VOOM Goes BOOM - update Dish Drops all 15 VOOM Channels

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Most of the Voom channels are in my guide still, ie equator. Which I thought got cut. But Ultra is gone. Poof.

So I went to the WFN. Ok fishing is fine. Buts its all Letterbox SD.. WTF is that? Dont call it HD and then take some crap SD and letterbox it. What is the target audience for a letterboxed SD? Geez.. and so bandwidth is being wasted on letterbox SD.

i rant...
This came from the retailer website:

VOOM Take Down
Effective May 12th (11:59pm EST) 2008, the full VOOM HD Line-up is no longer available on DISH Network. DISH Network continues to be the leader in providing the best movies, sports and entertainment in High Definition.

In order to provide customers with top quality entertainment, DISH Network continually evaluates and at times, makes changes to our channel line-up. We are excited to announce the addition of over 20 new high definition channels which will provide our customers the top rated channels including The Weather Channel HD, Disney HD East, Bravo HD and Cartoon HD. As of result of these additions, we have removed some channels that are less popular with our customers. These channels are not available with any other satellite provider. The VOOM lineup removed consists of 10 HD channels.

Watch for even more high definition channels over the upcoming weeks as DISH Network grows to over 100 of the best national HD channels by end of year.

Thanks for supporting DISH Network!
Not to mention that I think Science is the the only Discovery Communications channel (and maybe Military Channel?) not to do infomercials overnight. Could most def count on Voom being there during the overnight hours...for those of us who like documentaries...i know the rest of you wouldnt understand...
I'm not defending Voom for not upholding their end of the contract, but seeing as how they have a record of not upholding their contract, what's going to happen if they get disgusted with Dish and decide to fold altogether? Will you say it's a good thing then? (I for one do watch 4 of the 5 remaining channels, 2 of them regularly.)

Yes, this is exactly what should happen unless they can change themselves into a service that can make money. I fully expect that if we don't seeing commericals on Voom AND seeing their channels individually get carried on other MSOs, that Voom will close doors by the end of the year, if not end of summer. I don't think that Charlie wants their 10 HD channels taking up his bandwidth and that the won't be coming back.
Here is the explanation

Is Voom Doomed On Dish Network?

I agree that Ultra and Film Festival are irreplaceable. I guess they believe that their average customer eats junk food and watches the shows. Good luck! They will be hearing from me, too. From now on I will pay $30 for the same quality content cable TV instead of $70 for dish, and hopefully some interment tv is coming so I can watch what I really like.
Have you been reading the comments from ANGRY people who really liked the "padding"? These channel were unique and are irreplaceable!
I've read them. But in the big picture there won't be enough people effected to matter. These irreplacable channels are going to be replaced by MTV, VH1, Nick and Spike in short order, and by Fox News and SpeedHD eventually.

Winds of change. I expect HDNet to suffer a similar fate.
its sad that they want to add 490349039 more music channels and kill off the niche channels.. i guess edjamacation is overrated
My take, as emailed to the CEO address....

I really appreciate dish Network adding 22 new High Definition channels today. However, I am very disappointed that Dish Network claimed to have 95 channels - and bragged about the additions - only to remove 10 High Definition channels from Voom less than 6 hours later.

Even during tonight's live Tech Chat, mention was made over and over again about how Dish had 95 channels. NO mention was made that Voom would be removed the same evening.

In addition, a press release was issued yesterday touting the 22 additions and the 95 channel figure, even though that figure was going to drop to 85 channels within a day.

I would like to know why Dish Network is deceiving its customers with this type of false advertising -- especially during the Tech Chat. I would like to remind Dish Network that its customers are intelligent individuals, and that this type of misleading "tactic" does nothing but upset us.

Please note that I do agree with Dish's decision to remove some Voom networks -- Voom HD News, for instance, had no place left when CNN HD and CNBC HD were available. Animania had no place left with Cartoon Network HD, Disney HD and Toon Disney HD being made available. However, to not mention these channels immiment demise on tonight's tech chat and in the press release touting the new channel additions was a very poor decision that only upset customers like myself.

Dish Network has taken what should have been a very happy day for many, many customers and turned it into a day of complaints about how Dish Network fails to communicate honestly with its customers. For me, today showed that Dish has little corporate integrity.

Please let me know that you have received and read this email.
I just can't believe we lost vmov and filmfest plus hdnews. I can't even sleep now I'm so ticked off.
Well I am going to miss HDNews. I see they are already missing in the guide. And wow!, 2 new slate channels telling us Voom services that are not so popular are removed.

Regarding Voom, I'm sorry any of them are gone. However, they kept the 5 Voom channels I watch the most, including Kung Fu and Monsters.

WTF!? it does indeed look like a bait and switch game to me... the missing VOOM channels are now titled "HD" and have a graphic of the 22 new "HD" channels and text scrolling at the bottom saying:

"Dish Network is excited to announce the addition of over 22 new high definition channels which will provide our customers top rated programming in HD, as a result of these additions we removed some channels that are less popular with our customers, for more information visit www.dishnetwork.com/hdupdate"

What a crock of S**T....

"top rated programming in HD"? What programming in HD? VOOM had the REAL HD programming. :P

So does this mean were getting 10 channels to replace these by the end of the year to fulfill the 100???

I was finally beginning to feel good about Dish again but here comes that bitter taste in my mouth again... i'm starting to wonder again why I should stay with Dish?


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CONGRATS ECHOSTAR! 922 wins best of CES award!

Just wanted to say THANKS.

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