Voom this morning) as I was thinking about cancelling this week.

I'm very curious how the voom picture compares to Dish.

Re: Good Install

johnpete said:
I've been with Voom since 11/4. The install went well. One problem, the download software screen did not show on my TV with component video just SVHS.

Picture Quality is outstanding..... not much programming. I'm glad they extended the "money back" until 3/31 (confirmed with Voom this morning) as I was thinking about cancelling this week.

I'm very curious how the voom picture compares to Dish.



What do you mean by "the download software screen did not show on my TV with component video just SVHS."?

I'm very curious how the voom picture compares to Dish.

I am as well. This is going to be one of first comparison. I have a 60" TV and a 6000 receiver. SD really sucks on E*. I will assume that HD picture of both providers will be oustanding but I will look for this as well.
After everything is installed the software in the Voom box has to be updated, which takes 20 minutes or so. A progress screen shows the installer the progress of the download. With my box and my TV nothing shows using component video so the installer kept rebooting.

After connecting an S-Video cable all was well.

Meant S-Video not SVHS, sorry.

johnpete said:
After everything is installed the software in the Voom box has to be updated, which takes 20 minutes or so. A progress screen shows the installer the progress of the download. With my box and my TV nothing shows using component video so the installer kept rebooting.

After connecting an S-Video cable all was well.

Meant S-Video not SVHS, sorry.


That's good to know....
Well, I am baffled by Voom's incompetence to make my installation today! As I looked at my own post, I ordered Voom on 11/15/03 and was given an installation date for 11/24/03 between 8am-12pm. This is 9 days folks!! to get the equipment shipped to local installer and as of today at 4:30pm, there was not equipment in sight. If I was running a business like this, I'll be out of a job soon. 9 days and you cannot get the equipment on time!! What type of non-sense is this? I told the installer to call me tonight if gets the equipment and to have installed tomorrow morning. If I do not get it installed tomorrow morning, I will have to re-think this whole thing and probably cancel. I already lost a day of work and I am willing to sacrifice half-day to get this think working but I do not think I can give more than that specially when I am paying over $1,200 for service that was promised and not rendered by Voom (who ultimately should take responsibility).
Important, sat download is on composite, good to know on S-Video too, but make sure not to have both hooked up concurrently.
rudolpht said:

As a moderator here with high hopes, please raise the roof.

It is very hard to so when you have a company like Voom that do not have a tracking number to track your equipment. You would think that if I am able to go to the fedex webpage and track any package I sent via fedex, VOOM would be able to do the same. NO! that's too complicated for them. They are yet not hooked to the internet or the 21st century <<SARCASM>>.


I received a call from the local installer that the equipment arrived to him. He'll be here early in the morning to install it.

Before I received a call from the loca installer, I called VOOM but they could not do anything at all. I can only say that if you are getting this service be prepared for the worse. I have not even dealt with the technical problems and I am about to explode... :evil:
OTA Install

I hope the install goes well tomorrow.

I live in Douglas, Arizona about 120 miles from Tucson. There are many tall mountains (8,000 ft high) between me and the digital transmitters in Tucson... yet I get 3 tucson digital stations (using the standard Channel Master, amplified, antenna that comes with Voom). From what I understand this is not possible, but it's happening :D .

The installer ran two separates lines for the two antennas, dish and OTA. When I called Voom they said they should have just ran one line. I'm curious how they do yours?

Also what might be the best to add amplification, my current signal is very marginal?

Good Luck with the install.

Re: OTA Install

johnpete said:
I hope the install goes well tomorrow.

I live in Douglas, Arizona about 120 miles from Tucson. There are many tall mountains (8,000 ft high) between me and the digital transmitters in Tucson... yet I get 3 tucson digital stations (using the standard Channel Master, amplified, antenna that comes with Voom). From what I understand this is not possible, but it's happening :D .

The installer ran two separates lines for the two antennas, dish and OTA. When I called Voom they said they should have just ran one line. I'm curious how they do yours?

Also what might be the best to add amplification, my current signal is very marginal?

Good Luck with the install.


