VOOM Goes BOOM - update Dish Drops all 15 VOOM Channels

Please reply by conversation.
Sorry havn't caught that show. I'm too busy watching new episodes of Dirty Jobs, and Mythbusters. Whens the last time that Voom had a new show that you couldn't see anywhere else? 2001?


Its all TV. Don't get so worked up over it. If you like the Voom stuff, then download it on bittorrent, or however you want to get your media. There is this thing called HD-DVD also, they're cheap (now), and I'm sure there is newer releases than anything Voom is showing, why don't you invest in that.

Sorry but HD DVD lost the format war. I could see buying into it last year but why invest in a dead format now? And also, from what I've read, Monsters HD will be showing Creepshow next month. You can't buy that on HD DVD or Blu-ray. And if Dish had gotten rid of Voom at the beginning of April, i wouldn't have been able to DVR The Omen Trilogy, amongst other movies.
Sorry havn't caught that show. I'm too busy watching new episodes of Dirty Jobs, and Mythbusters. Whens the last time that Voom had a new show that you couldn't see anywhere else? 2001?


Its all TV. Don't get so worked up over it. If you like the Voom stuff, then download it on bittorrent, or however you want to get your media. There is this thing called HD-DVD also, they're cheap (now), and I'm sure there is newer releases than anything Voom is showing, why don't you invest in that.

There are new episodes? It's fun to watch the many reruns of the old just never caught the new. Spent too much time catching new things on the variety of Voom offerings. Now I have a ton of viewing time and there's not much on Dish to fill it with. As it becomes unquestionable that Voom is forever gone and convenient we'll reinvest and migrate to another provider.

Wanting more HD instead of substitutes is what all of us are working for bottom line. Those taking delight in getting less just confuse me. :confused:
This is like an amusement park having a "ride all day" pass, but when you get there you realize the ride you went for is no longer there and replaced with other rides that you do not enjoy as much. They are not charging you for that one ride, per se. From a publicity standpoint, these types of changes absolutely should be handled in a certain way so that at least the customers understand what is happening before it actually happens. Then the customer can decide if they want to pay for that "ride all day" pass (or level of service). But the decision itself on ride content (or channel content) rests only with the amusement park (or Dish) and they don't need their customer's consent to do anything.

What you are referring to is typical bait-and-switch.
Good business is not to just yank 15 channels that paying subs enjoy to one degree or another.

Good business is not trying tell a sub that MHD is just like Rave or Chiller in SD is just as good as Monsters HD.

Good business is not telling subs that more HD channels are coming "soon" and then giving vague dates like "by summer" and "by the end of the year".

I agree 100%, a good business would've handled the Voom situation differently. You shouldn't just take 15 HD channels away, add 22 other ones and then try to pass them off as being as good as or the same as the ones you removed.

I agree with the part of not just yanking the channels off the air, if they had a choice about it.

I don't think anyone likes to hear vague dates given, but that doesn't really have anything to do with VOOM. We would be lucky to even hear if they have plans to add more, much less the time frame. It doesn't appear that VOOM was taken down in order to give us the other channels they added.... and we don't even know if they plan to "downlink" them. So I suppose it is possible that they plan to add more HD without removing them completely.

As for the rest of your analysis, I do not understand how you (and others) come to the conclusion that they are replacing the Voom channels for the 22 HD channels. Where have they stated for instance that they are replacing MHD for Rave or that Chiller is the replacement for Monsters. Just because it happened in the same time frame doesn't mean the intention was to swap them out.

The only time I have heard any comments made from DISH in reference to adding programming after the removal of VOOM was when Charlie was giving the DISH Earnings Report........

Voom channels what does this mean in lt carriage of these channels,
Charlie the Voom channels we are going to take the Voom channels down have already took down 2/3 rdaand will take down the rest when we can; We can replace those channels with other channels of comperative value.

It sounded to me like he was talking about replacements in the future, not that they already have replaced it.

