VOOM Goes BOOM - update Dish Drops all 15 VOOM Channels

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Just what we want as a replacement for MONSTER HD- a channel with NO HD, COMMERCIALS, & EDITED MOVIES:mad:

Some people, (like myself), have the HD only package and do not get that option. Not sure it would make a difference though.
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Well my other half is very upset that the Gallery HD. One of the less popular channels but the one she watched non the less. With the dropping of the quality channels our subscription to Dish HD will probably go the way of the VOOM channels.
I have been following this thread, and usually don't post, but just read to keep informed. However, E*'s recent decisions have driven me to register and voice my opinion. For background purposes, I have been a dish customer for 11 years. I switched because the local cable became cost prohibitive and non-service oriented. I have been satisfied up until now with the business moves and technology that E* has offered (owned the first DVRs, 7100 and a 7200). I, like many of you, wrote first to customer service, then to the CEO's office, to express my frustrations at the removal of Voom. I did expect a form letter answer from customer service; however, the same form response from Charlie's office was NOT expected, and not consistent with the attention the customer's concerns that I have received in the past when I have escalated issues to that level.

From a serious Cinemaphile perspective, Film Fest and World Cinema(now Voom Movies) were irreplacable. I routinely watched for new offerings on both and recorded many on my 622 for later viewing/recording on DVD. The closest that SD has to offer is IFC and Sundance, both of which offer a healthy dose of American leftist propaganda along with their cutting edge cinema showings (which, along with nbc and cbs news, I find personally offensive). MGM has been interesting for the last week, but while the picture is HD, the sound is two channel PCM, which sounds significanlty different for anyone who has spent in excess of $3000 for a decent home theater amplifier with 5 or more channels of surround sound. And don't even get me started on MHD being a substitue for Rave; the fact that they HAMMER the consumer with commercials is insulting. And if MGM goes the way of Universal (which originally was commercial free, but now isn't) I will really feel bent over by E*.

As a free market capitalist, I understand business decisions. However, it's 80% easier to keep an old customer than to acquire a new one. Apparently, Charlie (who should know better) forgot about this on the way to the bank. I will give it some time, but am already researching options with Direct TV to leverage my best deal for a HD DVR and Programming.
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The closest that SD has to offer is IFC and Sundance, both of which offer a healthy dose of American leftist propaganda along with their cutting edge cinema showings (which, along with nbc and cbs news, I find personally offensive).

Cadon59, I totally agree with you here. The VOOM film channels offered quality world cinema without being preachy or bombarding us with puerile lefty propaganda, They didn't take us for political lambs or savant ignorants, and that's why they were at the top of my list.
Cadon59, I totally agree with you here. The VOOM film channels offered quality world cinema without being preachy or bombarding us with puerile lefty propaganda, They didn't take us for political lambs or savant ignorants, and that's why they were at the top of my list.
I have also been a dish customer a long time (NOV. 1996) and I also 150.00 plus dollars a month customer. This is about the most upset I have ever been with dish, taking VOOM away from us. VOOM done a very good job on every channel doing HD and 5.1 dd sound.

I think alot more people watched VOOM than what dish is trying to make everyone think.The VOOM movies were sure alot better than what I have saw on MGM so far. I also liked the way VOOM repeated the movies so if you missed it once you would get another chance to view or record it.

If D* wanted to really hurt E* they would latch on to VOOM now and get an exclusive and advertise them.

Charlie had better think about what he has done before its to late.

We want all 15 channels back, and you might even think about bringing back GUNSLINGERS HD.
After a week of not having Voom its beginning to sink in more and more each day how special these channels were. Unedited/commercial free can't be beat. I find little value in the channels added.
I'm more than happy - don't let a few fanatics put you off ... do your own research - do the math and do what is right for you in your own situation - anyone making blanket statements about any service provider is blowing smoke out of their butt as they have no idea what hardware you need and what programs you watch. Only YOU can make the decision to jump.

And the "making blanket statements" thing applies to people staying and going.

I'm tired of people implying that I'm an idiot for staying with E*, when I'm in a different situation than they are. I'm still getting the channels I want, and getting them for $25/month less than any deal D* has ever offered me. So, based on that, I'm staying, and it has nothing to do with my intelligence.
After a week of not having Voom its beginning to sink in more and more each day how special these channels were. Unedited/commercial free can't be beat. I find little value in the channels added.

I agree with you, everyday I miss Monsters more and more, this stinks.
I miss VOOM too. Yes, they often repeated shows, but they were 15 additional 24 hour a day HD channels that added more choice to the HD package of channels.

I was going to switch over to the HD Only package, but since VOOM was removed I feel it is not worth the switch.
After a week of not having Voom its beginning to sink in more and more each day how special these channels were. Unedited/commercial free can't be beat. I find little value in the channels added.

I couldn't agree more, I scanned thru the HD channels this morning @ 4:30 central time and found thirteen channels showing info-mercials. :mad:
Voom has found a new home.

Canal Digitaal ads VoomHD, JimJam : Broadband TV News

The Dutch DTH platform Canal Digitaal will add Voom HD and the kids channel JimJam to its line-up from June onwards. The operator will drop the Private Spice channel, it told its dealers in a mailing. With the addition of Voom HD, the line-up of HD on the platform will consist of Discovery HD, National Geographic HD, BravaHD and - from the summer - Nederland 1 HD.

Earlier, Canal Digitaal dropped the BBC Prime channel following the withdrawal of the channel from the CEE market by the BBC. The British broadcaster plans to introduce its new portfolio of digital channels, including BBC Entertainment, BBC Lifestyle and BBC Knowledge, in CEE.

Canal Digital used the signal from UPC Direct with simulcrypt technology. Many subscribers to the Dutch DTH package protested against the disappearance of Prime.

UPC Nederland has said it will start distributing Voom HD to its HD customers as part of the basic HD tier.
I wonder if this is good news meaning they are staying in business and possibly working a deal, or its bad news meaning they are not interested in Dish anymore.
I wonder if this is good news meaning they are staying in business and possibly working a deal, or its bad news meaning they are not interested in Dish anymore.

Honestly, I don't think it has anything to do with the Dish negotiations (if there are negotiations). Voom has always operated an international division, and since this pertains to a Dutch provider, I'm sure it's all being handled through a different division than the Dish stuff.

Obviously their plan is to stay in business, but, as I said, overseas they only provide 1 channel, so it's easy to keep programming fresh and exciting without spending a lot of money.
, but, as I said, overseas they only provide 1 channel, so it's easy to keep programming fresh and exciting without spending a lot of money.

I think it is more than one channel for sure. Just in Canada are like three. BSKY offers more than one. And there are other countries which they have combination of channels. Obviously, their international contract is quite different than the USA. I do not see them going out of business. They still have a strong international viewership.
I think it is more than one channel for sure. Just in Canada are like three. BSKY offers more than one. And there are other countries which they have combination of channels.

I was just going off of the Voom website where it says the following about their International Channels (I didn't know they launched a 2nd channel on Sky):

VOOM HD is a 24/7 linear high-definition channel, which is currently distributed in various countries in Europe and Asia and offers a general entertainment lineup of high-def programs produced around the world.

Its second global channel, Rush HD, recently launched in the UK and Ireland on BSkyB, one of the world's premiere platforms.
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CONGRATS ECHOSTAR! 922 wins best of CES award!

Just wanted to say THANKS.

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