I spoke with the installer today. I already have a RS antenna connected and wired to the house. Since I going to need the same line for both VOOM and my 6000 receiver, I bought a 2 way splitter at RS to split the signal to both receivers. I did not see any degradation of signal when I put it on my 6000. The only thing that the installer needs to do is to install the 61.5 dish and run a line to the house. As to your other question, I read that the stealth antenna that VOOM is using is very weak. You might want to try another antenna. RS seemed to have very good directional antennas and RS always refund 100% (no question asks) if you do not like the product. Do you have a pre-amp connected? If not this my also help you get your signal strength up for OTA reception.

You are quite lucky that your installer did not follow VOOM suggestion of using the dixplexer. Otherwise, you will have less strength in your OTA reception. I hope this helps.
Yes, I have the pre-amp installed it's working properly.
When I contacted Voom they said the OTA is omni-directional and doesn't need to point to the source. Well this is not true.

The latest download provide a signal strength meter for off-air in the set-up screen and I'll use that to tweak things tonight.

Again I am 120 miles from the source..... I watched the CBS HDTV (only network up) stuff last night instead of Monday Night Football. CSI Miami was outstanding in HD.

I see your install went well. How's the picture quality compared to your 6000?

johnpete said:
Yes, I have the pre-amp installed it's working properly.
When I contacted Voom they said the OTA is omni-directional and doesn't need to point to the source. Well this is not true.

The latest download provide a signal strength meter for off-air in the set-up screen and I'll use that to tweak things tonight.

Again I am 120 miles from the source..... I watched the CBS HDTV (only network up) stuff last night instead of Monday Night Football. CSI Miami was outstanding in HD.

I see your install went well. How's the picture quality compared to your 6000?


If I were you, I would get another antenna. The installation went well the installer was very aware of problems and what to do. I am not getting any locals at this point even though my 6000 receiver is getting them all. As to PQ? Let me get back to you about this. I need to sit through some of their programming.
I want to thank Wilt from Voom because he escalated my problem yesteday to a higher level. His message was out and clear to Installs Inc. They called again today to make sure that my equipment was received and installed. I have to say that the local installer "Carlos" did a tremendous job and was very efficient and knew how to troubleshoot the system. At no point, I felt that he did not know what he was doing.

Thanks Wilt for putting my problem to a higher level. The only remaining problem I have is the locals. I have no local mapping and the incorrect mapping is showing in the PG. I have spoken to the tech support at Voom and they said that they are aware of the mapping problem.
Sean, here's my yet incomplete installation story copied from AVS forum. Sounds a lot like yours!

DAY 1 Monday 11-24
Well I decided to put my money where my mouth is.

I ordered service today I think.

After all I spent last year - all 365 days and then some building a dedicated theater, how can I not get Voom. And the March money back plan means I really can't go wrong. I will however document my installation here as it goes.

So today I started and can't get the online system to take my address. I called to sign up the old fashioned way. They took the same information but said they needed more detail on my address. "XXX Live Oak Springs Canyon Rd." Well that's about as specific as it gets unless you want a floor plan of the house! After a short hold time she got it in.

Next I asked if OTA was an option. She said it was and I said don't bother, it won't work. She insisted the Voom OTA works anywhere in the USA. I pointed out the word "Canyon" in my address, it's not just a cute name, it is a canyon. Well then you can't get Voom service at all. I told her I got DishNet at 61.5 just fine - boy that was a waste of breath. She got very confused. Supervisor called, While OTA is an option it's free. Great then just bring the stuff and we can try it anyway. Supervisor released.

After another short wait she claims she can't enter my work order for a date and "Installs Inc" will be contacting me. I said whoa, they don't return calls and referenced this forum. She was surprised there was any internet information on Voom yet. I said there was and not all of it complementary towards Installs Inc. Supervisor back on line. They will call Installs Inc themselves and get back to me with a date!

So far, not so good.

DAY 1.5 Monday 11-24
Voom called back. Install scheduled in one week. There was a problem with my Zip Code. Now it did change but the end of the grace period was two years ago. I guess Installs Inc has old maps.

