Voom increases illegally collected sales tax.

red ufo said:
Your an idiot...
It is "you're an idiot"...need I say more? If you would have my read a few of my postings---even in this very thread---you would see how foolish your (notice the correct usage) statements are (and I didn't say our..now did I?). I was simply pointing out how incredibly asinine and immature that particular statement was. Notice how I didn't use your name in the quotation as to save yourself from later embarrassment; perhaps would eventually awaken from your drug altered state of intoxication and realize what you have done. Perhaps red ufo is a drug? Anyway, I not going to revert to name calling...like dolt, rube and derelict, because they serve no purpose in this Forum. :rolleyes:
For those that say get a lawyer, it's just laughable. Next time a STB breaks up while changing channels and that person complains- shall we just tell that person to get a lawyer? This is a Voom problem and Voom needs to fix it. This "tax" is plain and simple, an overcharge.

Vurbano has had plenty of good things to say about Voom, but he has the right to not let Voom take his money.

Voom put on my bill a "franchise" fee. But this is illegal. In Los Angeles- if you operate a cable TV company, you must pay a franchise fee to the City of LA, which the city allows you the pass on to the consumer. Voom has no such agreement with my city.

I get a paper bill and have stopped paying this fee to Voom. They have kept my service on. I have DirecTV and they do not tax me or make up fees to charge me.

If Voom wants to raise thier rates- fine, but don't shaft the consumer.
riffjim4069 said:
It is "you're an idiot"...need I say more? If you would have my read a few of my postings---even in this very thread---you would see how foolish your (notice the correct usage) statements are (and I didn't say our..now did I?). I was simply pointing out how incredibly asinine and immature that particular statement was. Notice how I didn't use your name in the quotation as to save yourself from later embarrassment; perhaps would eventually awaken from your drug altered state of intoxication and realize what you have done. Perhaps red ufo is a drug? Anyway, I not going to revert to name calling...like dolt, rube and derelict, because they serve no purpose in this Forum. :rolleyes:

Hey, monkey sh*t pile, who said this was a spelling bee? Take your Doom and shove it deep into your wanton ass. If I decide to blow up my Doom Stb that's none of your business punk!
:shocked Everyone seems to be getting so worked up over this. Seriously people, it shouldn't surprise any of you that Voom may have found some loophole in the tax laws that allows them to charge everyone of their subscribers tax because of the absence of a contract. This is Corporate America the Beautiful, land of opportunity for Corporations & the politicians that help them. We get screwed over every day by big corporations and a small tax we might have not expected is the least of our problems. Nothing new here. Voom is just showing it's American spirit :usa
And all what Voom is-a cable company,they are showing why I am glad I left Comcast so many years ago for TV service,that franchise fee drives me nuts,and if they are not paying it back to the government(and the sales tax)you folks have just had your second price increase in the last few months,just like a cable company.
The great thing about America is if you don't like something that is happenning to you, you don't have to keep it..
Whatever they are calling this "tax", "usage fee", or whatever jargon they apply, the answer is the same..
If you don't like it, cancell.
If it doesn't bother you, then ignore it..
red ufo said:
Hey, monkey sh*t pile, who said this was a spelling bee? Take your Doom and shove it deep into your wanton ass. If I decide to blow up my Doom Stb that's none of your business punk!
Someone needs to monitor the computer lab at the Junior High School more closely I think.
I thank this is good advice from (wase4711- If you don't like it, cancel.
If it doesn't bother you, then ignore it. I chose to cancel it, That easy.

From My Voom Account page, it shows an increase from last months bill.

And when it says TOTAL NEW Charges including TAXES.....

Previous Balance
Previous Balance $83.65
07/20/04 VISA ($83.65)
Outstanding Balance
Outstanding Balance $0.00
Monthly Charges
08/10 - 09/09/04 HBO PlusPack $14.90
08/10 - 09/09/04 1 additional HBO PlusPack @ $0.00 $0.00
08/10 - 09/09/04 Marquee HD $0.00
08/10 - 09/09/04 1 additional Marquee HD @ $0.00 $0.00
08/10 - 09/09/04 VOOM IRD Rental $9.50
08/10 - 09/09/04 1 additional VOOM IRD Rental @ $9.50 $9.50
08/10 - 09/09/04 MULTIRD $0.00
08/10 - 09/09/04 1 additional MULTIRD @ $5.00 $5.00
08/10 - 09/09/04 VOOM $39.90
08/10 - 09/09/04 1 additional VOOM @ $0.00 $0.00
Fees And Taxes
Total New Charges (including taxes) $85.18

Total New Balance $85.18
Where are they illegal?

vurbano said:
I noticed about a $1.00 increase in my bill this month on the illegally collected sales tax in my state. Anyone else?

I was wondering where these charges are illegal, is it only in certain states, or is it in all states? I was not aware of this and want some more info.
In most states it is illegal to collect monies on the state's behalf without any intention of giving the monies to the state.
From Comcast site:
What are franchise fees?

The Cable Act allows local governments to collect "franchise fees" on the sale of "cable services." The amount of the franchise fee is set by the local government or by state law. Comcast collects the franchise fees and gives them to the local government.

Now what local goverment has asked Voom to collect these fees and not D* and E*.And remember it said "cable service" not Satellite Service.
Moderator note: some messages have been deleted. Let's discuss VOOM, not attack each other!
So if I am reading into this right ( Now what local government has asked Voom to collect these fees and not D* and E*.And remember it said "cable service" not Satellite Service) it would be ok for Voom because they are a cable company? Now that Voom has separated from cable vision to be there own company , doesn't that make them a Satellite service now? Now if thats the case wouldn't that take away the sales tax not add more to it or more to your bill? Just a though ,I could be wrong.
Just got off the phone with voom billing department again and they said the FCC says they have to charge me tax's , I said there are no Satellite tax's in the state of Ga. Anyway this is the number that came up on my caller ID 1-509-789-4500 I don't if it goes to billing or not but I would think it does.
An email from VOOM stated that EQUIP/SMT/REM stands for "Equipment Statement Reimbursement" (whatever the hell that means), and FRANCH FEE relates to taxes. I replied asking a detailed explanation of "Equipment Statement Reimbursement" and exactly what "related taxes" I am paying. I'll post the response when I get it.
I just got off the phone with Voom and inquired about the increase in my bill. I was put on hold and then she came back after asking someone and said the state of Texas has told them to collect higher taxes. I told her that we have not had a tax increase here in Texas and furthermore they are not allowed to charge me taxes here in Texas. She then stated that the FCC told Voom to collect more taxes. Well which one is it? Something really smells fishy here. I know it's only $1 more but with all the problems I've had included getting billed 5 times last month I've finally had it. I am calling Dish tomorrow and as soon as I have an install date or the equipment in hand so I can install it, I am dumping Voom. I have really tried to like Voom and to give them the benefit of the doubt but they keep finding new ways everyday to screw up and lately it has been to take more of my money. I have been a Voom customer since March 10, 2004. For HD's sake I hope Voom survives. Other than that I really hope they crash and burn. Because when they do I will be there roasting marshmallows. Good luck to anyone sticking around.

Bob :(
It's a shame too, 'cause I think we all agree we love HDTV, the competition is good for all of us, and Wilt is doing his best, but what is wrong with the rest of the company?

Here we go again with the "I cancelled Voom because..." posts. Why don't you call your state tax office and seek official documentation and then forward it to Voom if you are right. All this bitchin' and moanin' on an informational message board wont solve your problem.

So, Can I Add The Starz Pack?

A public thank you to Wilt and Lori for their help!

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