Sean, have you done any comparison between VOOM on E* and CV? Also, if VOOM 1280 or 1920 on CV?
I do not have a way to determine the 1280 vs 1920 yet. Unfortunately I do not have a recorder hooked to the firewire output to determine this.
Now as to my own comparison based only on my eye sight without any numbers. I only looked at Equator HD, filmfest and WordSport HD. Both boxes are connected through component. I see very little difference. Equator HD shows a tiny crippier signal on CV than E*. But the difference is not much to wow anyone. On WorldSport HD, I see the same problems that we saw on Dish. I have yet to catch an encore soccer game to see if I see the same problems. I watched the alpine chronicles on both E* and CV and both looked the same. I had the same experience on filmfest. I looked at Frida on both systems and Frida had this little distinct difference on CV.
This little difference is not much but we still have the same questions or even worse.
1 - If CV is providing the same 1280x1080i as Dish and same bitrate... It will explain the no significance difference between the two.
2- If some how CV provides 1920x1080i but bitrate is low it could also lead to the same conclusion.
I hate to find out that CV is giving us 1920x1080i at the same bitrate and we do not see a difference. That will be a hard pill to swallow. Also, we do not know if 1440x1080i is being used here either. This was how voom was transmitted on Voom DBS in the old days. So CV could be using this and with higher bitrates to make it look like E* and some how this tiny difference I am seeing in EQuator HD and filmfest could be do to the 1440x1080i.
None of my statements above are verifiable or backed up by numbers. I want to really see what the resolution and bitrates are before making a final assesment either way.
In conclusion, no one can tell these channels apart on either system. The difference is quite minimal. I need to check the other channels as well.