VOOM Goes BOOM - update Dish Drops all 15 VOOM Channels

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HD is in it's infancy, it will get there, and we'll look back on Voom and say, "boy that sucked!"

Maybe not - advertising and the other obnoxious onscreen bugs/popups are getting worse. Someday, we will have to watch ads FIRST to even start a show and we will look back fondly and wish for those commercial free days of HD.

Case in point: AMC

Can't watch it, won't watch it now because of all the advertising. If you have to sell ads, put them all in between the movies, not every 7 minutes.
I agree that this is a disappointing and underhanded move by Charlie and company. I've upheld Dish as my provider of choice in good faith that they would live up to their word and become the HD leader they claimed to be for so long.

The move to add several new HD channels this week was a pleasant and large surprise!

The move to remove the VOOM HD channels this week was a negative non-surprise.

Just when I think E* is getting their act together and actually concerned about their customers' wants and their needs, they prove me wrong. I'm not privy to the details of exactly why VOOM won't continue on DishHD, but I don't need to be to know that removing them is a bad idea. VOOM was one of the few factors that separated E* from D*. There was content you couldn't get anywhere else. Now, there is no reason in my mind to refer people to E* over D* if the pricing is similar since they'll both be carrying the same HD channels. Especially with D* actually offering more HD channels currently.

E* needs to stop treading water and make some progress in the competition. D* has proven their worth and commitment over and over to acquiring more programming. E* is sitting back waiting to see who wins the race-- and you can't win by watching (no pun intended).

Very sad news indeed about VOOM. The saddest part is that I've almost come to expect such tomfoolery from the gang in Colorado.
Excessive repeats eh? Have you ever looked at the number of repeats on all of the channels? They are excessive as well. Even the newer shows like AX men and deadliest catch, chimpanzee eden, etc. Hell even the big networks rerun Depsperate housewives, Lost etc.

I think the main difference in the items you listed above and that of VOOM is that the shows listed above at least have new shows produced and are aired. Yes they are repeated heavily throughout the week, but they have new content produced.

Most of what VOOM had on all of its channels were not new content until very recently.

There is a BIG difference in repeating new shows during the week as a the new season is aired, rather than showing repeats of a show all the season that was produced months or years ago. Unless it is the intention of the niche channel to show old repeats. It doesn't sound like that was the original intention of VOOM.
Most of what VOOM had on all of its channels were not new content until very recently.

I think you are wrong. The problem with the new content started back in 11/07. Before 11/07 Voom had added new content like it did in the days of the Voom DBS. Something happened in 11/07 and all the new content went down the drain until 3/08. In 3/08 the new content started again. Take a look at all the press releases in the hd programming forum.
The only thing I can say about this move is this may be the single worst business decission since CocaCola introduced "New Coke"

This week at Team Summit is going to be VERY interesting.
The only thing I can say about this move is this may be the single worst business decission since CocaCola introduced "New Coke"

This week at Team Summit is going to be VERY interesting.

Scott, the way the decision was implemented was a poor, but can you really say that parting ways with VOOM, in its current state, is that bad of a "business" decision?
well CocaCola reversed its decision and called it "Classic" and it was one of the best marketing decision they ever made. Maybe Charlie will put them back and call it "Voom Classic" :)

I think it is going to be interested what happens from now on. I think we only have seen round one. More rounds to come.
Complain to Dish, Support VOOM

If like me you valued the dropped VOOM channels you can write to DISH at:

Charles Ergen, President
Eric Sahl, Senior Vice President of Programming
Jessica Insalaco, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer
Dish Network
Main Office
6901 South Meridien
Englewood, CO 80122

Snail Mail is far more effective than email.

You can also send messages of support to VOOM at:
Greg Moyer, General Manager
VOOM HD Networks
11 Penn Plaza
New York, NY 10001

Not that this will make any difference but Dish should know you're pissed and VOOM would appreciate the condolence message I'm sure. The dead VOOM channels obviously weren't for everyone but for those who watched they were a welcome oasis in the vast wasteland.

I just ordered DirectTV so I can at least get Ovation to replace Gallery. It will cost me about $40 a month less than Dish for almost the same package. What is Dish thinking? As one analyst said today, they are between a rock and a hard place. The add of 22 then secret drop of 10 was a tacky ploy to have some good news for their otherwise dreadful quarterly report today (only 35k new subscribers). They had 95 channels too like DirectTv, except for only about 24 hours. They must be desperate.

Culture Vulture
If like me you valued the dropped VOOM channels you can write to DISH at:

Charles Ergen, President
Eric Sahl, Senior Vice President of Programming
Jessica Insalaco, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer
Dish Network
Main Office
6901 South Meridien
Englewood, CO 80122

Snail Mail is far more effective than email.

