Thats a good question, I'd probably go back as Voom HD as everyone in our house misses Voom HD a lot!
I would have to say that having just switched, I have found the Directv to be far better of a company. They were much more educated, helpful, organized over the phone, they provided real humans to follow up through the install process and calling to make sure all went smooth, the installation was much cleaner with wiring nicely wire tied and run neatly (they even got rid of old cable and wires that were not needed on the roof to make the roof wiring clean), and the clarity is slightly better. I've used both DVR's and they are not that different to me?
To clear things up as other posted savings and others said they would not; for me I have just one TV, which is a 7 foot front projection HD so I only need one HD DVR, had all the normal channels with full HD package, locals, hbo, cinemax, stars, etc. and was paying $127 or $1524 per year with dish networks. We just switched and Directv is charging us $736 for the first year then $1308 for year two. So maybe if you need a lot of recievers it might not save you? but I can say for us with just one DH DVR the savings are enough for me to get the next generation Panasonic blu ray player! I still thnk dish is a company I do not trust and am not been that happy with their customer service.
The key thing for us was Voom HD. Right now on specs their content is close with Directv having an advantage on # of channels in HD. Comparing the two I like Directv better so far but whomever has Voom HD we'd probably switch.
So Directv is giving you a free HD dvr and all channels including premiums (not pay-perview) for $61.33 a month for a year?