I wouldn't mind still having the VOOM channels around, but not at the cost of having other HD channels added. If it truly is not a Bandwidth issue.. then I hope they work something out, and bring VOOM back. But as far as VOOM returning instead of getting some other HD channels, I can't say that I would vote for that. (Not that we get any votes, obviously from what happened!)

VOOM to me was just some set of channels that were nice to show off. They did have nice quality shows to view in HD, and the definition was definately "HIGH". The only problem was, the programming itself didn't seem appealing to me. There were only a few channels that I would actually tune to periodically. These all seemed to lack updated programming. Let's take Rave for instance... the same concerts from '05-'07 were always being played. Sure, you can point to other networks that repeat programming. To me, it is a different type of repeating though. For instance, I notice alot repeats on many channels, but they repeat a new show many times during the week that they air a "new" episode of that show. That is a little bit different than always showing repeats of shows from a few years ago. I am not saying that VOOM did not air new original content.... but for 15 channels, and the number of premiers shown on those post, that is not very convincing. I think part of the confusion of comparisons is that when others are trying to compare VOOM to another channel, they are looking at VOOM as a whole. (15 channels) If you separate those 15 channels and break down how much new content aired on each of those channels individually over the 10 months that you reference in those links, I doubt there is very much for each one.

I do find it interesting that in those same links provided above, there were posts made as to the programming that VOOM was providing.

Is it me or has the programming lineup been a little weak over the summer?

lol voom "highlights"
They better add alot more to this list!
Voom is on it's last legs.. you can feel it.

Wow, Darren called it just a couple of months before it happened.

There is no way around it.... it sucks that we have 15 less HD channels. I think everyone, those who liked VOOM and those who didn't care much about it either way... I think everyone would prefer to still have them in the line up, (in addition to the new HD of course). But it appears for whatever reason, DISH obviously felt it was the right thing.... I can't see them deciding to remove them just because they could, or because they are playing hard ball to get them in another tier.... Dish has a lot to lose here in removing VOOM as well. Why would they remove channels which they own 20% of? It's too bad that those who attended the Meet and Greet with Charlie and Eric cannot tell us what they were told concerning the removal of VOOM, but obviously they were told something that cleared the air with them.

And as far as the statement about "VOOM Haters" I don't think there are VOOM Haters that are posting in all of these forums... I think it is more along the lines of people who do not necessarily go out of their way to support VOOM.
If you asked most of them, I believe they would all agree, if they had the choice to keep VOOM without affecting the new HD that was added, and any potential New HD in the future, obviously most would support keeping VOOM. It's not that they Hate VOOM, it's just that if they were given a choice, VOOM may be on the lower end of their list. There is nothing wrong with that, everyone has their right to their own taste. Just like those who support VOOM and are upset that it has been removed. I can understand why everyone is upset. However, I believe that the frustration and aggravation is caused by VOOM itself, not by DISH. Yes, DISH removed the channels, and yes, they removed them at midnight, and yes, they removed them just after adding some other HD channels, but, why? This is the question that should be focused on.

I have made a lot of post concerning the removal of VOOM, and for some reason I feel like I have had to defend DISH. I think some have taken it personal towards DISH, because they are the ones who removed the channels. I believe if everything was in the open, and if the timing of the removal was different, that people would have viewed everything alot differently.

I for one, hope more information will be made public during the ongoing court hearings.
There is this thing called HD-DVD also, they're cheap (now), and I'm sure there is newer releases than anything Voom is showing, why don't you invest in that.

HD-DVD died in the format war. If you really believe you should invest in dead technology, I know somebody with a huge stock of 8-tracks that they'd be willing to part with.
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If you asked most of them, I believe they would all agree, if they had the choice to keep VOOM without affecting the new HD that was added, and any potential New HD in the future, obviously most would support keeping VOOM. It's not that they Hate VOOM, it's just that if they were given a choice, VOOM may be on the lower end of their list. There is nothing wrong with that, everyone has their right to their own taste. Just like those who support VOOM and are upset that it has been removed. I can understand why everyone is upset. However, I believe that the frustration and aggravation is caused by VOOM itself, not by DISH. Yes, DISH removed the channels, and yes, they removed them at midnight, and yes, they removed them just after adding some other HD channels, but, why? This is the question that should be focused on.

