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I think the same thing I always think, Spatch...

"NO! You aren't a hate-mongering anti-voom Troll. You're just a guy with an opinion like everyone else":rolleyes:

Never mind the fact that you either can't stand to let a single Voom discussion go by without launching your senseless invectives, or are even willing bring a dead thread back to life just to do that...

Very strange behavior indeed...did someone from Voom's management team sleep with someone dear to you? OR run over the family dog or something? :confused:
I think the same thing I always think, Spatch...

"NO! You aren't a hate-mongering anti-voom Troll. You're just a guy with an opinion like everyone else":rolleyes:

Never mind the fact that you either can't stand to let a single Voom discussion go by without launching your senseless invectives, or are even willing bring a dead thread back to life just to do that...

Very strange behavior indeed...did someone from Voom's management team sleep with someone dear to you? OR run over the family dog or something? :confused:
Vampz, I understand he gets to you, but dont you think that last part was a little over the line?
Wow I will have to take him off ignore. I didn't realize the Troll had so much against me. Funny thing is I remember reading posts months ago in the warzone where he whinned about people attaching him.
I think his being over the top is just plain funny so no I think it is just fine.

Maybe, but the post Spatch put up was pretty funny also, and didnt attack anyone. I simply didnt think it deserved that, but hey, to each his own.
Whatever...nice personal attack...

At the end of the day, at least I'm willing to put myself out there as something more than just another fanboy-troll frequenting the E* forum everytime there is a Tivo thread...

Maybe he read his own comments. Just replace Tivo with Voom

Hey...no personal attack necessary...

Nice personal attack there, Sco.

You are not helping your case any, you problem is entirely personal here and you are doing little to redeem yourself. The fact that you've made it so personal can only be an indication of one thing...

...you've already lost a long time ago. :D

My only child is my daughter...that's not a very nice thing to say...she's fine just the way she is. :(

In this one he complains that someone has something bad to say about E*. Maybe you should support Dish in the Dish forum and let Voom go.

I'm an E* sub in an E* forum....

You're an E* hater in an E* forum...

'nuff said. We definitely do know who the troll is...no insult, just the truth. Lost?

Go with God, Curtis....
Vampz, I understand he gets to you, but dont you think that last part was a little over the line?

Nope...completely justified with every post he makes... ;)

The guy has a personal problem...don't know what it is, but its obvious and I'm just pointing that out...thats all...most of us, including myself ARE trying to have a DECENT conversation...but he can't help himself but to troll it and attempt to disrupt it...

Go with God, Spatch...

PS: Quoting out of Context is another well documented fallacy that discredits the arguer...Good one Spatch...add it to your list of offenses... :p For the record, I have nothing against you but your continuous disruption of decent conversation, thats all. I also believe thats what everyone else has against you as well...
The warzone here gets far worse than that sometimes...lets not patronize ourselves...at least those guys have a sense of humor when their provider is critiqued...here people track you down from thread to thread if you dare speak out against thier great provider...

Thats nothing... :D
laugh it off...

hmm I hope you don't think this is out of context. I dared to speak out against voom.
Nope...completely justified with every post he makes... ;)

The guy has a personal problem...don't know what it is, but its obvious and I'm just pointing that out...thats all...most of us, including myself ARE trying to have a DECENT conversation...but he can't help himself but to troll it and attempt to disrupt it...

Go with God, Spatch...

PS: Quoting out of Context is another well documented fallacy that discredits the arguer...Good one Spatch...add it to your list of offenses... :p For the record, I have nothing against you but your continuous disruption of decent conversation, thats all. I also believe thats what everyone else has against you as well...
He has a point Vampz. No need to make personal attacks, warranted in your mind or not. Again that is just my take on the past post, and this one too for that matter. I guess you can post what you want, but I dont see the upside of it at all, anymore than you do of his posts.
hey..looking back, I can readily admit that my attempt at humor was a bit more off-color than not. but seriously, the constant hate-mongering and thread trolling bit here is literally getting more old and stale than the voom content he's constantly bashing. I mean, spatch hates voom, we get it. now can the rest of us carry on our conversation in peace? the negativity in his posts is stifling...
hey..looking back, I can readily admit that my attempt at humor was a bit more off-color than not. but seriously, the constant hate-mongering and thread trolling bit here is literally getting more old and stale than the voom content he's constantly bashing. I mean, spatch hates voom, we get it. now can the rest of us carry on our conversation in peace? the negativity in his posts is stifling...

His avatar speaks on his hatred towards voom. maybe it's best to ignore. eventually he'll get tired of the teasing. ;)
His avatar speaks on his hatred towards voom. maybe it's best to ignore. eventually he'll get tired of the teasing. ;)

Your avatar shows your hatred of the Dolphins. Should I be angry and ask if someone from the Dolphins slept with someone in your family or killed your dog?

Vampz lives for conflict. He just can't take his own advice.
Your avatar shows your hatred of the Dolphins. Should I be angry and ask if someone from the Dolphins slept with someone in your family or killed your dog?

Vampz lives for conflict. He just can't take his own advice.

your eyes deceive you :D the ax has the dolphin logo that is aiming at the AFC east Division symbolizing what they did to the division this year . take a closer look.
hey..looking back, I can readily admit that my attempt at humor was a bit more off-color than not. but seriously, the constant hate-mongering and thread trolling bit here is literally getting more old and stale than the voom content he's constantly bashing. I mean, spatch hates voom, we get it. now can the rest of us carry on our conversation in peace? the negativity in his posts is stifling...

Your conversation about what?
We get the fact that you miss Voom. It no longer exists the only thing to talk about is the pending court case. What conversation were you having that I interrupted? If you don't like it then ignore me, like I did to you. Unfortunately, someone quoted you being an a-hole.
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you know, i'm not in the mood to bicker. let's give spatch the floor and the benifit of the doubt that goes with that. so, please spatch. do share your position open, honestly, and fairly so that we may better understand you and thus be less annoyed by you:

1) why do you hate voom SO much as to feel the need to publish your bitter invectives in virtually every conversation on the topic (and some not)?

2) why on earth would u call me an a-hole? I only posted my opinion?

like I said, no bickering...but please, do share.

this sums up your view on voom

Thats because its not just a TV provider to these people. Its like a religious cult, fed by mental illness...

Blind faith fed them for years, and now any little thing that indicates that blind faith might not be justified gets met with violent reactions.

Like those poor souls who who live in their own head, happy as a lark, and then get violent when exposed to anything outside of thier own little world that threatens the delicate beliefs they need to hold dear...

If this thread served any purpose, thats been to expose them for what they are....
2) why on earth would u call me an a-hole? I only posted my opinion?

like I said, no bickering...but please, do share.


Because of your actions. I can post pages of quotes of you crying about people making personal attacks on you because your opinion was different than theirs.
Funny how you don't live by the words you write.

Maybe you are the one upset because you think I slept with someone dear to you or ran over your dog.

If saying that is just an opinion then me calling you an A-hole is my opinion. So don't be up set over my opinion that you are an A-hole. Even if it differs from yours.
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CONGRATS ECHOSTAR! 922 wins best of CES award!

Just wanted to say THANKS.

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