Voom increases illegally collected sales tax.

if a company is licensed to do business in a state, they have to collect sales tax. A satellite company is different than a typical mail order company in that they actually send people representing the company to people's houses in every state they do business.

I just checked - DirecTV adds on sales tax to my bill/as does voom. I checked the directv bill, I am going from memory on my voom bill. I'm in ohio.

Not only that, if I order something mail order where the mail order company doesn't collect the tax, I'm supposed to pay that tax myself as part of my state income tax filing.
vurbano said:
I noticed about a $1.00 increase in my bill this month on the illegally collected sales tax in my state. Anyone else?

Very interesting, I didn't even pay attention on that. I paid 4.50 last month. I also checked my Dish account and they are not collecting any sales tax from me at this time. However, when I was leasing Dish's two receivers one year ago they charged me 0.70 each month ($10*7%) which makes sense.

Does anybody know for sure whether or not Voom can collect sales tax?
wase4711 said:
some states allow taxes to be collected on services..
wherever Voom is incorporated in may be one of those....

it's not allow, it's require - and you don't have to be incorporated in the state, you have to simply be licensed to do business in that state. And isn't voom owned by a national cable company, thus would be licensed to do business in all states? that makes them different than the other satellite providers.
I think I got a $1.17 increase this month in taxes. (New York City)
Ok I pulled this from the Georgia Department of Revenue site.
560-12-2-.17 Broadcasting and Broadcasting Distribution; Cable, Radio, and
(1) Radio, Television and Cable Broadcasters or Distributors are primarily engaged in the
business of broadcasting or distributing radio or television signals over the free airwaves
or by satellite or cable. These activities constitute a service that is not subject to sales and
use tax. Such broadcasters and distributors are subject to sales and use tax on all
purchases or leases unless otherwise exempt within the Act and this Regulation.
I was told Voom is not exempt in GA.
txdude said:
BTW Vurbano,
How much $$$ is D* & E* paying you to bad mouth voOm on these forums about everything under the sun?

What's your problem, txdude? Voom most likely illegally collect sales tax from us so what is wrong with letting everybody know about that? I had no idea about it until vurbano started this topic. If Voom illegally collects tax money from us then they have a big problem.
bbqman said:
vurbano, instead of bitching and whining, why haven't you contacted a lawyer?
Im not sure that would be a wise financial descision. Would you hire a lawyer to collect 5 bucks a month Einstien?
txdude said:
BTW Vurbano,
How much $$$ is D* & E* paying you to bad mouth voOm on these forums about everything under the sun?
I wish they were, LMAO. But the facts are that D* doesnt collect any taxes in this state and V* does. If Voom were charging 4.5% on the 20 bucks in leased equipment I might buy that. But they are taxing the entire amount. I dont think Voom understands the laws in each state and has taken a tax everything approach.
vurbano said:
Im not sure that would be a wise financial descision. Would you hire a lawyer to collect 5 bucks a month Einstien?
I am not the one crying about it. To answer your question, if I felt that strongly about the situation then yes I would hire a lawyer. By the way what does Einstien have to do with it?
bbqman said:
I am not the one crying about it. To answer your question, if I felt that strongly about the situation then yes I would hire a lawyer. By the way what does Einstien have to do with it?
2000 people hiring a lawyer to sue for 5 dollars a month is a wise decision for upholding a principle. One person hiring a lawyer to sue cablevision/ rainbow media for 5 dollars a month is a fool IMO.
vurbano said:
I wish they were, LMAO. But the facts are that D* doesnt collect any taxes in this state and V* does.

In Virginia, we can not be charged Sales Tax for VOOM: "Exempt transaction: a transaction that includes the electronic transmittal of current stock market quotations via a terminal. The object of the transaction is to obtain the information; the tangible personal property included serves only as the medium for securing the service. See P.D. 91-190; See also P.D. 96-361, involving the sale of discounted cellular phones in conjunction with a service contract, for an example of a situation where the service and sale elements of a transaction were treated independently of one another, and P.D. 97-47, involving equipment leased to customers in connection with the provision of satellite television services."

However, VOOM is telling me that I am being charged a "Use Tax" because I rent the STB and that I would not be taxed were I to own the equipmnet. IMO, they are misreading the Virginia Tax Code.

Any tax lawyers wish to comment...
I don't be leave (but not for sure )that they are not reading any tax codes. After talking with them I got the same answer , we put your zip code into our computers and if you have a sales tax where you live then you get tax.
riffjim4069 said:

In Virginia, we can not be charged Sales Tax for VOOM: "Exempt transaction: a transaction that includes the electronic transmittal of current stock market quotations via a terminal. The object of the transaction is to obtain the information; the tangible personal property included serves only as the medium for securing the service. See P.D. 91-190; See also P.D. 96-361, involving the sale of discounted cellular phones in conjunction with a service contract, for an example of a situation where the service and sale elements of a transaction were treated independently of one another, and P.D. 97-47, involving equipment leased to customers in connection with the provision of satellite television services."

However, VOOM is telling me that I am being charged a "Use Tax" because I rent the STB and that I would not be taxed were I to own the equipmnet. IMO, they are misreading the Virginia Tax Code.

Any tax lawyers wish to comment...
I agree. Are there any owners of Voom equipment that are not paying tax?
LOBO2999 said:
I don't be leave (but not for sure )that they are not reading any tax codes. After talking with them I got the same answer , we put your zip code into our computers and if you have a sales tax where you live then you get tax.
That computer is programmed for sales tax on property it seems and doesnt pay attention to all of the tax codes for each state.
alandail said:
it's not allow, it's require - and you don't have to be incorporated in the state, you have to simply be licensed to do business in that state. And isn't voom owned by a national cable company, thus would be licensed to do business in all states? that makes them different than the other satellite providers.

Yes, they are owned by a national cable company, so that is probably why the tax is uniform everywhere in the usa..
I would be curious to know if we are ALL paying the same rate....
Voom called and wanted to know why I canceled and I told them many reasons but one was because of taxes and be over charge and adding a credit instead of giving it to me , so billing in general and I was told they will be getting back to me to try and fix the tax charges , I said you have till Monday . I will let ever one know what comes of it .

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