I have made a lot of post concerning the removal of VOOM, and for some reason I feel like I have had to defend DISH. I think some have taken it personal towards DISH, because they are the ones who removed the channels. I believe if everything was in the open, and if the timing of the removal was different, that people would have viewed everything alot differently.

I for one, hope more information will be made public during the ongoing court hearings.
+1 I wouldn't have had a problem with Voom , If my 5 Phone calls and 2 letters regarding their programming hadn't gone unanswered. Voom Was good. But not in the last 10 months. Its obvious majority of Dish Customers and Dish themselves felt the same way about Voom as I. Voom was a great Idea. But now its over. There's no one you can blaim but VOOM. E* should maybe giving some notice, but who really knows for sure what went down. It might not have been a choice. Cablevision still carries Voom ,If your in the NY area you can still get Voom.
And as far as the statement about "VOOM Haters" I don't think there are VOOM Haters that are posting in all of these forums... I think it is more along the lines of people who do not necessarily go out of their way to support VOOM.
If you asked most of them, I believe they would all agree, if they had the choice to keep VOOM without affecting the new HD that was added, and any potential New HD in the future, obviously most would support keeping VOOM. It's not that they Hate VOOM, it's just that if they were given a choice, VOOM may be on the lower end of their list. There is nothing wrong with that, everyone has their right to their own taste. Just like those who support VOOM and are upset that it has been removed. I can understand why everyone is upset.

Please review the "NEW HD" channels added and provide the following:
- percentage true HD content
- percentage HD versus SD
- percentage of new programming of anything versus repeats
- List channels that actually provide a suitable replacement for any Voom channel

Now if you compare those numbers to the numbers generated by doing the same to the Voom channels removed, you will see that the new channels are actually WORSE than what we had.

You really believe that people who post they would rather have 15 of the new garbage channels we were given versus 15 Voom channels are not Voom haters? Do a little introspection and review the feelings again for an honest appraisal.

Sure, there may be people who really didn't realize what they were missing because in truth, nobody has time to watch everything and they usually prefer their few favorites over all others. Those same people may also believe that Voom has been repeating the same shows since 2001 and had nothing worth watching without ever really looking.

Its very easy for people to dismiss the viewing preferences of others when they are not affected and that is what several are doing in this thread.

I have less than no use for MTV, VH1, GAC, CMT, Bravo, and several other channels. I don't call for their removal, I don't trash them as a general rule, nor would I applaud their demise out of respect for those who might want them. I call for some other posters to elevate themselves to the same level.
Sure, Dish can do whatever they want. But they have to expect some backlash when they remove 15 channels of 24/7 HD, and replace them with 2 channels of 24/7 HD, and 12 channels of 2/7 HD (on the average), plus one premium HD channel. Let's do the math:

24*7*15=2520 hours of HD with VOOM, per week.
2*7*12=168 hours of HD per week with Disney, ABC-Fam, CNBC, ...

Let's add in MGM and Smithsonian as 24/7 HD:

So, we have a net reduction in HD programming of 2520-504=2016 hours per week, or 80% fewer HD hours per week.

Sorry Dish, you're cutting back services by 80% to your best customers (HD Ultimate pack) in this trade-off, with no reduction in programming fees. You need to know that there's some anger and disappointment out here.

You're adding too much.. forgetting the duplication.. if you remove the dups it was more like 3-4 hours a day of HD.. :)
Please review the "NEW HD" channels added and provide the following:
- percentage true HD content
- percentage HD versus SD
- percentage of new programming of anything versus repeats
- List channels that actually provide a suitable replacement for any Voom channel

Now if you compare those numbers to the numbers generated by doing the same to the Voom channels removed, you will see that the new channels are actually WORSE than what we had.

You really believe that people who post they would rather have 15 of the new garbage channels we were given versus 15 Voom channels are not Voom haters? Do a little introspection and review the feelings again for an honest appraisal.

