VOOM Goes BOOM - update Dish Drops all 15 VOOM Channels

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Three weeks ago, most of you guys were complaining about not having Battlestar Gallatica in HD, now your complaining about Voom cutbacks. Give me a break you bunch of whining ninnies.

Here, here! +1
If I were Rainbow Media, I would pull the other VOOM channels from Dish Network as well as AMC, IFC, and WE...and I bet the folks at Lifetime Television would be more than happy to yank Lifetime, Lifetime Movie Network, and Lifetime Real Women.

After a dismal 1st Quarter in which E* may have actually lost customers, perhaps everyone who is unhappy about the VOOM situation should call to disconnect their service. To be honest, without VOOM in the lineup DirecTV, FiOS, and perhaps some local cable companies now offer more bang for the buck than Dish Network.

Wouldn't it be funny if the 10 missing VOOM channels popped up on DirecTV later this week.:up

Thanks a lot Cheese**** Charlie!:rolleyes:
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I hear that.

Why the &^%@# must they toy with our emotions? I've been looking forward to GameplayHD (I know, no one agrees with me) for two months, and now that my new TV is within 200 miles of my house, pffft, out the window.

I have been maintaining my own chart of DirecTV vs Dish (ignoring all the RSNs), and I was soooo excited this morning that Dish finally pulled ahead of Dish in HD content by 6 channels or so. Now, of course, Dish is back down under DirecTV by two channels. If your counts don't match mine, that's not the point. The point is that Dish can't even seem to get a good day right.

Today, they killed all the individual character that was Dish. Time to reevaluate (for the first time in two months) if DirecTV might not be a better choice.


So were you excited to watch someone play Hitman 2 on the original XBOX or is it the Blizzcon 2006 Festival or maybe the 2005 Madden challenge? That channel had ZERO new content. You're better off going to gametrailers.com and watching NEW content.
While Dish has not commented, it's possible that the satcaster needed to drop the Voom channels to make room for the 20 new high-def channels. Dish had planned to lease space on a new satellite launched this spring to expand its high-def capacity, but the satellite has been declared a failure because it failed to reach its proper orbit.

Swanni is such an idiot. The 20 new channels were already up there before they "removed" the voom channels. The voom channels are still there, just not available to subscribers.
If I were Rainbow Media, I would pull the other VOOM channels from Dish Network as well as AMC, IFC, and WE...and I bet the folks at Lifetime Television would be more than happy to yank Lifetime, Lifetime Movie Network, and Lifetime Real Women.

After a dismal 1st Quarter in which E* may have actually lost customers, perhaps everyone who is unhappy about the VOOM situation should call to disconnect their service. To be honest, without VOOM in the lineup DirecTV, FiOS, and perhaps some local cable companies now offer more bang for the buck than Dish Network.

Thanks a lot Cheesedick Charlie!:rolleyes:


Yeah, if Voom goes bye, Dish loses any leverage it had against the competition.
If I were Rainbow Media, I would pull the other VOOM channels from Dish Network as well as AMC, IFC, and WE...and I bet the folks at Lifetime Television would be more than happy to yank Lifetime, Lifetime Movie Network, and Lifetime Real Women.

After a dismal 1st Quarter in which E* may have actually lost customers, perhaps everyone who is unhappy about the VOOM situation should call to disconnect their service. To be honest, without VOOM in the lineup DirecTV, FiOS, and perhaps some local cable companies now offer more bang for the buck than Dish Network.

Wouldn't it be funny if the 10 missing VOOM channels popped up on DirecTV later this week.:up

Thanks a lot Cheesedick Charlie!:rolleyes:

The only thing I can think of is that they have been monitoring the usage of the voom channels for awhile, and decided that the few viewers that actually watched them were expendable, if they decided to quit over voom.

I dont have any proof that they have been doing this, but it would be quite easy to put something in the firmware of the ViP receivers to do so, and beam the results back with the nightly phone home.

Removing channels without a PR or a warning is BAD BUSINESS in my opinion.
Give me a break........

Nobody cares...
If all those added national HD channels actually had substantial HD content, I wouldn't care about Voom either. However, the truth of the matter that the vast majority of so-called HD channels on any provider have only minimal or some actual HD content. Aside from the Voom channels, there are only a handful of national HD channels that carry HD 24/7 (HDNet, HDNet Movies, UHD, MGM HD, etc.)
To me, it's obvious that Dish didn't remove these 10 Vooms to make room for the new HD channels. They had all the Vooms plus the new HD channels running at the same time for 7 hours last night. Seems to me, they would have had to remove the Vooms first, then add the new channels, if it was a space/bandwidth issue.

This strikes me as a hardball scare tactic (as others have said). Either Dish is telling Voom to uphold their end of the contract by spending the required amount of money on programming all 15 channels, or they're telling Voom to consolidate their channels to five, and Dish has taken the first step in taking down 10 of the channels. If Voom were smart (not sure how smart they are :) ), they'd consolidate their programming into the remaining five channels and create five potentially kick-ass channels.
I've read them. But in the big picture there won't be enough people effected to matter. These irreplacable channels are going to be replaced by MTV, VH1, Nick and Spike in short order, and by Fox News and SpeedHD eventually.

Winds of change. I expect HDNet to suffer a similar fate.

I DO NOT expect HDNET to suffer the same fate. Unlike VOOM, HDNET is producing original programming and keeping it fresh. It would be a HUGE mistake in my opinion if they start to mess with HDNET. I highly doubt it, as they wouldn't have given it a mapdown.
As much as anyone in here may like Voom channels I don't think it will hurt E* if they lost them.

Especially if they turn around and add the other remaining National HD channels. In my opinion, I believe they will be adding those pretty soon.

*I have nothing to base this on, of course.
I guess I'm partially to blame for this! I never watched these channels....ever! However, I do watch Rave and Equator quite often. Obviously, I will not miss those channels. I would like to see Dish replace those channels with HD feeds of premium channels(HBO, Starz, etc.) I don't currently Sub to any of them, but I might consider them if they offered more then one HD channel.
I guess I'm partially to blame for this! I never watched these channels....ever! However, I do watch Rave and Equator quite often. Obviously, I will not miss those channels. I would like to see Dish replace those channels with HD feeds of premium channels(HBO, Starz, etc.) I don't currently Sub to any of them, but I might consider them if they offered more then one HD channel.
Cinemax has 3 now,and you can get it for a low as a penny.;)

Yeah, if Voom goes bye, Dish loses any leverage it had against the competition.
Put down those E* pom-poms. Fact: While DirecTV continues to add new customers (275,000 during 1st quarter) and control churn, Dish Network is getting ready to post their first ever net subscriber loss. Likewise, Verizon FiOS is on their way to adding 1.2 million TV subscribers during 2008. While many of Verizon's customers are coming from cable, a fair number are coming from Dish Network...yet, very few are coming from DirecTV.

A VOOM-less and continued HD-less (aka DishHD-Lite) cannot bode well for Dish Network churn.;)
The only thing I can think of is that they have been monitoring the usage of the voom channels for awhile, and decided that the few viewers that actually watched them were expendable, if they decided to quit over voom.

I dont have any proof that they have been doing this, but it would be quite easy to put something in the firmware of the ViP receivers to do so, and beam the results back with the nightly phone home.

Removing channels without a PR or a warning is BAD BUSINESS in my opinion.

Yes Dish does do this. They have admitted it in the past. Search for Google and Dish Network and you can see that they actually monitor and can tell advertisers how many people actually seen their ad on Dish Network.

Big Brother is definately watching.
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CONGRATS ECHOSTAR! 922 wins best of CES award!

Just wanted to say THANKS.