You can also send messages of support to VOOM at:
Greg Moyer, General Manager
VOOM HD Networks
11 Penn Plaza
New York, NY 10001

Not that this will make any difference but Dish should know you're pissed and VOOM would appreciate the condolence message I'm sure. The dead VOOM channels obviously weren't for everyone but for those who watched they were a welcome oasis in the vast wasteland.

I just ordered DirectTV so I can at least get Ovation to replace Gallery. It will cost me about $40 a month less than Dish for almost the same package. What is Dish thinking? As one analyst said today, they are between a rock and a hard place. The add of 22 then secret drop of 10 was a tacky ploy to have some good news for their otherwise dreadful quarterly report today (only 35k new subscribers). They had 95 channels too like DirectTv, except for only about 24 hours. They must be desperate.

Culture Vulture

I hope their stock crashes and burns. I can't believe I actually used to own 12,000 shares of this POS company. Sleazy is the only word I can think of.
The only thing I can say about this move is this may be the single worst business decission since CocaCola introduced "New Coke"

This week at Team Summit is going to be VERY interesting.

This is wrong on so many counts. First as a retailers I would be far happier to offer 15 channels that potential customers have heard of, even if they do not have real HD. It is not like a potential sub can go to DIRECTV and get TBS without distortion.

Second, if they do bring back part of VOOM, I bet the channels will be much improved. No way Dish will bring back the channels without major changes, and I bet that they will also get the current 5 changed or they will be dropped. This is probably a strong negotiating tactic. If VOOM lives through it they will probably have 5 or so channels packed with content. This was a signal from Dish that Dish wants 5 worthwile channels and CVC better deliever or they get the axe.

Third CVC will boot VOOM fast if Dish drops them. CVC is not going to burn through cash producing 15 channels no one has heard of just for their cable subs. They are in business to make money, VOOM is on life support right now, they either give it the needed shock or pull the plug.

Fourth New Coke was the most successful thing Coke ever did. It created such a demand for Coke Classic that it more than paid for the New Coke experiment. Plus it reduced the cost since they were able to switch Coke to corn syrup from cane sugar, and not many noticed. It has made the margin on Coke much better.
Dooshbagery. This is complete and unadulterated DOOSHBAGERY on the part of Dish Network.

Thanks Dish Network. I'm ordering my "Future DirectTV Subscriber" T-Shirt today.
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The only thing I can say about this move is this may be the single worst business decission since CocaCola introduced "New Coke"

This week at Team Summit is going to be VERY interesting.

I also disagree. I think this was a sound business decision and maybe a game of leverage. Scott, were you referring to the fact they dropped the channels OR the way they dropped the channels? I guess I don't have a problem with either. Team Summit will be interesting. Now, let's get some more HD:D
The only thing I can say about this move is this may be the single worst business decission since CocaCola introduced "New Coke"

This week at Team Summit is going to be VERY interesting.

Be sure to tell Charlie I will be warning EVERY new subscriber I encounter about subscribing to Dish Network from here on out. Word of mouth marketing, the most powerful form of advertising around. I wouldn't want anyone else to feel as angry and frustrated as I feel right now.
Before E* started adding more national HD channels a few weeks ago IIRC there were a number of posts here about how they could drop 10 V* channels to make room for adding more mainstream channels. Maybe E*'s just doing what members here said they wanted?
Before E* started adding more national HD channels a few weeks ago IIRC there were a number of posts here about how they could drop 10 V* channels to make room for adding more mainstream channels. Maybe E*'s just doing what members here said they wanted?

How much do you want to bet those who favor such plan way out-numbered those that are whining here today?

Look no company makes a big move like this without assessment, they either do so by necessity, or by careful planning. In this case it obviously is the earlier, for their own survival.
No wonder the phone lines had problems last night, they knew that there was activity here at Sat Guys about GHR on Multichannel and the mention of Voom being taken away.
Didn't want a live question.
Look no company makes a big move like this without assessment, they either do so by necessity, or by careful planning. In this case it obviously is the earlier, for their own survival.

Is it whining? Okay, sure. Whining. Feels more like anger, but whatever. Also, no CUSTOMER makes a big move without assessment, they either do so by necessity, or by careful planning. In my case it is going to be both when my contract runs out. Why would I stay? A better receiver? I'm pretty sure that edge won't last forever, and then there will be absolutely no reason to stay.

15 freaking channels? And people aren't supposed to be angry???
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CONGRATS ECHOSTAR! 922 wins best of CES award!

Just wanted to say THANKS.

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