Sure, there may be people who really didn't realize what they were missing because in truth, nobody has time to watch everything and they usually prefer their few favorites over all others. Those same people may also believe that Voom has been repeating the same shows since 2001 and had nothing worth watching without ever really looking.

Its very easy for people to dismiss the viewing preferences of others when they are not affected and that is what several are doing in this thread.

I have less than no use for MTV, VH1, GAC, CMT, Bravo, and several other channels. I don't call for their removal, I don't trash them as a general rule, nor would I applaud their demise out of respect for those who might want them. I call for some other posters to elevate themselves to the same level.
Did Voom show the Nascar race in HD,What about any Major league Baseball/ Football. How about new premier movies in HD? How about new CSI,or Law in Order, Live Boxing, All Voom ever played was old movies and TV shows ,cartoons OVER AND OVER. I would rather watch Deadliest catch in HD for 1 hour then the entire Voom line up. There was Never anything on Voom! Just because its HD all the time doesn't make the same old boring movies and Shows any better. Whats on Voom that is exclusive? Repeated Old content. If you were lucky maybe 1 or 2 new CFL football games.
Voom wasn't bad for what it's worth.. it just wasn't worth the bandwidth it took up.. if voom

A) added more content per month
B) compressed their channels down to 5-7
C) was offered up like Sho/Hbo/Max/etc

I think it would have been better for everyone all around.. and I would gladly add them back to my line up if those efforts were met.. but until then I wouldn't ask for them back.. nor care if they were added back..
You're adding too much.. forgetting the duplication.. if you remove the dups it was more like 3-4 hours a day of HD.. :)
lol - Got a feeling you didn't watch much VOOM in the last few months. You might have a different take on repeats there. VOOM gets a bad rap for repeating a show several times a day, then going on to different shows the next day. Probably a habit they developed in their pre-DVR days. Discovery repeats a show several times a week. It's hard to find a day that doesn't have "Dirty Jobs" in it somewhere.
Did Voom show the Nascar race in HD,What about any Major league Baseball/ Football. How about new premier movies in HD? How about new CSI,or Law in Order, Live Boxing?

Please list the new channels just added that do this.

All Voom ever played was old movies and TV shows ,cartoons OVER AND OVER. I would rather watch Deadliest catch in HD for 1 hour then the entire Voom line up. There was Never anything on Voom.

Sounds just like the New and Improved HD channels given to us.
You're adding too much.. forgetting the duplication.. if you remove the dups it was more like 3-4 hours a day of HD.. :)

He's also forgetting to subtract the commercial time on the added channels, which is 4.8 hours per day per channel. I'm not saying the VOOM channels had no commercials, but they certainly had nowhere near 4.8 hours per day per channel. Edit: And the commercials that did appear on VOOM channels were related to VOOM or VOOM programming, not mighty putty, penis enlargement, weight loss, feminine products, etc...
Please list the new channels just added that do this.

Sounds just like the New and Improved HD channels given to us.
Locals ,USA,HBO,Cinemax,Showtime,Starz,Sci Fi,TNT,Travel HD, Disney HD, Look at your line up they all have new content in HD. Movies ,Sports, Name anything Voom Had that was remotely new. My point is these channels are what customers want in HD NOT VOOM.
Please review the "NEW HD" channels added and provide the following:
- percentage true HD content
- percentage HD versus SD
- percentage of new programming of anything versus repeats
- List channels that actually provide a suitable replacement for any Voom channel

Now if you compare those numbers to the numbers generated by doing the same to the Voom channels removed, you will see that the new channels are actually WORSE than what we had.

You really believe that people who post they would rather have 15 of the new garbage channels we were given versus 15 Voom channels are not Voom haters? Do a little introspection and review the feelings again for an honest appraisal.

Sure, there may be people who really didn't realize what they were missing because in truth, nobody has time to watch everything and they usually prefer their few favorites over all others. Those same people may also believe that Voom has been repeating the same shows since 2001 and had nothing worth watching without ever really looking.

Its very easy for people to dismiss the viewing preferences of others when they are not affected and that is what several are doing in this thread.