DAY 2 Monday 12-01
Called Voom this morning to confirm installation. The guy checked, "yes sir, tomorrow between 8am and 12pm. You will receive a call this evening from the installer."

DAY 2.5 Monday 12-01
After 8pm PST and no call I called Voom. Unlike the instant confirmation this morning the rep took a while. She was calling Installs Inc. After a long hold they had a problem. The equipment was delivered to the installer but Installs Inc didn't know who it was. They will be able to find out tomorrow morning and the technician will call to set up an appointment. Well I have an appointment - between 8am and 12pm. Well because he just got the equipment he will call between 8am and 12pm to schedule a time.


Esculated to a supervisor who apologized but started that "it isn't our fault" crap. I cut that real short. Voom will not even let customers talk to Installs inc. Furthermore the customer has no alternate chioce for installation. So it IS Voom's fault. She backtracked and said as Voom's data says I will be installed tomorrow, I will. Sometimes Install Inc does not have up to date installation reports. I reminded her mine was set up last week by Voom.

I also got into the self install issue. I told her Dish and DirecTV have been doing this for ten years without this level of problems. She responded and quite correctly I might add that Installs Inc also does Dish and Direct and have the same bad track record with them. Ah, but here's the caveat, Dish and Direct offer several installation choices, one of which is DIY. She claims the MPEG4 technology is more complicated to install! Also during the conversation the issue of my easy install as I already have a 61.5 dish up was discussed. I can have an evening appoitment. Again she claimed old dishes are not compatable with MPEG4.

So I will wait until 12pm tomorrow and report back. Hopefully I will have some hardware to talk about.

I called early this morning to confirm again. After the CSR confirmed my date she called Installs Inc. They asked what day I would like. well today - as it's scheduled. Apparently the equipment was shipped to the regional state manager for Installs Inc and he was to send it on to the technician of choice. Well he's moving today and tomorrow and they couldn't get confirmation as to if he did that. After much arguing Installs Inc proposed they order another system from Voom and schedule installation with another tech for Saturday. Based on this it makes me think:

A) Voom never sent the equipment.
B) Installs Inc lost it.
C) They gave it to the wrong tech.

One thing very important here. NONE OF THE CALLS WERE RETURNED BY VOOM OR INSTALLS INC EVEN WHEN PROMISSED. Voom supervisory management assured me they are having many problems with Installs Inc and are seeking a resolution. At least they are now acknowledging this fcat but will they do anything about it?

They also reiterated my old Dish at 61.5 will not work with Voom! That's after I suggested an evening install and they said it was too dark to mount the dish! So we now wait until Saturday.

I know you feel frustrated like I did. Hang in there. Also, try to send an e-mail to Wilt (VOOM), he will escalate your request and put you in touch with somebody that will make sure your installation is done. Here is Wilt e-mail wilth@optonline.net. Wilt is very helpful and will put you in touch with higher authorities at both VOOM and Install Inc. Do not quit. Hang in there and let us know how it went.

The picture quality is great, the content is not yet but that's about to change. So get it and don't drop VOOM yet of the table. Install Inc are very incompetent but I would not say about the entire organization but only the CSRs. Let us know how it go. Get in touch with Wilt and let him know your story and where you stand right now.
Well I got a call from Installs Inc. today. my appointment was supposed to be tomorrow (12/05) from 8am to 10 am, but guess what.....NO EQUIPMENT!!!...they say maybe next week!!! I am sooooo :x ....almost called Voom to cancel, but lady at installs talked me out of it
Installer showed up, opened box...and......two receivers, NO DISH!!!! ( I am only getting a one reciever system) Big trouble!!!!

He does have a directtv dish on his truck with 3 lnb's, will this work temporarily if he uses it, and then switches it for a Voom dish when it comes in?
He is still here trying to put stealth together, and waiting on a phone call from his superiors
Your OTA mapping might work or might not work. Let us know how it goes after he's done. Make sure to connect the composite cable to see the download. With the component cable only you won't be able to see the download screen.

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