VOOM Goes BOOM - update Dish Drops all 15 VOOM Channels

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Arts programming takes another loss with the disappearance of Voom's GALLERY channel. This is the only Dish channel to regularly telecast BBC operas in High Def. "Discovery HD Theater" used to telecast BBC operas - now they don't broadcast any "theater" events at all. Surely there is a market for live theater and concerts.

Certainly Dish would not be so foolish as to eliminate HDNet - but then again they might since they snuffed VOOM.

Are all those Dish HiDef sports channels really being used all the time?
So were you excited to watch someone play Hitman 2 on the original XBOX or is it the Blizzcon 2006 Festival or maybe the 2005 Madden challenge? That channel had ZERO new content. You're better off going to gametrailers.com and watching NEW content.
Personally, I find it quite funny that someone would bash someone else for "Watching OTHER people play OLD games". Instead, "You should be watching OTHER people play NEW games!"

But despite the ridiculousness of this gameplaying content in the first place - from an older person like my perspective - I agree with the OP. Dish should not just silently delete channels. Somebody watches them. I'm sure there are things that I watch that others might call me crazy for. Dish should at least announce things, and if the customer is vocal enough, Dish should allow them to leave without penalty if something they subscribed for is suddenly deleted.
Missed WGN

Now that they are gone what is out there to replace them?

BBC America HD
Comedy Central HD
Lifetime Movie Network HD
Spike TV HD
Fuel TV HD
Speed HD
HBO Comedy HD
HBO Family HD
Showtime West HD
Starz Comedy HD
Starze Edge HD
Starz Kidz and Family HD

Pick any ten, I would suggest starting with the premiums first since VOOM was most akin to that type of programming. Then what? I always hear Spike, Speed, FX, BBC, Chiller (when it goes active to replace Monster), Nick (for the kids). That pretty much would replace all ten VOOM channels. Problem is FX and Speed won't happen anytime soon, we know that already. But you could come close. And I would guess the costs would be a wash pretty much. Maybe not.

The other possibility is this is a ploy by Charlie to get VOOM back in line and let him tier them with no fight. Then he gets them back, gets to split them up in the tiers and everyone gets the channels back. And he probably gets a new contract with them to cost him less money and forces them to spend more on programming.

You missed WGN
I'll bet the number of customers dropping from Ultimate to Essentials over the last few months were quite high. Thus aiding this decision to drop Voom.
VOOM taking up limited bandwidth has been a drag for DISH, it was clear VOOM could not save the day for DISH even if they add more content. DirecTV has been eating them live for awhile, the only way to respond is to add those new HDs, including the premium HDs.

I agree the first replacement will be the premium HDs, no new agreeement needed just uplink and light them up, and money will begin to come in as more people see the reason to spend $12-$14/mo. for those packages.

Its business my friend, like it or not. VOOM served its purpose when DISH bought the Rainbow satellite for cheap, now VOOM is doomed the second time.
I wasn't the biggest fan of VOOM, but the point is I've spent 1800.00 on a TV to watch what; HD TV (whether lite or not)!!!!! Not some 4:3 SD BULL****! VOOM (and a FEW others, maybe) gave me a reason to stare at my TV. Yeah, they repeated some stuff, sometimes quite often, but damn guys, how long do you watch TV everyday? Get up, get out and get something..Jeez. Some of the new channels are cool, though. But how in the hell can they brag about HD channels when they're not even HD? I'm starting to think I should've waited on the new TV until like, 2010..maybe by then at least 25% of programming will be in true HD..
:confused: Addendum: This schiesty move by Dish isn't anything new. Ever heard of Dishn' it up? After I upgraded to HD with them the installer came out put up 2 dishes (later another installer said he was an idiot for not putting up a 1000 in the first place- which I now have), gave me a pink slip to sign for the install, I signed and lo-and-behold when I tried shortly after to leave Dish, I was informed I "agreed" to a NEW 2 year agreement. Lying M-F-C-s-A******-P-O-S Dish.. IF I only had an extra 275.00 or so to blow, I'd leave Dish in the dust. Not b/c of VOOM but b/c they're so underhanded. Where I come from you get knocked out for s*** like that. Yeah, the last part could've been put on another thread but it DOES tie in to the slimy move made by Dish today that everyone's complaining about..SUE ME.
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22 New HD Channels With No HD Content

I was so excited to view my new HD channels, then I found almost zero true HD progams. I would rather VOOM repeats in true HD than a SD channel renamed HD with no HD content. It's all BS!

That's right VOOM is commercial free, Charlie can't sell ads. I have kids and loved the Family Room Channel, my kids loved Thunderbirds.
I wasn't the biggest fan of VOOM, but the point is I've spent 1800.00 on a TV to watch what; HD TV (whether lite or not)!!!!! Not some 4:3 SD BULL****!

And don't forget all that wonderful new stretch-o-vision too. Oh, and the cool "HD" on WFN that's pllarboxed AND letterboxed.
"...Where I come from you get knocked out for..."

Glad I'm not from there.

VOOM failed to hold up their end of the contract. Excessive repeats were destroying a great concept. They stopped investing in the product and have recently given every indication that they didn't expect to be around much longer (EPG errors). They could have been great, commercial free and all. It just didn't happen. Time to move on to other HD channels with a future. These "fake" HD channels are at least a start, and will no doubt get more and more genuine HD programming.
VOOM failed to hold up their end of the contract. Excessive repeats were destroying a great concept. .
Excessive repeats eh? Have you ever looked at the number of repeats on all of the channels? They are excessive as well. Even the newer shows like AX men and deadliest catch, chimpanzee eden, etc. Hell even the big networks rerun Depsperate housewives, Lost etc. Geez how many times have you seen some of the junk on discovery theater?. I do not think Vooms mistake was the amount of new material but rather an excessive number of channels. I have said this since Voom was first created.
When I first got a HD set, yeah Voom was cool, well, four or five of them were. I'd watch any HD for the sake of watching HD. But now, over a year later, the novelty has worn off and I'm back to the importance of content, HD or not. Just because it was HD, did not make watching artists on Rave I don't care for sound any better. Even though it was HD, I had still seen some horror movies (the few times good ones would come on) a thousand times, and was just a bored. Patience is a virtue little of this society can claim. But that's what its gona take. HD is in it's infancy, it will get there, and we'll look back on Voom and say, "boy that sucked!"
5-Star Max HD is not showing any movies in HD. The title of this thread should be changed to Dish Sucks.

I can afford to switch. I like many things about Dish. I will consider adding Directv depending on how this plays out. F#%! Dish.

After cooling off I will not get Directv because Dish is better. It is inevitable, in any sort of business if something does not sell, guess what? they cannot continue. Voom was conceived for people with refined tastes, not for the real world. Thank you for letting me express my feelings. I had grown attached to Voom. There are many good things about Dish.
HD is in it's infancy, it will get there, and we'll look back on Voom and say, "boy that sucked!"
That is true but at the same time if I wanted to watch SD TV, I'd have stuck with my 32"Trinitron. I didn't buy a HD set to watch SDTV. Why did everyone buy an HDTV, then, if it's ALL about content?? Sh**, in that case, let's all go back to black and white. :eek:I didn't say I'd watch paint dry in HD, but if I have a choice I'd rather watch it dry in HD than SD, for sure. I don't watch TV 24hrs a day so the repeats don't (or didn't, I should say) bother me. It's the fact that I bought an HDTV for HDTV content and that's what VOOM gave me whether I watched ALL the channels (I didn't) or not.
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CONGRATS ECHOSTAR! 922 wins best of CES award!

Just wanted to say THANKS.

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