I have less than no use for MTV, VH1, GAC, CMT, Bravo, and several other channels. I don't call for their removal, I don't trash them as a general rule, nor would I applaud their demise out of respect for those who might want them. I call for some other posters to elevate themselves to the same level.

Again, I am not of the impression that the new HD channels are replacements for the VOOM channels. Why would we compare the channels? Do we always compare channels that added to DISH network? Just because these happened to be added in the same days that VOOM was removed does not mean they were meant to be replacement channels for VOOM.

Yes, I agree that VOOM had more true HD programming compared to alot of the current HD channels that DISH currently still has available to DISH. As well as alot that is avialable on DirecTV or any of the Cable Co.'s. But that does not mean that they are compelling enough for the average subscriber.

Again, I must say, that you are taking it personal that DISH removed VOOM, and you want to keep comparing it to the channels they added. It really doesn't appear that they added these channels because they removed VOOM. It seems like they would have removed VOOM whether they added those channels of not.

I do believe that most would still want to have 15 well known HD networks rather than VOOM. I do not need to reevalute my feelings, I was not lying to begin with. DISH obviously feels it is more important to have HD networks that the average subscriber (and potential new subs) are more familiar with, whether there is TRUE HD content on it or not. It's a business decision they had to make, not a personal decision. New subs are not going to recognize "Rave" or Ultra" but they will recognize "Spike" or Bravo". They are not going to compare in great detail the following:
- percentage true HD content
- percentage HD versus SD
- percentage of new programming of anything versus repeats
- List channels that actually provide a suitable replacement for any Voom channel.

DISH lost to DirecTV in new Subs and did it while they had VOOM. Now they are trying it without, the same as DirecTV has been doing it.
lol - Got a feeling you didn't watch much VOOM in the last few months. You might have a different take on repeats there. VOOM gets a bad rap for repeating a show several times a day, then going on to different shows the next day. Probably a habit they developed in their pre-DVR days. Discovery repeats a show several times a week. It's hard to find a day that doesn't have "Dirty Jobs" in it somewhere.

There must be a reason they have the bad rap though....

I can't tell you how many times I have viewed the Guide and it always showed the same episodes. Maybe we weren't watching the same VOOM channel.

When was VOOM on DISH when they didn't offer DVR's?
HD-DVD died in the format war. If you really believe you should invest in dead technology, I know somebody with a huge stock of 8-tracks that they'd be willing to part with.

Really? HD-DVD is dead? So, like, they're not releasing anything new on it, at all? But yet... you'd still find more new releases than on Voom...

That's saying something.
Locals ,USA,HBO,Cinemax,Showtime,Starz,Sci Fi,TNT,Travel HD, Disney HD, Look at your line up they all have new content in HD. Movies ,Sports, Name anything Voom Had that was remotely new.
I said in the NEW group of channels added just before Voom was removed. Disney and Travel are in the group that was just added and they do not have Nascar race in HD,any Major league Baseball/ Football new premier movies in HD, CSI, Law in Order, or Live Boxing. Go read the monthly updates Sean Mota provided and you will see MUCH new content added every month to the Voom channels - just not anything YOU liked so therefore it doesn't count. That's the attitude I was referring to. I got mine, sucks for you. Nice...
There must be a reason they have the bad rap though....

I can't tell you how many times I have viewed the Guide and it always showed the same episodes. Maybe we weren't watching the same VOOM channel.

When was VOOM on DISH when they didn't offer DVR's?

Jeff, I wasn't saying you were lying or a hater and I wasn't pointing at you - I was asking you to review other posters again and see if you want to rethink your position on how you perceive the way this is being addressed.
Really? HD-DVD is dead? So, like, they're not releasing anything new on it, at all? But yet... you'd still find more new releases than on Voom...

That's saying something.
You obviously did not read my post of links to the monthly updates Sean Mota used to put up.

Also: There is plenty of new content being released on HD-DVD. Just not in the US where HD viewers are now pwned by Sony.
Please reply by conversation.

CONGRATS ECHOSTAR! 922 wins best of CES award!

Just wanted to say THANKS.

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